Computer Science


02/03/2021 Lecture 1 Introduction
03/03/2021 Lecture 2a Introduction Cont.
03/03/2021 Lecture 2b Canvas Modules (Lectures) and Course Website (Lectures)
03/03/2021 Lecture 2c Overview of Individual Seminars
03/03/2021 Lecture 2d Overview of Group Project
04/03/2021 Lecture 3a Group Project
Access Control
04/03/2021 Lecture 3b Access Control Basics
09/03/2021 Lecture 4 Access Control Cont.
10/03/2021 Lecture 5a Access Control Last
Android Security
10/03/2021 Lecture 5b Overview of Android
11/03/2021 Lecture 6 Overview of Android Cont.
16/03/2021 Lecture 7 Android App Model
17/03/2021 Lecture 8 Android App Model Cont.
18/03/2021 Lecture 9a Android App Building and Reverse Engineering
18/03/2021 Lecture 9b Reverse Engineering APK (Demo) using Hello World App
18/03/2021 Lecture 9c Mobile Security Wiki
18/03/2021 Lecture 9d Android ICC
23/03/2021 Lecture 10a Android Sandboxing
23/03/2021 Lecture 10b Android Permissions
24/03/2021 Lecture 11a Schedule for Seminar Presentations
24/03/2021 Lecture 11b Schedule for Project Presentations
24/03/2021 Lecture 11c Seminar and Project Presentations
25/03/2021 Lecture 12a Android Security Refinements
25/03/2021 Lecture 12b Android Security Weaknesses
30/03/2021 Lecture 13 Runtime Permissions in Android 6.0
31/03/2021 Lecture 14a Android APP Distribution
31/03/2021 Lecture 14b Dissecting Google Bouncer
1/04/2021 Lecture 15a Android Ap Installation and Scanning
1/04/2021 Lecture 15b Android for Work
20/04/2021 Lecture 16 Introduction to iOS Security
21/04/2021 Lecture 17a Introduction to iOS Security Cont.
21/04/2021 Lecture 17b iOS Device and App Trust Evaluation
22/04/2021 Lecture 18a iOS Device and App Trust Evaluation Cont.
22/04/2021 Lecture 18b ASLR
27/04/2021 Lecture 19a iOS Sandboxing
27/04/2021 Lecture 19b iOS Encryption
28/04/2021 Lecture 20a iOS Encryption Cont.
28/04/2021 Lecture 20b Enterprise Security in iOS
29/04/2021 Lecture 21 iOS Jailbreaking
03/05/2021 Lecture 22 iOS Security: The FBI vs Apple
05/05/2021- Lecture 23- Seminar Presentations
25/05/2021 Lecture 31
26/05/2021 Lecture 32 Project Presentations
01/06/2021 Lecture 34
02/06/2021 Lecture 35 No lecture due to Graduation Ceremony

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