Computer Science
Labs: COMPSCI 107 Semester 1, City Campus
All laboratories for the semester will be conducted in Room 303S-B75 on the basement level of the Computer Science Extension to the Maths and Physics Building.
Each lab will consist of exercises that must be completed and submitted online before Friday of that week.
Each week you should make sure you have read through the lecture overheads and the appropriate material in the textbook, or the online resource material, and have done any other preparation required before you attend the laboratory. The laboratory is the primary place to get feedback on the quality of your code, so please take the opportunity to talk to the teaching staff and ask for feedback about your code.
Note: Labs start in the second week. Please ensure you arrive on time to each lab session as marks are given for being on time.
Although you are welcome to verbally discuss lab problems with your friends, you must develop the code for your labs on your own - it is not acceptable to submit code or parts of a program written by someone else claiming it was your work.
Please carefully read the Academic honesty
All homework exercises will be submitted and returned electronically, unless your lecturer told you otherwise, electronic submission is done through CodeRunner.
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