Computer Science

Labs: COMPSCI 101 Summer School 2020

Location of Lab

You must attend two 2 hour tutorial lab sessions each week. One will be on Monday or Tuesday and the other on Thursday or Friday. You will have enrolled in 2 lab times. Your Monday/Tuesday lab time is labelled Lab on Student Services Online, and your Thursday/Friday lab is labelled Tut. You should attend the same lab times each week.

Tutorial Laboratories will be held in Room 303S.279, which is on Level 2 of the Computer Science Extension to the Maths and Physics Building. When you exit the lift on Level 2, Room 279 is directly ahead of you.

Labs start on Thursday, 9th January, 2019.

Lab Supervisor

Any problems with the labs, please contact Ann Cameron

Preparation for Lab 1

A pre-lab worksheet will be handed out at the first lecture. This is to be filled in before you attend your first lab. If you did not get one you can print one out from here:

All other lab sheets will be handed out during your lab session.

Introduction to Labs

Lab Times

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