Computer Science
Resources: COMPSCI 340 & SOFTENG 370 Semester 2, City Campus
The textbook is Operating System Concepts, 9th edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne. The 8th edition has much of the same content.
The web site for this text, includes a study guide and source code. Electronic versions can be purchased from
Wiley. Physical versions from UBS.
A useful introduction to Python for Java programmers (but it uses Python 2; the main difference from our point of view is that print is now a function (i.e. it needs parentheses around the arguments.))
Acknowledgement of sources is an important aspect of academic writing. The University's ReferenCite website provides students with a one-stop online resource for academic referencing needs. ReferenCite explains the essentials of referencing and how to avoid plagiarism. It also includes practical tools to help students reference correctly, use references effectively in writing, and gives fast access to some major reference formats with examples.
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