Computer Science

Advanced Computer Graphics: COMPSCI 715 Semester 2, City Campus

This web page was last updated on the 16th July 2010.


Burkhard Wuensche [ supervisor ]


Individual component [80%]: 60% examination, 5% presentation, 5% participation and attendance, 10% interim reports
Group component [20%]: 5% weekly progress reports & demos, 15% final reports & implementation

Scheduled lectures

Mon/Wed/Thu 9-10am in room 279 (CS Seminar Room)

Final exam

To be announced

Class Websites

The class website is, containing lecture handouts, project guidelines, notices, etc.

Catching up on missed lectures and assignments

If you miss a lecture, you should catch up as soon as possible by reading the corresponding lecture notes which are available in our lectures page. If you miss the deadline for a project or progress report and have a valid reason, you should see the course supervisor. If you miss the test/exam for any valid reason, or you sit the test/exam but believe that your performance was impaired for some reason, then you may be able to apply for an aegrotat, compassionate or special pass consideration. For more detailed information, refer to the University of Auckland's 2009 Calendar.


You can find details of the staff for this course by following the link to people . It's our job to help you to achieve your best :-) We can all be contacted by e-mail at any time. Feel free to ask for assistance outside scheduled times (but please accept that we might be too busy to assist immediately.)


We will make any announcements by class email and put important information/correction onto the course web page.

Course outline (subject to change)

In undergraduate study we usually use a bottom-up approach for teaching, i.e. we explain algortihms, software etc. and then you deepen your understanding of them by solving simple problems in tutorials, assignments etc.
In COMPSCI 715 we use a top-down approach, i.e you studu advanced computer graphics technologies by solving a real-world computer graphics problem. In order to do that you first have to analyse the problem, derive requirements, identify the technologies you need, and then study them and implement them. Ideally you shoudl also tests your implementation in order to check whether it fulfilles all the requirements.


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