Computer Science

COMPSCI 725 S2C 04 Index to Lecture Notes and Handouts


This page was updated on 27 October 2004.


  1. 31 November: A histogram of total marks for term papers is now available in the Assignments area. Students may pick up their term paper, with instructor's comments, from the CS front office (room 303.279).
  2. 27 October: A histogram of total marks for oral presentations is now available in the Assignments area.
  3. Educational humour: How to give a bad talk, and How NOT to go about a programming assignment.
  4. Wednesday, 27 October: Students who made presentations #22 through #32 should receive email from me, by this date, containing an assessment of their presentation.
  5. Friday, 22 October: Students who made presentations #11 through #21 should receive email from me, by this date, containing an assessment of their presentation.
  6. Wednesday, 20 October, 12:05pm to 12:30pm (the first half of the COMPSCI 725 lecture): Aaron Davidson of SimWorks described his company's SDMS product, a prototype of which is available as fonetango. His lecture slides are available in hardcopy only, as part of Handout 16.
  7. Monday, 4 October, in class: Russell Fulton and Bojan Zdrnja of ITSS gave a guest lecture on Firewalls, Tunnels and Viruses.
  8. Wednesday, 22 September, in class: Judge David Harvey delivered a guest lecture on Recent Developments in Copyright.
  9. Every Wednesday, 12:30pm: "bakery hour" in Room 461. Open to all CS graduate students and staff.
  10. Handling absence or illness: See Archived announcements.

Tentative Schedule

Note: the date listed for student presentation #x is the earliest possible date on which this presentation may occur; later dates are possible if our schedule slips.  Students will be assigned numbers by a random process during the first week of classes.

