On the Insecurity of Microsoft's Identity Metasystem CardSpace Sebastian Gajek, Jörg Schwenk and Xuan Chen. Technical report HGI TR-2008-003 Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security Ruhr-Universität Bochum 17 pp. 9 June 2008 Abstract: Microsoft has desgined a user-centric identity metasystem encompassing a suite of various pro- tocols for identity management. CardSpace is based on open standards, so that various applications can make use of the identity metasystem, including, for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2 (with some add-on). We therefore expect Microsoft's identity metasystem to become widely deployed on the Internet and a popular target to attack. We study the security of CardSpace and show that the browser-based protocol is vulnerable to attacks, where the adversary steals the secu- rity token. Consequently, we prove evidence that users can be impersonated and are hence potential victims of identity theft. We demonstrate the practicability of the attack by presenting a proof of concept implementation building on dynamic pharming [Karlof et al., CCS'07]. Finally, we discuss countermeasures addressing both the CardSpace identity metasystem and the protocol.