Computer Science

Introduction to Computing and the Internet


Part of the course focuses on the Internet and World Wide Web, providing experience in Web design and development. The rest of the course gives students the opportunity to work with a variety of applications and includes a significant section on programming Java applets for the Web. This course would suit students who want a general introduction to computing, or those students intending to major in Computer Science who want a slower introduction than the COMPSCI 101 course provides. Students may proceed from COMPSCI 111 to COMPSCI 101, subject to selection.

As part of their practical work, students will use a variety of home and office applications including word processing, painting, drawing, spreadsheets, and databases. Other topics covered include an introduction to computer graphics, user interfaces, hardware and software, and operating systems.

There are three lectures per week, and students will be required to attend one three-hour laboratory per week.

Course Information Sheet:

  • A copy of the course information sheet (handed out in the first lecture) which contains contact information for staff, staff office hours, assessment summary, and other course information is available here.

Final Exam:

  • The final exam is worth 65% of your final mark.
  • The exam will be held on Thursday 11th November, 9:15am - 11:30am.
  • Please check nDeva for any changes to this exam time or date.
  • The exam is closed book, and calculators are not permitted.


  • The test is worth 20% of your final mark.
  • The test will be from 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Tuesday 24th August 2004.
  • Please arrive at your test room by 6:15pm. You will be given 5 minutes' reading time.
  • Please notify Ann Cameron as soon as possible if you have a test clash.
  • Room Allocations (Based on the beginning of your surname):
    • A - Li : LLT
    • Lin - Z: HSB1


  • All course notes, overheads and laboratory handouts will be posted on this site. Lab related files will be found in the course related folder on the laboratory computers. Marks can be obtained from the Cecil system.

Lecture Times and Locations:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1pm - 2pm
  • Lib B10 (Library Basement Room B10)


  • Please note that labs start in the first week of the semester.
  • Lab assignments are done each week in the Old Tutorial Room (OTL) - Room 131 of the Maths & Physics Building (Building 303).
  • Lab assignments must be handed into the appropriate hand-in box (located inside the tutorial room) before the start of your next laboratory session.
  • If you have any problems or queries regarding the labs, please see the lab supervisor, Ann Cameron.

Final Learning Outcomes

A student who successfully completes this course should:
  • have confidence with and a general knowledge of personal computers
  • be able to write and debug simple computer programs in Java
  • be able to use some common applications, e.g. spreadsheets, word processing, databases
  • have knowledge of the Internet and its social issues, as well as other types of networks
  • be able to design and write a simple web page
  • have a basic understanding of the origins and design of computing hardware and software

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