Software Security

CompSci 725 S2C 05
Clark Thomborson
Handout 13: Second Ten Articles (S11-S20) to be Presented by Students

12 September 2005

S1.       (P1, P20) [Co Co05] C. Collberg, and S. Kouborov, "Self-plagiarism in computer science", Comm. ACM 48(4), pp. 88-94, 2005.

S2.       (P2, P6) [SS As04] D. Asonov, R. Agrawal, "Keyboard Acoustic Emanations", in Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 3-11, May 2004.

S3.       (P3, P27) [SA Ca04] D. Cappelli, M. Keeney, E. Kowalski, A. Moore, M. Randazzo, "Insider Threat Study: Illicit Cyber Activity in the Banking and Finance Sector", CERT Coordination Center, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (PA, USA), 25 pp., August 2004.  Available at, August 2005.

S4.       (P4, P25) [SRE Al03] I. Alexander, "Misuse cases: use cases with hostile intent", IEEE Software 20(1), 58-66, Jan/Feb 2003.

S5.       (P5, P7) [DRM By03] S. Byers, L. Cranor, D. Korman, P. McDaniel, and E. Cronin, "Analysis of security vulnerabilities in the movie production and distribution process", in Proc. 2003 ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management, ACM Press, 1-12, 2003.

S6.       (P8, P28) [SA Bl04] J. Black, M. Cochran, and R. Gardner, "How to Cheat at Chess: A Security Analysis of the Internet Chess Club", Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2004/203, 14 pp., 2004.

S7.       (P9, P17) [SA Ch03] M. Christodorescu and S. Jha, "Static Analysis of Executables to Detect Malicious Patterns", in 12th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 169-186, August 2003.

S8.       (P10) [Ap Cr04] J. Crampton and G. Loizou, "Administrative scope: A foundation for role-based administrative models", ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 6:2, 201-231, 2003.

S9.       (P11) [Ap Ca04] J. Camenisch, "Better Privacy for Trusted Computing Platforms," to appear in ESORICS 2004.  Preprint provided in email by J. Camenisch, July 2004.

S10.   (P12, P31) [SRE Fi04] D. Firesmith, "Specifying Reusable Security Requirements", in Journal of Object Technology 3(1),  pp. 61-75, Jan-Feb 2004. Available:, July 2005.

S11.  (P13, P21) [HW Le05] R. Lee, P. Kwan, J. McGregor, J. Dwoskin, and Z. Wang, “Architecture for Protecting Critical Secrets in Microprocessors”, in International Symposium on Computer Architecture 2005, IEEE, pp. 2-13, 2005.

S12.  (P14) [Ap He05] A. Herzog, N Shahmehri, "Problems Running Untrusted Services as Java Threads", in Certification and Security in Inter-Organizational E-Services, IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, ed. Nardelli et al., Aug 2004, pp. 19-32.

S13.  (P15) [HW Bo01] M. Bond, "Attacks on Cryptoprocessor Transaction Sets", in Proc. of the CHES 2001 Workshop, LNCS 2162, Springer-Verlag, pp 220-234, 2001.

S14.  (P16) [Ta Ch02] Y. Chen, R. Venkatesan, M. Cary, R. Pang, S. Sinha, and M. Jakubowski, “Oblivious Hashing: A Stealthy Software Integrity Verification Primitive,” in F.A.P. Petitcolas (Ed.): Information Hiding, Proc. of 5th International Workshop (IH 2002), LNCS 2578, p. 400 ff., 2002.

S15.  (P18) [SS St04] W. Stufflebeam, A. Antón, Q. He, and N. Jain, "Specifying privacy policies with P3P and EPAL: lessons learned", WPES '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic society, pp. 35-36, 2004.  Extended version available as NCSU CSC Technical Report #TR-2004-19, 15 pp., 17 June 2004.  Available:, July 2005.

S16.  (P19) [Ap Ob91] R. O'Brien and C. Rogers, "Developing Applications on LOCK", in Proc. 14th Nat'l Security Conf., Washington DC USA, 147-156, 1991.  Hardcopy obtained from British Library, April 2004; seeking permission of copyright holder (Secure Computing) to publish to web, July 2004.

S17.  (P22, P24) [Pr Ch00] B. Chor, A. Fiat, M. Naor and B. Pinkas, "Tracing Traitors", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  46:3, 893-910, May 2000.

S18.  (P23) [SS Bo02] A. Boldyreva and M. Jakobsson, “Theft protected proprietary certificates,” in Proc. 2002 ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM 2002).  Available, March 2003.

S19.  (P26, P29) [DRM Mo97] R. Mori and M. Kawahara, "Superdistribution: An Electronic Infrastructure for the Economy of the Future", Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan 38:7, 1465-1472, July 1997.

S20.  (P30) [SA So03] S. Soman, C. Krintz, and G. Vigna, "Detecting Malicious Java Code Using Virtual Machine Auditing", in 12th USENIX Security Symposium, pp. 153-168, August 2003.