Computer Science


Histogram of marks for first 18 students on their oral presentation.

Samples of my feedback on the first nine oral presentations.

Powerpoint slides for student oral presentations in 2002.


Assignments, model answers and marks for this course can be found here.

Assignment 1

Term paper/project proposal: one sentence. Due at the beginning of class, Friday 5 April.

Assignment 2

Term paper: first draft of title, synopsis, and references. Term project: first draft of title, goal statement, resources required (software & hardware), and proposed methodology. Due at the beginning of class, Friday 19 April.

Assignment 3

Term paper/project: title and abstract for publishing on class website. (Examples from previous years: 2001, 2000.) Detailed outline of paper or project report. Due at the beginning of class, Friday 10 May.

Assignment 4

Term Papers & Projects: final report, due at the beginning of class, Friday 7 June. Some students have released their term papers or abstracts to the web.

Assignment Dropbox

For some assignments it is necessary for you to submit part or all of it electronically. Unless your lecturer told you otherwise, this is done through the Assignment Dropbox (adb). If you are not familiar with it, see the adb website. While in the lab you should use the Mac version of adb, otherwise use the Web version.

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