Tentative Schedule for CompSci 725 FC 2001
Lec# Date Presenter Topic
1 27-Feb-01 Thomborson Introductory comments; handouts 1,2,3,4; collect handout 2
2 28-Feb-01 Thomborson Pfleeger, Chapter 1
3 2-Mar-01 Thomborson Dept and Uni computer regulations; Nichols, "… Software Patents"; handout 5,6,7
4 6-Mar-01 Thomborson Select articles for student oral reports; (handout 8 was never distributed)
5 7-Mar-01 Thomborson Select articles for student oral reports
6 9-Mar-01 Thomborson Select articles for student oral reports; requirements for oral reports; handout 9
7 13-Mar-01 Thomborson Samuelson, "Encoding the Law ..."
8 14-Mar-01 Thomborson Pfleeger, Section 11.5; ethical statements from IEEE, CPSR, RSNZ; Mann, "Who will own ... ?"; handout 10
9 16-Mar-01 Thomborson Rosner, "Steal this Software"; Radatti, "... Moral Guidelines"; req'ts for term reports; handouts 11,12
10 20-Mar-01 Thomborson Collberg & Thomborson, "Watermarking, Tamperproofing, …"
11 21-Mar-01 Thomborson Tamperproofing; Quotations, plagiarism, summarizing and paraphrasing; excerpts due from (3)-(8)
12 23-Mar-01 Thomborson Cryptography
  23-Mar-01 Z Wei (1) Chess, "… Mobile Code Systems"; handouts 13,14
13 27-Mar-01 M Alford (3) Cox & Linnartz, "… Tampering with Watermarks"
  27-Mar-01 Thomborson Steganography
14 28-Mar-01 J Li (2) Bellare et al., "… Electronic Payment System"; excerpts due from (9)-(12)
  28-Mar-01 W Yang (4) Aucsmith, "Tamper Resistant Software…"
15 30-Mar-01 Y Liu (5) Paxson, "… Network Intruders …"
  30-Mar-01 M Painter (7) Lindquist & Jonsson, "… COTS"
16 3-Apr-01 H Hassan (8) Margrave, "GSM Security…"
  3-Apr-01 Thomborson Selection of topic for your term paper; Writing a title, synopsis and abstract
17 4-Apr-01 Z Liu (9) Girard & Lanet, "… Open Cards"
  4-Apr-01 Thomborson Choices of form for your term paper
18 6-Apr-01 G Rugg(10) Sebe, "Spatial-Domain Image Watermarking"
  6-Apr-01 Thomborson Discussion of titles, synopses and abstracts; Assignment 1 due
19 24-Apr-01 Jay Garden Guest speaker from the GCSB; draft titles & synopses due from all students
20 25-Apr-01 (no lecture) ANZAC Day
21 27-Apr-01 Thomborson Research skills -- discovering and citing relevant articles for your term paper
22 1-May-01 Thomborson Practice Final Exam (ungraded)
23 2-May-01 X Deng (11) Hohl, "Time-Limited Blackbox Security"; excerpts due from (14)-(17)
  2-May-01 Thomborson Discussion of student project titles, synopses & abstracts
24 4-May-01 W Zhang (12) Krsul & Spafford, "Authorship Analysis"
  4-May-01 Y-C Shen (14) Ousterhout, "The Safe-Tcl Security Model"
25 8-May-01 B Ihle (15) Cohen, "Operating System Protection …"
  8-May-01 Thomborson A step-by-step method for writing a first draft of your term paper
26 9-May-01 R Min (16) Garcia-Molina & Shivakumar, "Safeguarding and Charging for Information …"
  9-May-01 M Li (17) Bates, "Fundamentals of Computer Forensics"
27 11-May-01 Y Li (18) Gong et al., "Signing, Sealing and Guarding Java Objects"
  11-May-01 C Stanton (19) Law, "How to Make a Mint ..."
28 15-May-01 M Zhang (20) Dowd, "Network Security: It's Time to Take It Seriously"
  15-May-01 J Liu (21) Dean, Java Security ...
29 16-May-01 A Cheeseman (22) Stephenson, Investigating Computer-Related Crime (pp. 98-111)
  16-May-01 J Tang (23) Ferguson et al., "Improved Cryptanalysis of Rijndael"
30 18-May-01 I Kurlatov (24) Gilmore, "Secure Remote Access to an Internal Webserver"
31 22-May-01 Thomborson A step-by-step method for writing a final draft of your term paper
  22-May-01 Thomborson A step-by-step method for writing a final draft of your term paper
32 23-May-01 F Li (26) LaDue, "The Maginot License…"
  23-May-01 T Lim (27) Ho, "A Study into the Problem of Software Piracy"
33 25-May-01 R Naidu (28) Devanbu & Stubblebine, "Software Engineering for Security: A Roadmap"
  25-May-01 S Derhamy (29) Hunt, "Internet/Intranet Firewall Security …"
34 29-May-01 H Wu (30) Wallach et al., "Extensible Security Mechanisms for Java"
  29-May-01 C West (31) Hedbom et al, "Analysis of the Security of Windows NT" (?)
35 30-May-01 Nevil Brownlee Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response
36 1-Jun-01 Thomborson Deadline for submission of your term paper