Computer Science


Research Tools

  • Literature Search
    • Google The most basic search tool on the internet is the best research tool!
    • Citeseer An archive that includes most freely available computer science articles on the web. Allows you to find articles that reference the one that you are reading. The database is created by a web crawler, so there are some errors. Still, it's a good first place to look for publications. Be aware that a lot of copyrighted articles never appear in this archive. For this, the ACM and IEEE digitial libraries are important.
    • Google Scholar A product from Google that is similar to Citeseer.
    • The ACM Digital Library Archive of all publications by the Association for Computing Machinery, including access it from any campus machine.
    • IEEE Xplore The IEEE's digital library. Includes computer graphics journals and conferences such as Computer Graphics and Applications. In principle, it has a citation and indexing service, but it does not seem as well developed as the ACM's. The univeristy has a subscription to this service; you can access it from any campus machine.
  • Other Literature Resources
    • A nice web page with references to all SIGGRAPH and other conference papers is maintained by K-S.Huang and T.Rowley. It is very convenient to browse, and you can use it without subscription. But it's not complete.
    • The Auckland University Library Has real paper books and journals. Also a wide array of electronic resources. The Computer Science subject librarian, Liz Hardley maintains a list of resources for computer scientists. She's also available for help with library research.
  • Lecture Notes and Demos
  • Resources for Report Writing

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