Sample Final Exam Questions & Answers

COMPSCI 725 Software Security


Clark Thomborson

Computer Science Department, University of Auckland

1st May, 2001


Instructions:  This exam will not be graded.  Write your answers on a separate sheet.  Do not write your name on your answer sheet.  If you turn in an answer sheet to me at the end of this class period, I may use one or more of your answers in a class discussion.

A.  Legal, Ethical and Conceptual Frameworks

1)       Professor Charles W Turner, of IEEE’s Member Conduct Committee, recently wrote, “It is clearly unethical to pursue patent protection while ignoring or denying the existence of prior work elsewhere in the world...”

In approximately 50 words, analyse Professor Turner’s statement in terms of any one of the ethical systems discussed in class:

·         Pfleeger’s “universal, self-evident, natural rules” (right to know, right to privacy, right to fair compensation for work);

·         Sir David Ross’ duties (fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, self-improvement);

·         Christian ethics (Mosaic law, faith, hope, love, charity, Golden Rule);

·         Confucian ethics (Jen, Chun Tzu, Li, Te, Wen);

·         Islamic ethics (economic, social, military, religious).

Student answer #1: “By considering Pfleeger’s “universal, self-evident, natural rules” we see that Professor Turner’s statement is justified, because by ignoring or denying the existence of prior work (x) the “right to fair compensation for work” is violated for the producer of x”.

Instructor’s comments: Nicely argued but not fully considered.  I would deduct 2 marks because the student hasn’t indicated whether or not they consider the other elements of Pfleeger’s rules are relevant to this situation.  In most ethical analyses, more than one rule is relevant.  Often there is a trade-off between rules, for example you might have to find an ethical balance between a right-to-privacy and a right-to-know in some situations.  Mark: 8/10.

Student answer #2: “a) We use the existence of prior work to judge whether we should give out a patent protection right to a particular piece of work.  In Pfleeger’s “universal, self-evident, natural rules”, it says everyone has the right to know the existence of prior work that had been released from copy right or patent protection.  As from society’s point of view, everyone should enjoy sharing the benefits from releasing patent protection, as a feedback to the society.

“Also everyone has the right to privacy: i.e. everyone has the right to pursue a patent protection on their products, as long as it satisfies the rules and conditions specified.

“If the patent protection has been violate by some organisation, the owner of the patent protection has the right to ask for reasonable compensation of using any relative part of their patent.  Therefore, it is unethical to pursue patent protection in a way while ignoring or denying the existence of prior work.”

Instructor’s comments: I’m confused by this student’s first two paragraphs.  It seems almost certain this student doesn’t realise that a patent is a publication.  A patent doesn’t confer a right of privacy on the inventor, instead it requires publication.  Here’s how it works.  The inventor must disclose their invention to the patent examiner.  The inventor’s disclosure becomes public either when the patent is issued (under US patent law) or twelve months after filing (elsewhere).  So the student’s points about right-to-know and right-to-privacy are inaccurate.  In the last paragraph, I presume the student is arguing that an inventor has an ethical right (as opposed to a legal right) to reasonable compensation, although it is not at all clear how this ethical right relates to the “ignoring or denying” scenario of this question.  Instead the student suggests that the inventor’s right to compensation is only transgressed when some organisation has violated (in some unspecified way, to some unspecified extent) the patent.  The student has written an answer that is overly long (approx 150 words) to make just one point of questionable relevance; moreover their answer suggests that this student has a fundamental misunderstanding about patent law.  Mark: 0/10.

Student answer #3: “In terms of traditional Christian ethics, C. Turner’s statement would appear unfair in two possible ways.  It would be unfair from the point of view that if you sought a patent while prior work was known to exist, you would violate the “do unto others” sense of morality.  It would also violate the ethics from the point of view that “sharing” or giving of ideas is considered important also, and as such, patents place the individual’s interests above that of the “whole”.

Instructor’s comments: Excellent!  This student cogently explains how the communal ideals of some Christians, notably the Essenes, would apply to our situation.  These ideals were not discussed in class, however Biblical support is easy to find, e.g. “Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).  Further discussion of the ethical challenges facing Christians in a capitalistic society can be found in many scholarly texts, sermons e.g., and lay debates, e.g.  Mark: 10/10.

2)       If an attacker clones a cellphone, and thereby gets access to the cellphone owner’s voicemail inbox, what integrity expectation of the cellphone’s owner could be violated?  Answer in approximately 50 words, being careful to define a specific integrity expectation that could be attacked in this way, and how this integrity expectation could be violated.

