Software Security

CompSci 725 S1C 03


Handout 6: Protocol for Paper Selection

13 March 2003


After first round,

Category 0: no one assigned to this paper.

Category 1. 1 student is assigned to this paper (initially empty).

Category 2: 2 students assigned to this paper.

Category 3: 3 students assigned to this paper.


Type 0: student is not assigned to any paper.

Type 1. student is assigned to category 1 paper (initially empty).

Type 2. student is assigned to category 2 papers.

Type 3. student is assigned to category 3 paper.


Round 2 is described below. After round 2 and each subsequent round,


For each student, in assigned order, starting with student #1


If (student(x) = = type 0) student may do anyone of the following:

1.        If fewer than 20 papers are selected (category > 0) student(x) may select paper in category 0.

2.        Student(x) may select paper in category 1.

3.        Student(x) may select paper in category 2.

4.        Student(x) may select paper in category 3 if able to find student(y) in category 3 willing to move to category 2 or 3 for different paper [student(y) can move to category 1 if less than 20 papers].


If (student(x) = = type 1) student may do any one of the following:

1.        Student may do nothing.

2.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 1.

3.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 2.

4.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 3, if able to find student(y) in category 3 willing to move to category 2

or 3 for different paper. [Student(y) can move to category 1 if less than 20 papers].


If (student(x) = = type 2) student may do any one of the following:

1.        Student may do nothing.

2.        If fewer than 20 papers are selected student(x) may select paper in category 0.

3.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 1.

4.        Student(x) may select different paper in category 2.

5.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 3, if able to find student(y) in category 3 willing to move to category 2

or 3 for different paper. [Student(y) can move to category 1 if less than 20 papers].


If (student(x) = = type 3) student may do any one of the following:

1.        Student may do nothing.

2.        If fewer than 20 papers are selected student(x) may select new paper in category 0.

3.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 1.

4.        Student(x) may select different paper, in category 2.

5.        Student(x) may select paper in category 3 if able to find student(y) in category 3 willing to move to category 2 or 3 for different paper [student(y) can move to category 1 if less than 20 papers].





In the case of ties, lower priority number always wins.