Computer Science


Term papers and project reports

Some students have given me permission to publish their term paper to this website. Hardcopy submissions of term papers (with my marking notes) may be picked up from the CS front office (room 303.384). Histogram of marks for term papers.

Oral Presentations

See Handout 5, Handout 9 and Handout 13 for requirements, paper assignments and deadlines. Slideshows of oral presentations by students. Histogram of marks for all students on their oral presentations.

Oral presentation marks and explanatory comments are sent by email to the student. All marks should be mailed out by 4pm Friday 20 June; if you do not receive your marks by this time please send email to the instructor and we will resend.

Assignment 1

See Handout 5 and Handout 8 for requirements and deadlines. Note: Assignment 1 is not an approval process; you should continue working on your term paper or project while you wait for your instructors to respond with some comments on your Assignment 1 submission. We intend to respond by email before Saturday 19 April, to any Assignment 1 submission that was made by the Friday 11 April deadline.

Assignment 2

See Handout 5 and Handout 8 for requirements and deadlines. Draft titles and abstracts.

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