From: Karyn [] Sent: Friday, 24 September 2004 4:00 a.m. To: Clark Thomborson Subject: NZCS: WFIA - Will My Mobile Solution Work? - 6 Oct 2004 NZCS: WFIA - Will My Mobile Solution Work? Date: 6 October 2004 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM Venue: Main Dining Room Auckland Club 34 Shortland Street Auckland Details: NZCS: World Famous in Auckland presents: Deane Johns and Nigel Bonser Will My Mobile Solution Work?? We’ve all seen the graphs and hype about wireless being the next major innovation to hit the ICT community. So what is the reality? Siemens Energy Services, a division of Siemens New Zealand, has deployed a mobile solution into the field to manage the faults service to their customers and ultimately the power user in the home/office. Deane Johns from Siemens will discuss the business drivers that suggested a mobile delivery, the business benefit anticipated, the rollout and issues that were and, in some cases, still are being faced. Eighteen months on, what really happened? Nigel Bonser from Vector Networks will provide additional feedback on the project and some further advances in mobile technology. About the Speakers: Deane Johns is currently the Corporate IT Manager at Siemens New Zealand, responsible for all ICT and Information Services. He has worked in the utility industry now for three years, previously working for a major insurance company as Development Manager. He is an active member of the NZ Computer Society and is the Auckland Branch Treasurer. Nigel Bonser is the Corporate IT Manager at Vector Limited, responsible for all corporate computing needs at Vector as well as some outsourced services to their strategic partners. He has been associated with Vector since 1988. With 20+ years in the ICT industry, Nigel’s experience includes a variety of roles in the Utility, Banking, Local Government and Health industries. Registration Details: NZCS members and non members welcome. Please note, as of July 05 2004, we have introduced a 10% administration fee on all invoices issued. If you require an invoice please email your registration to and we will arrange for this to be sent to you. In your email please include: - Name, email address and company name of attendees - Name, email address and postal address of whom to send the invoice to If you have any queries on this, please call National Office on 0800 252 255. Price: Student Member $25.00 incl GST Member $35.00 incl GST Staff of Corporate Partner $35.00 incl GST Non Member $45.00 incl GST