Software Security

415.725 SC 00
Clark Thomborson
Handout 1: General Information


Prof Clark Thomborson (Supervisor)

Published prerequisites

(415.330 Language Implementation or 415.333 Functional Programming & Language Implementation) and 415.320 Algorithmics.

Acceptable prerequisites

Any two of the following: 415.330 Language Implementation, 415.333 Functional Programming & Language Implementation, 415.320 Algorithmics, 415.313 Computer Organisation, 415.314 Data Communications Fundamentals, 415.340 Operating Systems, 415.335 Distributed Objects and Algorithms, 415.350 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science.

Scheduled Lecture Times

Second semester 2000, City campus, Math/Phys/CS room 246, MWTh 10-11.

Required Reading

You will read approximately 24 technical articles during the first eight weeks of this paper. These will be the basis of our in-class discussions. Some of these articles are available online, and I will hand out the others in hardcopy. Your term paper will be based on your reading and interpretation of at least two additional articles of your choice.


Software security is taking on new importance as e-commerce moves from hype to reality. Software systems are susceptible to a variety of attacks including eavesdropping, playback, denial of service, and unauthorised use. In this paper we will survey the field of software security, with a particular focus on technical and legal means for protection against unauthorised use.


Denial of service, privacy violations, primary and collateral damage. Eavesdropping, playback, binary tampering during delivery, introduction of hostile code, malicious hosts. Unauthorised use by copying, dongle mimicry, decompilation and recompilation, reverse engineering. Software patents, copyrights, trade secrets. Sandbox, blackbox, and cryptographic security. Steganography. Obfuscation, robust and fragile watermarks, fingerprints.

All students in this paper will prepare and deliver an oral presentation based on a published article in this field. Each student will write a 10-page term paper on some related topic, and give an oral presentation on their term project to the class.


60% exam, 25% project, 15% seminar.

Tentative Schedule


We will discuss vulnerabilities in widely-deployed computer systems. This is not an invitation for you to exploit these vulnerabilities! Instead you are expected to behave responsibly. Don't break into computer systems that are not your own. Don't attempt to subvert any security system in any other way, for example by taking over someone else's "digital identity". See Department of Computer Science Computer System Regulations and University of Auckland Computer System Regulations.

Updated 7 July 2000 by CDT.