Software Security

CompSci 725 S2C 09
Clark Thomborson
Handout 2: Selection of Oral Presentations

Version 1.1: 20 August 2009

Before the first round:

Actions in Round 1:

The instructor describes each paper y on the list of suggested articles. Let X be the set of students who want to present this paper.  Do:

Postconditions for Round 1:

Actions in Round 2:

Each student x, in assigned order starting with student #1, chooses any one of the following actions:

  1. If ( |{p : Category(p) > 0}| < M ) then student x may select a paper y in category 0.  Do:

Category(y) = 1; Paper(x) = y; Type(x) = 1;

  2. Student x may select a paper y in category 1 or 2: { Category(y)++; Paper(x) = y; Type(x) = Category(y); }

  3. Student x may “pass” this round.

Actions in Rounds 3, ..., 10:

Each student x, in assigned order starting with student #1, must choose one of the following actions.

Postconditions for Rounds > 2:

Termination Condition:
