Computer Science


Lecture notes and other handouts.

  1. Handout 1: General information and term schedule.
  2. Handout 2: Student information sheet.
  3. Handout 3: Bibliography, revised 1 November 2000.
  4. Handout 4: Oral presentations, revised 26 July 2000.
  5. Lecture #1: Introduction (19 July 2000). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  6. Lecture #2: Software Law (20 July 2000). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  7. Lecture #3: Student Presentations, Final Reports, and Ethical Issues in Computer Security (24-27 July 2000). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  8. Lectures #4 - #20 are available here.
  9. Lecture #21a: Using the Internet to Decrease Software Piracy (Hauser) (21 September 2000 presentation by Xiao Wang). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  10. Lecture #21b: Software Watermarking (Collberg & Thomborson) (21 September 2000 presentation by Nian Zhou). Available in PPS format (1.3 MB, because I have embedded fonts to minimise the damage from Symbol glyph mismapping between PCs and Macs, although slide 3 is still poorly displayed ;-) and in PDF (33 KB).
  11. Monday, 25 September 2000: Computer Forensics (Brian Eardley-Wilmot of Computer Forensics NZ Ltd). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  12. Lecture #23a: Safe-Tcl Security Model (Ousterhout et al.) (27 September 2000 presentation by Guoyu Deng). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  13. Lecture #23b: Reflections on Trusting Trust (Thompson) (27 September 2000 presentation by Katherine Rosie). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  14. Lecture #24a: Hardware Protection against Software Piracy (Maude & Maude) (28 September 2000 presentation by Mark Noble). Available in PPS format and in PDF, revised version posted 26.9.00.
  15. Lecture #24b: Metering and Licensing of Resources: Kala's General Purpose Approach (28 September 2000 presentation by Seung Jun Lee). Available in PPS format and in PDF, revised version posted 28.9.00.
  16. Monday, 2 October 2000: Oren Ben-Menachem of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young will speak on "Reverse Engineering." Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  17. Lecture #26a: Decompilation of Binary Programs (Cifuentes & Gough) Purpose Approach (4 October 2000 presentation by Connie Chang). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  18. Lecture #26b: Report Writing. Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  19. Lecture #27: Report Writing (2). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  20. Lecture #28: Report Writing (3). Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  21. Lecture #29: Report Writing (4), Writers' Workshop. Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  22. Lecture #30: Report Writing (5), Revisions. Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  23. Lecture #31 and #32: Sample Final Exam Questions. Available in PPS format and in PDF.
  24. Lecture #33: Retrospective Course Outline (Readings by topic). Available in HTML format.

The lecture notes are available in "powerpoint slideshow" (pps) format and in "portable document format" (pdf). To view or print them in PPS, you will need Microsoft's PowerPoint or a PowerPoint viewer. You can download freeware PowerPoint viewers for your Macintosh (6.5 MB) or Windows PC (2.8 MB). Freeware PDF viewers are available from Adobe.

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