Student answer #4: An attacker would be violating an individual’s right to privacy, an individual should reasonably expect that the voicemail inbox of their cellphone could only be accessed by them, and for an attacker to access it it no longer remains an individual’s personal and private information.

Instructor’s comments: This student discusses privacy, which is an aspect of confidentiality.  I see no sign that this student understands the fundamental distinction between confidentiality and integrity, otherwise the student would surely have specified “write access” rather than the read-only access that is implied by an expectation of privacy.  Mark: 0/10.

Student answer #5: The integrity expectation that could be attacked is the expectation that the information is not accessible by unauthorised people, and that information is valid (and thus not added to or removed).  Once the attacker has cracked in, the first expectation has become voided.  If the attacker begins playback, and starts removing messages from the mailbox then the second expectation has been violated.

Instructor’s comments: This student’s first expectation is one of confidentiality; the second is one of integrity.  As with Student #4, I see no indication that this student understands the difference between confidentiality and integrity, however I’ll award partial marks because this student did clearly identify an expectation of integrity and how it could be attacked.  Mark: 5/10.

Student answer #6: If an attacker clones a cellphone, he/she can use that cellphone to make a phone call while the cellphone owner may not be able to make a call, this breaks the availability of the service.  The attacker can access to the cellphone owner’s voicemail inbox, hear the owner’s voicemail, this breaks the privacy of the service.  And the attacker can make a voicemail to another people using the owner’s identification.

Instructor’s comments: This student describes three expectations and three attacks, however none of these are on the integrity of the cellphone owner’s voicemail inbox. Mark: 0/10.

B.  Applications of Cryptography

3)       Name, and briefly describe, three applications of PKI.  Your answer should consist of three sentences of the form “PKI can be used for X, which is …” Each sentence should be approximately 15 words in length.

Student answer #7: 1) PKI can be used for identification, user can use PKI to identify himself to the receiver which will also have a copy of the PKI.

2) PKI can be used for authentication, if the PKI given is correct a user will be authenticated & therefore able to receive connection and have access to their personal information.

3) PKI can be used to transmit data, the correct PKI can be use to help encrypt/decrypt data using the proper keys.

Instructor’s comments: This is an excellent synthesis of material from several readings, marred by a consistent error in its usage of the acronym “PKI”.  It seems that this student doesn’t understand that PKI is an “infrastructure” (or set of protocols and databases) that can be accessed to 1) create a public/private key pair, 2) verify a public key is consistent with another form of identification, 3) discover someone else’s public key, etc.  This student seems to think “PKI” means a public/private key pair.  I would mark this answer down severely if we had a required reading that defined & discussed PKI clearly, however because we have had no such reading my mark for this answer is 9/10.

Student answer #8: i) PKI can be used to ssh, scp, sftp which are secure, encrypted replacements for rsh, rcp, ftp on Unix systems.

ii) PKI can be used for https which is a secure http protocol allowing the sharing of sensitive data such as credit card numbers over the web.

iii) PKI can be used for authenticating businesses to banks and vice versa for the security of credit card transactions online.  (ii is for clients to businesses.)

Instructor’s comments: This student demonstrates excellent understanding of reading beyond the course requirements.  Mark: 10/10. 

Student answer #9: PKI can be used for password transmission, which lets only the computer with the password database read the transmitted password.

PKI can be used for identity verification when dealing with a bank or other secure facility.

PKI can be used for authoring proof, for example embedding a coded watermark in a picture that only the real author can decode.

Instructor’s comments: This student makes a good attempt at synthesising the class readings that have mentioned PKI.  However the first application is unlikely (there are simpler & much more efficient protocols for secure password challenge/response than sending a PKI-encrypted message), and the third application is at best unclear (at worst it is incorrect).  Mark: 7/10.

C.  Secure Software Design Techniques

4)       The overall goal of the S.E.E. Mail project is “to facilitate the exchange of email and documents using the Internet” among agencies of the New Zealand Government.  Here is a question/answer pair appearing on a webpage entitled “S.E.E. Mail – Frequently Asked Questions” (

Why doesn’t S.E.E. Mail encrypt the “To:”, “From:” and “Subject” fields?

S.E.E. Mail products are “Off-The-Shelf” commercial offerings.  They have not been customised.  Accordingly we have had to live with the vendors’ implementations of the S/MIME standard.

a)       One of the articles you read this term used a four-letter acronym, instead of the phrase “‘Off-The-Shelf’ commercial offerings’”.  What was this acronym?

b)       Write a total of approximately 50 words, listing and very briefly explaining two advantages and two disadvantages of the S.E.E. Mail project’s decision to use “‘Off-The-Shelf’ commercial offerings’.

