Computer Science


  • One mark will be awarded to each student who delivers a practice version of their in-class oral presentation at a tutorial, at least a week before their in-class presentation.
  • Reservations required: you must send email to Clark at least two days in advance of a tutorial session, in order to reserve a preseentation time.
  • Be prompt: the instructor will leave the room at 10 minutes past the hour, if no one shows up for the tutorial.
  • An instructor will give constructive feedback on each student's practice version.
  • Tutorial attendance by non-presenting students is entirely optional. Non-presenting students are expected to provide a welcoming, friendly audience. Note: many COMPSCI 725 students have little or no prior experience at delivering an oral presentation on a technical topic to an English-speaking audience.
  • Tutorials in S2 2013 will be held, during weeks 5 through 11 only, Tuesday 2-3 in 201E-512; Wednesday 12-1 in 206-202; and Friday 11-12 in 206-213.

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