Computer Science

Assignments: COMPSCI 101 Semester 2, City Campus

Assignments and Assignment Due Dates

Assignments are designed to give you practical experience with the concepts which you have learnt in lectures and labs. Assignments are worth a total of 15% of your final mark. There are five assignments and each is worth 3% and is due at 4:30pm on their due date.

For three of these five assignments you are required to write and submit one or more programs (as well as submitting some parts to Coderunner3).

Assignment Dropbox

For some assignments it is necessary for you to submit part or all of the assignment files electronically. Unless your lecturer told you otherwise, this is done through the Web Dropbox.


This tool is designed to help you practise coding by presenting you with a set of short online exercises. Submissions are graded by running a series of test cases of the code in a sandbox, comparing the output with the expected output. You will be able to access your exercises, by logging into CodeRunner3.

Plagiarism / Cheating on Assignments

Although you are welcome to verbally discuss assignment problems with your friends, you must develop the code for your assignments on your own - it is not acceptable to submit code or parts of a program written by someone else claiming it was your work. Please carefully read the information on Academic honesty


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