Computer Science

COMPSCI 725 S1C 03 Index to Lecture Notes and Handouts



  1. Friday 20 June 4pm: Oral presentation marks and explanatory comments are sent by email to the student. All marks should be mailed out by 4pm Friday 20 June; if you do not receive your marks by this time please send email to the instructor and we will resend.
  2. Friday 6 June 4pm: Term papers and term project reports due at the Computer Science Department office, room 303.384. There is a drop-off box labelled COMPSCI 725 at the counter.
  3. Wednesday 28 May 2003, 1pm to 5:45pm, Room 303.279: Microsoft in conjunction with the University of Auckland will be holding MyFirstJob.Net. Presentations from Microsoft NZ, Cap Gemini NZ, Orbiz, Unisys and Datacom.
  4. Thursday 22 May 2003: End of public consultation on the Copyright (Parallel Importation of Films and Onus of Proof) Amendment Bill. "... The bill will also amend the principal Act: ... [to] amend the existing requirement that the defendant in civil proceedings concerning the act of importation 'knows or has reason to believe' to a requirement that the defendant 'knows or ought reasonably to know' that the imported object was an infringing copy in relation to sound recordings, films and software products."
  5. 15 May: Application deadline for the Bates Scholarship in Computer Forensics.
  6. 29 April: Health Warning for Students -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): OHP, advisory of 29 April. See also Health Warning for Students -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
  7. Monday 7 April 2003: Close of public consultation on the NZ Government's authentication concepts and plans.
  8. Friday 14 March 2003: deadline for adding or dropping First Semester courses.
  9. The Student Learning Centre offers a wide range of workshops for postgraduates, see their current newsletter.

List of Handouts

  1. Handout 1: General information and term schedule.
  2. Handout 2: Student information sheet.
  3. Handout 3: first set of readings (available in hardcopy only)
    • C. Pfleeger, "Is there a security problem in computing?", Chapter 1 of Security in Computing, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1997, pp. 1-19.
    • K. Nichols, "The Age of Software Patents", IEEE Computer, April 1999, pp. 25-31.
    • Anon., "Patent Law Basics", Office of Technology Transfer, University of Arizona, 2001. Available:, 4 March 2001.
    • C. Collberg, C. Thomborson, D. Low, Obfuscation Techniques for Enhancing Software Security, Published International Patent Application WO9901815, World Intellectual Property Organization, filed June 9, 1998; see also WO9964973.
    • P. Samuelson, "Encoding the Law into Digital Libraries", Comm. ACM, April 1998.
  4. Handout 4: Lecture slides set 1.
  5. Handout 5: Suggestions for Oral Reports and Term Projects.  (Revised to Version 2.1 on 11 March 2003).  Random numbers for enrolled (and waitlisted) students.
  6. Handout 6: Algorithm for choosing papers.
  7. Handout 7: Partial assignments after 14Mar03.
  8. Handout 8: Lecture slides set 2: Instructions for oral reports and term papers. Lecture and tutorial schedule.
  9. Handout 9: Final papers assignments for presentation.
  10. Handout 10: Lecture slides set 3: Software Law and Ethics, and second set of readings:
  11. Handout 11: First ten papers to be presented in student oral reports. See Handout 9 for authors and titles.
  12. Handout 12: Last ten papers to be presented in student oral reports. See Handout 9 for authors and titles.
  13. Handout 13: Deadlines (revised 29 April 2003) for giving draft oral presentations, and detailed schedule of oral presentations. See also Lecture and tutorial schedule of Handout 8.
  14. Handout 14: Lecture slides set 4: First Steps in Report Writing; readings:
    • U W-Madison Writing Center, "Chicago Style: Works Cited, or References". Available:, April 2003.
    • J Lester, "Numbering Electronic Sources in the CBE Style". Chapter 6 of Citing Cyberspace, Addison-Wesley, 1997. Available, April 2003.
    • U of Auckland Library Instructional Services, "Evaluating Web Sites". Available, April 2003.
    • F. Woodford, excerpts from Scientific Writing for Graduate Students, Rockefeller University Press, New York 1968. (Out of print.)
    • A Eisenberg, "Importance of Organizational Patterns", in Writing Well for the Technical Professions, Harper & Row, pp. 39-40 and 46-51, 1989.
    • U of Richmond Writer's Web, "Effectively Using Direct Quotations". Available:, April 2003.
    • M Spears, "What is Plagiarism", and "Quoting, Summarizing and Paraphrasing". Grosse Point North High School, Michigan (USA), 2 pp., undated. Available, April 2003.
    • E Papadakis, "Why and What for (Four): The Basis for Writing a Good Introduction", Materials Evaluation 41, 20-21, Jan 1983.
    • A Eisenberg, "Techniques for Writing Definitions", in Writing Well for the Technical Professions, Harper & Row, pp. 208-215, 1989.
  15. Handout 15: Lecture slides set 5: Finalising Your Term Report; Sample Final Exam Questions for 2003.
  16. Handout 16: Sample Comments on Oral Reports and Synopses.
  17. Handout 17: Slides from Juergen Brendel's talk.
  18. Sample Answers to Sample Final Exam Questions for 2003.

The lecture notes are available in "powerpoint slideshow" (pps) format. To view or print PPS, you will need Microsoft's PowerPoint or a PowerPoint viewer. You can download freeware PowerPoint viewers for your Macintosh (6.5 MB) or Windows PC (2.8 MB).

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