Computer Science

Lecture 1

This course is an introduction to Human Computer Interaction. It is about making computers

  • More useful
  • More usable
  • More entertaining
  • By

  • Understanding Human Input, Output and Processing
  • Understanding the computing devices and chanels better
  • Being able to use design methodologies
  • Therefore designing better interfaces
  • Knowing to evaluate the usability of software


    The Basics

    The course web page contains the information for the course
    Class Times, Textbook


    The first half of the course is taken by Beryl Plimmer. The material is mostly drawn from chapters 1-8 of the textbook. The weekly plan and lecture slides are availabe here.
    The second part of the course is taken by Jim Warren. It also draws material from the textbook. The emphasise of this part of the course is on usability testing and modeling user interfaces.


    Overall Assessment Plan

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