Suggested SIGGRAPH 2005 Project Topics

The recommended topics for the SIGGRAPH 2005 projects are listed below. See the course's afs directory for more information.

I expect you to look up and at least skim the papers before Thursday. We'll narrow down the topic list during lecture time on that day.

Projects on other SIGGRAPH 2005 papers are possible, but you must consult with me about this before Thursday's lecture.

This page is an edited version of the one created by Ke-Sen Huang and Tim Rowley.

Mesh Manipulation

Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching

Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ), Matthias Teschner (Universität Freiburg), Markus Gross (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich )

Meshes I

Robust Moving Least-squares Fitting with Sharp Features

Shachar Fleishman, (University of Utah), Daniel Cohen-Or (Tel Aviv University), Claudio Silva (University of Utah)


Fast Exact and Approximate Geodesics on Meshes

Vitaly Surazhsky, Tatiana Surazhsky (University of Oslo and Technion), Danil Kirsanov, Steven J. Gortler (Harvard University), Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research)


Mean Value Coordinates for Closed Triangular Meshes

Tao Ju, Scott Schaefer, Joe Warren (Rice University)

Meshes II

Shell Maps

Serban D. Porumbescu, Brian Budge, Louis Feng, Kenneth I. Joy (University of California Davis)


Mesh Saliency

Chang Ha Lee, Amitabh Varshney, David W. Jacobs (University of Maryland at College Park)

Texture Synthesis

Wavelet Noise

Rob Cook, Tony DeRose (Pixar Animation Studios)

Image Processing

Compressing and Companding High Dynamic Range Images With Multiscale Wavelet Architectures

Yuanzhen Li, Lavanya Sharan Edward H. Adelson, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Geometry on GPUs

Resolution Independent Curve Rendering Using Programmable Graphics Hardware (PDF)

Charles Loop, Jim Blinn (Microsoft Research)


Blister: GPU-based rendering of Boolean combinations of free-form triangulated shapes

John Hable, Jarek Rossignac (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Transparency & Translucency

An Approximate Image-Space Approach for Interactive Refraction

Chris Wyman (University of Iowa)

Appearance & Illumination

Visual Simulation of Weathering by Gamma-ton Tracing

Yanyun Chen (Microsoft Research Asia), Lin Xia (Zhejiang University), Tien Tsin Wong (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Xin Tong, Hujun Bao (Zhejiang University), Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

Shape & Texture

As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation

Takeo Igarashi (University of Tokyo), Tomer Moscovich, John F. Hughes (Brown University)

Ray Tracing

Soft Shadow Volumes for Ray Tracing

Samuli Laine (Helsinki University of Technology), Timo Aila, (Helsinki University of Technology and Hybrid Graphics, Ltd.), Ulf Assarsson (ARTIS, GRAVIR/IMAG -- INRIA and Illuminate Labs, Ltd.), Jaakko Lehtinen (Helsinki University of Technology and Remedy Entertainment, Ltd.), Tomas Akenine-Möller (Lunds universitet)

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