Student answer #10: 4a.  4-letter acronym: ?

4b. Advantages: 1) easy to find the answer

2) easy to access the documents, no need to use complicated way to encry or decrypt the message

Disadvantage: 1) cannot prevent malicious tampering

2) cannot hide secret completely.

Instructor comments: This answer is almost incomprehensible, and doesn’t show any understanding of the security implications of using COTS to implement the S.E.E. Mail project of the NZ Government.  Mark: 0/10.

Student answer #11: 4a. [no answer]

4b. Advantages of “off-the-shelf commercial offerings” are 1) It’s cheap to buy  exist product than to developer one by self.

2) It is not easy for some local attacker who know some of the bank system to attack the server in other country.

Disadvantage: 1) Long distance communication involve would suffer more traffic problem.

2) Have not totally control of the server.

Instructor’s comments: The student makes one valid point (advantage #1), two irrelevant points (advantage #2, disadvantage #1) and one vague point (disadvantage #2).  It seems clear that this student has a sketchy understanding of the concept of COTS, and how it relates to secure software design for email & document exchange.  Mark: 3/10.

Student answer #12: 4a. COTS, “Commercial-off-the-shelf”

4b. Benefits: 1) fast deployment, 2) better service & technical support.

Disadvantage: 1) security flaws on particular users, can’t fully satisfy specific security needs, e.g. users security model is restricted by the security functions of the system.  2) Easily suffer attacks aming [?] to a whole class of systems.

Instructor’s comments: Nice work!  The discussion is somewhat non-specific to the application (of email & document exchange) however students had only a few minutes to answer each question so I can’t expect too much in the way of creative analysis.  Mark: 10/10.

Student answer #13: 4a. COTS - Commercial off the shelf software.

4b. Using an existing system “of the shelf” allows S.E.E. Mail Project to know and have a highly known and publicly open system, such that both positive and negative things are already known about it.  Support and patches are often well provided by, companies but also in being well known/used it would be more easily “cracked” if the source is around.

Instructor’s comments: This student has identified only one disadvantage; otherwise their answer is fine.  Mark: 8/10.

D.  Copy Detection and Prevention

5)       Cox and Linnartz distinguish between “restricted-key” and “unrestricted-key” watermarking.  In “restricted-key” watermarking, a small number of highly trusted receivers can read the watermark.  In “unrestricted-key” watermarking, a very large number of weakly trusted receivers can read the watermark.  For the case of recorded media such as music, both types of watermarking are important.  Restricted-key watermarks could be discovered by trusted agents of a media company, who monitor broadcasts (on radio, television and the web) for copyright and licensing infringements using special receivers.

In approximately 50 words, explain the purpose and operation of an unrestricted-key watermarking system that is implemented in contemporary DVD players.

Student answer #14:  DVD player has the watermark reading chip in it,

Instructor’s comments: Mark 0/10.

Student answer #15: Unrestricted-key is used to show the copyright of the product and also limits copying of the media.

Instructor’s comments: This answer shows some understanding of the purpose of the unrestricted-key watermark system in DVD players, but no understanding of its operation.  Mark: 2/10.

Student answer #16: An unrestricted-key watermarking system is used for preventing unwatermarked DVD played in a DVD player.  A DVD player has a mechanism to verify the watermark key in the DVD.  If the watermark is found, plays the DVD, else refuse to play the DVD.

Instructor’s comments: This student shows understanding of how a DVD player might be designed to use watermarks.  However, the DVD system described in the article is quite different, as it will in fact play a DVD that has no watermarks.  The only DVDs that are “refused” are those with a damaged or otherwise invalid watermark.  Mark: 4/10.

Student answer #17: The purpose of unrestricted-key watermarking system that is implemented in DVD players is to protect copyrighted work (i.e. movies etc.)  It operates as follows: if DVD player detects a watermark in a movie image, it determines whether the watermark is “intact”.  If it is not, meaning the movie image is a pirated copy, and it stops playing the movie.  In this case, unrestricted-key watermarking is used because, there are large number of DVD players (receivers) can read the watermark, but these DVD players are weakly trusted because the owner of the DVD player might have modified the DVD player to play the pirated DVDs.

Instructor’s comments: This student shows good understanding and recall of some required reading in this class.  Mark: 10/10.

Instructor’s summary comments, on 17 sample answers.   My average mark is about 5/10, which would be dismal for a final exam in a postgraduate paper.  However, I believe that most of the students in this class have not done all the assigned reading.  I therefore see great chance for improvement in average marks on the final – if most of you make an effort to catch up on your reading, so that you are able to answer questions on the basic concepts and applications of software security.