Software Security

CompSci 725 S2C 04
Clark Thomborson
Handout 10: First Set of Articles to be Presented Orally by Students

Version 1.3, 20 August 2004


  1. An article is listed in the format FirstPresentation#, SecondPresentation# (FirstRand#, SecondRand#): citation”, indicating that it will be presented (as presentation numbers FirstPresentation# and SecondPresentation#, by students with random numbers FirstRand# and SecondRand#.  Articles that will be presented only once have only a FirstPresentation# and a FirstRand#.

  2. After logging in to the LEARN library system, University of Auckland students should be able to follow the URLs listed in the citation to obtain an online copy.

  3. Articles for presentations P1 through P8 are provided in this handout, except for the articles published by Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes for Computer Science, International Journal of Information Security).  These are marked with an asterisk *, and are not provided in hardcopy handouts due to licensing restrictions.


Presentation Schedule and Contents of this Handout:


P1, P16 (R1, R19): [Ap En03] P. England, B. Lampson, J. Manferdelli, and B. Willman, A Trusted Open Platform”, Computer 36:7, 55-62, July 2003.

P2, P23 (R3, R26): [Ne Wo04] A. Wool, A Quantitative Study of Firewall Configuration Errors”, Computer 37:6, 62-67, June 2004.

P3, P32 (R4, R36): * [SS De02] J. De Clercq, “Single Sign-On Architectures”, in G. Davida et al. (eds.): InfraSec 2002, LNCS 2437, 40-58, 2002.

P4, P26 (R5, R29): * [Ne Mc01] J. McHugh, “Intrusion and Intrusion Detection”, International Journal of Information Security 1, 14-35, 2001.

P5, P15 (R6, R18): [La Li03] L. Lin, B. Nuseibeh, D. Ince, M. Jackson, and J. Moffett, Introducing Abuse Frames for Analysing Security Requirements”, in Proc 11th IEEE Int'l Requirements Engineering Conference, 371-2, 2003.  Available:, May 2004.

P7, P11 (R8, R14): [Pr Gu04] P. Gutmann, Simplifying Public Key Management”, Computer 37:2, 101-103, February 2004.

P8, P28 (R9, R31): [Ap Je04] D. Jefferson, A. Rubin, B. Simons, D. Wagner, A Security Analysis of the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE)”, web manuscript, 21 Jan 2004.  Available:, February 2004.  Note: only the main body of the report (not its appendices) is assigned reading for this class.

P9: (R12): * [Le Be01] S. Bechtold,From Copyright to Information Law – Implications of Digital Rights Management”, in T. Sander (Ed.): Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management, ACM CCS-8 Workshop at DRM 2001, LNCS 2320, 213-232, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

P10 (R13): [WM Co98] I. Cox and J-P. Linnartz, Some General Methods for Tampering with Watermarks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication 16:4, 587-593, May 1998.

P12, P24 (R15, R27): [SS Se04] A. Selcuk, E. Uzun, M. Pariente, A Reputation-Based Trust Management System for P2P Networks”, to appear in Proc. CCGRID 2004.  Preprint available:, June 2004.

P13 (R16): [DRM Li01] Fully Licensed GmbH, Inside Windows Product Activation”, Berlin, Germany, 25 KB web-published manuscript, July 2001.  Available:, April 2004.

P14 (R17): [SS Pa04] T. Papaioannou and G. Stamoulis, Effective Use of Reputation in Peer-to-Peer Environments”, to appear in IEEE/ACM CCGRID 2004.  Preprint available:, June 2004.

P18 (R21): * [Ob Ba01] B. Barak, O. Goldreich, R. Impagliazzo, S. Rudich, A. Sahai, S. Vadhan, and K. Yang, “On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs (Extended Abstract)”, in J. Kilian (ed.), Advances in Cryptology – Crypto 2001, LNCS 2139, Springer-Verlag, 2001.

P20 (R23): [SS Ku04] M. Kuhn, Electromagnetic Eavesdropping Risks of Flat-Panel Displays”, to appear in Proc. 4th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 26-28 May 2004, Toronto, Canada. Preprint available:, July 2004.

P22, P30 (R25, R34): [Ne Le03] J. Levine, R. LaBella, H. Owen, D. Contis, and B. Culver, The Use of Honeynets to Detect Exploited Systems across Large Enterprise Networks”, in Proc. Information Assurance Workshop, IEEE, 92-99, 2003.

P25, P31 (R28, R35): [Ne Fr04] R. Friend, Making the Gigabit IPsec VPN Architecture Secure”, Computer 37:6, 54-60, June 2004.

P29 (R33): [WM Zh03] B. Zhu, J. Wu, M. Kankanhalli, Print signatures for document authentication”, in Proc. of the 10th ACM Conf. on Computer and Communication Security, 145-154, 2003.