Computer Science


  • Tutorials in S2 2017 will be held, during weeks 4-5 and 7-11 only, on Mon 3-4 and Thu 3-4 in 206-202.
  • The sole purpose of the tutorials is to give students a chance to practice their oral presentations, to a small audience (perhaps just the instructor) who will give some constructive feedback on how the presentation might be improved.
  • One mark will be awarded to each student who delivers a practice version of their in-class oral presentation at a tutorial, at least a week before their in-class presentation.
  • Non-presenting students are welcome to attend.
  • Any student attending a tutorial is expected to provide a welcoming, friendly audience.
  • Note: many COMPSCI 725 students have little or no prior experience at delivering an oral presentation on a technical topic to an English-speaking audience.
    • During the first weeks of the semester, you'll get a little tuition on oral presentation.
    • Oral presentation requires some skills which will develop only with practice. We encourage you to find tuition and practice elsewhere, for example by reading Presentation Skills or by joining Varsity Toastmasters.

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