Computer Science

Archived Announcements

  1. Various dates until 9 May: presentations by companies seeking to employ CompSci students.
  2. 15 May: application deadline for Bates Scholarship in Computer Forensics.
  3. 8 May: Dr Peter Gutmann will give a guest lecture on PKI to our class (regular time & place).
  4. 3 May: deadline for submitting essays on "Encouraging Creativity" to the NZ Intellectual Property Office. First prize is $1000.
  5. 11 April: "Secure Patch Management", lecture by Andrew Colarik of our MSIS department, at the monthly breakfast meeting of the NZ Information Security Forum, 7:30am at the Auckland Club, 34 Shortland St. Cost: $20 students, $25 others. Reservations required. Contact Dr Lech Janczewski.
  6. Until 30 March: International and Immigrant Students Survey of all currently enrolled international (studying on student visa) and immigrant students (permanent residents) who have completed at least one semester of study.
  7. 28 March: International Symposium on Freedom of Information and Privacy, Copthorne Hotel, Auckland.
  8. 22 March: Deadline for public submissions on Proposed Telecommunications Information Privacy Code.
  9. 18 March, noon in Library B10: seminar on "Internet Security 2002: A Survival Guide " by Prof Hal Berghel.
  10. Tuesday 12 March, in class: We will try (once again, for the last time) to select a Class Representative, to represent CompSci 725 at staff-student meetings in the department. The first staff-student meeting will be held Monday 11 March at 1pm in the CS Seminar room; the others will occur on 8 April and 27 May. Please consider volunteering for this important service role.
  11. Tuesday 12 March 6pm, Public Lecture: "International Aspects of Trade Marks, Domain Names, E-commerce and the Internet", by Dr Christopher Heath (Max Planck Institute, Munich). Stone Lecture Theatre, Law School 6pm (Please RSVP Alexandra Sims at

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