Software Security
CompSci 725 S1C 03
Version of 17 March 2003
- Week 1 (3 - 7 March). Introduction to Software Security.
- Week 2 (10 - 14 March). Select papers and dates for student oral
presentations. Select class representative.
- Week 3 (17 - 21 March). How to prepare an oral presentation for this
class. Term paper and project requirements. Patent, copyright,
- Week 4 (24 - 28 March). Tutorials: students #1 through #10 must
present their first draft, at least one week before their scheduled
presentation date. Lectures: how to write a title, synopsis and
abstract; direct quotation, paraphrase, plagiarism..
- Week 5 (31 March - 4 April). Student oral presentations
#1 through #10, in numerical order. Each presentation will be 6 - 10 minutes in length, with a
discussion period. Tutorials: draft oral presentations #11 through #21.
- Week 6 (7 - 11 April).
Student oral presentations #11 through #21. Assignment 1
due on Friday, for term paper: first draft of title, synopsis, and references. For
term project: first draft of title, goal statement, resources required
(software & hardware), and proposed methodology. No tutorials.
Week 7 (28 - 2 May). Lectures: a step-by-step method for writing a report;
choices of form; how to write a definition; sample final exam (an ungraded
midterm test). Tutorials: draft oral presentations #22 through #30.
- Weeks 8
(5 May - 9 May). Student oral presentations #22 through #30. Tutorials:
draft oral presentations #31 through #38. Assignment 2 due on
Friday: your title and abstract,
for publication on class website; and a detailed outline of your term paper or
project report.
- Week 9 (12 May - 16 May). Student oral presentations #31 through
#38. Tutorials: draft oral presentations #39 through #46.
(If/when gaps appear in the schedule, lecturers will discuss basic techniques
in software security: cryptography, watermarking, obfuscation.)
- Week 10 (19 May - 23 May). Student oral presentations #39 through
#46. Tutorials: draft oral presentations #47 through #54.
- Week 11 (26 May - 30 May). Student oral presentations #47 through
#54. No tutorials.
- Week 12 (2 Jun - 6 Jun). Available for "schedule slippage" or guest
lectures. No tutorials.
- Final examination: 2:15 - 4:30pm, Friday 27 June. (The location will
be published on nDeva and in written notices on campus, on the day of the