Computer Science

CompSci.367 Lectures

The lectures will cover the following topics, but the exact order and time of delivery may vary. You are strongly encouraged to read the extra background material in the resources section of the course website.

Week 1 (Ian Watson's lectures)

  1. Introduction to CS 367 & AI History 
  2. Horizon AI video - "The Thinking Machine" Chinese Room notes
  3. Discussion of AI video, Symbolic Reasoning & Prolog

Week 2

  1. Knowledge Representation  Rule-Based Reasoning
  2. Knowledge Representation Frames, Semantic Networks, Conceptual Graphs
  3. Knowledge Engineering, knowledge analysis, intermediate knowledge representations, the Knowledge Level

Week 3

  1. CLIPS lecture - CLIPS documentation (self directed study)
  2. Knowledge Elicitation – The KE bottleneck. Explicit & implicit Knowledge
  3. Case-Based Reasoning introduction

Week 4

  1. Ontologies 1
  2. Ontologies 2
  3. overflow lecture (tba)

Week 5
  1. Problem-Solving and Search
  2. Informed Search


Week 6  
  1. Introduction to Planning
  2. Classical Planning
  3. Regression Planning

Mid-semester break.....

Week 7
  1. Partial-Order Planning
  2. Constraint Satisfaction


Week 8 


Week 9 Machine Learning

  1. All my lectures and assignment are in this directory here


Week 10 more Machine Learning


Week 11 Neural Networks


Week 12 Genetic Algorithms

end of lectures

last updated 18/07/07

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