  • Week 1:
    • 19 July. First day of lectures. Discuss:
    • 21 July - 23 July.  Discuss:
      • Handout 3 (latest version), List of Suggested Articles for Oral Presentations. Hardcopy: Version 1.2 distributed 23 July 04.
      • Handout 4, Randomly Assigned Student Numbers. Hardcopy will be distributed 26 July 04.
      • Handout 5, First set of Lecture Slides. Hardcopy distributed 23 July 04.
      • Handout 6, First set of Readings (R1 through R9), hardcopy distributed 21 July 04.
      • [R1] B. Lampson, "Computer Security in the Real World", IEEE Computer 37:6, 37-46, June 2004
      • [R2] "Department of Computer Science Computer System Regulations",  in Undergraduate Computer Science Handbook, The University of Auckland, 2004 (available:, July 2004)
      • [R3] "IT Acceptable Use Policy", Version 1.3, The University of Auckland, 2004 (available:, July 2004)
  • Week 2 (26 July - 30 July). Select class representative.  Select papers and dates for student oral presentations in Weeks 5-13.
  • Week 3 (2 August - 6 August). Finalise the selection of papers and dates for student oral presentations.  Discuss how to prepare an oral presentation. Discuss term project requirements. Discuss:
    • Handout 7, list of articles to be presented by students. V3.82: Hyperlinks for presentations #1 through #13; there are now 27 students and 16 articles.
    • Handout 8, second set of lecture slides (software law and ethics).
    • Handout 9, third set of lecture slides (oral presentations, projects and term reports) and second set of readings (R10 through R18). Hardcopy Version 1.0 distributed 4 August 04. Please remove and discard the duplicate information (on the second, fourth, sixth, ..., photocopied page) from your hardcopies of R17 and R18.
    • [R4] "What Are Patents, Trademarks, Servicemarks, and Copyrights?", US Patent and Trademark Office, 13 May 2004 (available:, July 2004)
    • [R5] "Patent Law Basics", Office of Technology Transfer, University of Arizona, 2001 (available:, July 2004)
    • [R6] "Copyright Basics", Office of Technology Transfer, University of Arizona, 2001 (available:, July 2004)
    • [R7] "Copyright Protection in New Zealand", Ministry of Economic Development, June 2004 (available:, July 2004)
    • [R8] K. Nichols, "The Age of Software Patents", IEEE Computer 32:4, 25-31, April 1999
    • [R9] P. Samuelson, "Encoding the Law into Digital Libraries", Comm. ACM 41:4, 13-18, April 1998
  • Week 4 (9 August - 13 August).  Tutorial sessions: Students #1 - #4 give practice oral presentations.  Discuss:
  • Week 5 (16 August - 20 August). Student oral presentations #1 - #2 (Monday), #3 - #4 (Wednesday): each presentation will be 10 minutes in length, with an 8-minute discussion period.  Tutorial sessions: Students #5 - #10 give practice oral presentations.  Assignment 1 due (in class Friday 20 August): Term paper or project proposal (one sentence).
  • Week 6 (23 August - 27 August).  Student oral presentations #6 (Monday), #7 - #8 (Wednesday), #9 - #10 (Friday).
    • Handout 12, to be distributed Monday 23 August, hardcopies (if copyright permission has been obtained by the instructor) of the last 10 of the 17 articles to be presented by students.
  • Term break (30 August - 12 September)
  • Week 7 (13 September - 17 September). Tutorial sessions: Students #11 - #14 give practice oral presentations.  Assignment 2 due (in class Friday 17 September): for term paper: first draft of title, synopsis, and references. For term project: first draft of title, goal statement, resources required (software & hardware), and proposed methodology.  Discuss:
    • Handout 13, distributed Monday 13 September: lecture slides on cryptography, software watermarking and obfuscation, and hardcopy of readings 19-22.
    • [R19] C. Collberg, C. Thomborson, "Watermarking, Tamper-Proofing, and Obfuscation - Tools for Software Protection", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28:8, 735-746, August 2002.
    • [R20] B Schneier, "Foundations", Chapter 1 in Applied cryptography : protocols, algorithms, and source code in C, 2nd edition, Wiley, 1996.
    • [R21] E Papadakis, "Why and What for (Four): The Basis for Writing a Good Introduction", Materials Evaluation 41, Jan 1983, pp. 20-21.
    • [R22] J Griffin, "It's All About the Music", NZ Herald 14 August 2004.
    • [R23] R Brown, "Walk away, Renee", NZ Listener 195:3354, 21-27 August 2004. Available:,, August 2004.
  • Week 8 (20 September - 24 September).  Student oral presentations #11 - #12 (Monday), #13 - #14 (Friday). On Wednesday, Judge David Harvey delivered a guest lecture on Recent Developments in Copyright.   Tutorial sessions: Students #15 - #18 give practice oral presentations.
  • Week 9 (27 September - 1 October). Student oral presentation #16 (Monday), #15 (Wednesday). Tutorial sessions: Students #18 - #23 give practice oral presentations.  Friday: Sample final exam (Handout 14: an ungraded midterm test). Assignment 3 due in class Friday 1 October: title and abstract, for publication on class website; and a detailed outline of your term paper or project report.
    • Handout 15 (distributed Friday 1 October) lecture slides on Finalising your Term Report.
  • Week 10 (4 October - 8 October). On Monday, Russell Fulton and Bojan Zdrnja of ITSS gave a guest lecture on Firewalls, Tunnels and Viruses. Wednesday: student oral presentations #18 and #20. Friday: presentations #22 - #23 (Friday). Tutorial sessions: Students #24 - #29 give practice oral presentations. 
  • Week 11 (11 October - 15 October). Student oral presentations #24 - #25 (Monday), #26 - #27 (Wednesday), #28 - #29 (Friday). Tutorial sessions: Students #30 - #32 give practice oral presentations. 
  • Week 12 (18 October - 22 October). Student oral presentations #30 - #31 (Monday), #32 (Wednesday). Also on Wednesday: Aaron Davidson of SimWorks will make a presentation, see Announcements at the top of this page. Friday: Discussion of student answers to sample final exam. Course overview. Assignment 4 due in class Friday 22 October): final version of your term paper. (Please refer to the last slide of Handout 15 for detailed instructions on submission.)
    • Printable (black and white) versions of student powerpoint presentations are available here .
    • Handout 16: sample answers to sample exam questions, and lecture slides from Aaron Davidson's presentation on SimWorks (available in hardcopy only).
  • Thursday 28 October, 2:15pm to 4:30pm, Final Examination. The location will be announced on the morning of the exam, using nDeva and hardcopy postings on campus.

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