From: Sau Fan Lee [] Title: A Survey of Defenses against Denial-of-Service Attacks Abstract ======== A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a type of resource-depleting attack on a system such that the system will no longer be able to take further requests from legitimate users. Usually, this type of attacks is network- based and accomplished by network-traffic flooding. A well-engineered DoS attack is very difficult to detect and is therefore a great threat to the Internet security today. In this paper, I will briefly introduces various types of DoS attacks, and then proceeds with a detailed survey of several defense methodologies or attempts of defenses againsts DoS attacks proposed over the past few years. References ========== [1] Bernstein, Dan J. SYN cookies [article online] no date; Available from: Accessed April 2003. [2] Chan, Jason. SYN cookies [article online] no date; Available from: Accessed April 2003. [3] Moore, David; Voelker, Geoffrey; Savage, Stefan. Inferring Internet Denial-of-Service Activity [paper online] 2001; Available from: Accessed April 2003. [4] Brendel, Juergen. "Distributed Denial of Service - The current state and counter measures" Slides from NZISF meeting, Esphion Ltd. Auckland, New Zealand, February 2002.