Java Embedded Technologies

Professor Dr.-Ing. Manfred Bartel

Fachhochschule Aalen

Fachbereich Elektronik/Technische Informatik

Beethovenstrasse 1

73430 AALEN,

Tel. ++49.7361.576.107

Fax. ++49.7361.576.316


Time: 10:00am - 11:00am

Date:   Friday 22 September 2000

Place: School of Engineering, Room 3.408


Abstract: Information-, communication- and automation technologies are merging into one domain with the help of the ubiquitous internet technology.  The huge IT conglomerates are competing to win the leading edge in this area by introducing new standards, protocols, programming languages etc. with an increasing pace. Microsoft with its ever lasting proprietary approaches and SUN as the main  rival with its more open JAVA solution are two different flavours of the  recent mainstream. This presentation concentrates on the JAVA centric approach and its various solutions in the embedded and wireless market.


For further information please contact Dr Michael J. Neve, Phone

373-7599 extn 5074