Computer Science
Tests and Exams: COMPSCI 340 & SOFTENG 370 Semester 2, City Campus. N.B. THIS IS 2015 INFO, SEE CANVAS FOR 2016.
If there is a problem that will affect your performance in the test or exam, please contact the lecturer as soon as possible. Also see the course page.
Always sit the test and examination if at all possible.
Please read the examinations handbook when you receive it and double-check (triple-check?) the examination timetable. Every year, some students turn up at the wrong time for exams.
The test is worth 10% of the total course mark.
Date: Wednesday 26th of August
Time: 1:10pm to 1:55pm
The test is 45 minutes long. No calculators. No books.
Please attend the location according to your class and UPI:
- acas212 - yfu959 801-204 Northey Lecture Theatre, Law School
- ywan578 - zwen668 803-210 Law Small Lecture Theatre, Law School
- aadi502 - dyou273 803-210 Law Small Lecture Theatre, Law School
- ealc545 - zyan228 260-073 The regular Wednesday lecture theatre
The test is multichoice. Please bring a dark pencil and eraser for the Teleform sheets. See Teleform Instructions.
The test covers all material up to and including the lecture on Friday the 21st of August, plus assignment 1.
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