Software Security

CompSci 725 FC 02
Clark Thomborson
Handout 6: Bibliography

Technical Articles (those marked with [00] or [01] were reviewed in 2000 or 2001 resp.)

·         [01] Kenneth Ho, "A Study into the Problem of Software Piracy in Hong Kong and China," Master's dissertation, Management and Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1995.

·         [01] Fritz Hohl, Time Limited Blackbox Security: Protecting Mobile Agents from Malicious Hosts, In Mobile Agents and Security, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1419, pp. 92-113, 1998.  Available:, April 2001.

·         B Horne, L Matheson, C Sheehan, and R Tarjan, “Dynamic Self-Checking Techniques for Improved Tamper Resistance”.  In Workshop on Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management 2001.  Available:, February 2002.

·         D Peng, S Jun, S Ye, L Ju, “MA/LMA Architecture for Dealing with Malicious Agents in Agent-Mediated Electronic Markets.”  In J. Liu and Y. Ye (Eds.): E-Commerce Agents, LNAI 2033, pp. 264-282, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2001.  Available:, April 2001.

·         Robert A Percival, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Reverse Engineering of Computer Software and the Law of Copyright In Canada,” research paper series, Smith Lyons Barristers and Solicitors,, October 1999.

·         M Swanson and B Guttman, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce, US Government, September 1996.  Available:, April 2001.

·         [00] Ken Thompson, "Reflections on Trusting Trust", Comm ACM 27:8, pp. 761-763, August 1984.


Patents and Published International Patent Applications

·         Charles E. Hill. Software Piracy Detection System. US Patent 5,754,864, May 19, 1998. Assignee: Charles E. Hill and associates.

·         Keith Holmes. Computer software protection. US Patent 5,287,407, February 15, 1994. Assignee: International Business Machines.


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