Computer Science

Computer Science Fundamentals: COMPSCI 107 Semester 1

This page is no longer maintained. Information on the current offering can be found on Canvas. The Canvas link for this course can be found here.

This is the entry course to Computer Science for students with prior programming knowledge. It focuses on data structures and efficient ways to manipulate data. Topics include: a brief recap of programming concepts, recursion, regular expressions, data interchange, abstract data types, linear data structures (lists, stacks and queues), non-linear data structures (heaps, hash tables, trees), searching and sorting.



Achievement Standards NCEA Level 3: Digital Technologies and Programming : 91637 Develop a complex computer program for a specified task, 91636 Demonstrate understanding of areas of computer science, or equivalent programming experience, or Departmental approval


25% assignments, 15% test and 60% exam


You must pass the practical (labs) and the theory (test and exam) sections separately to pass the course as a whole.


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This course has a significant practical component. Students attend three lectures and one two-hour lab session per week. Extra practical work can be done either in the Computer Science laboratory or on any modern computer elsewhere.


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