Learning Objectives for SIGGRAPH 2004 Project Papers
Fragment Based Image Completion
- Image Compositing using Laplacian and Gaussian Pyramids
- The Push-Pull Algorithm for Scattered Data Interpolation
- Searching for matching fragments (including similarity measurement and adaptive region sizes)
- Handling of confidence values and level sets
- Analysis of the Fragment Based Image Completion technique
View Dependent Displacement Mapping
- Basics of bump mapping, horizon mapping, displacement mapping
- Pixel shader ops and their displacement in the graphics pipeline. How does VDM fit in?
- VDM texture generation (issues include terrain rendering and handling curvature)
- Rendering with VDM textures (including handling of self shadowing)
- How eigendecomposition/SVD is used in compression
- How to prepare a matrix so that it compresses well
- Analysis of the VDM technique
Graphcut Textures
- The basics of texture synthesis; previous techniques such as Efros and Freeman and Wei and Levoy and how they work and what are their strengths and weaknesses
- Maxflow/Mincut Algorithm and how it applies to texture synthesis
- Patch placement and matching (including cost functions and rapid computation)
- Accounting for old seams
- Feathering
- Analysis of the Graphcut Textures technque
Boolean Operations on Surfel Bounded Solids
- The surfels approach -- Why they are used, how they are used, their strengths and weaknesses.
- Intersection testing within a leaf cell - and associated problems.
- The resampling operator - Why it's necessary and how and why it works.
- Octrees and how they work.
- Basic approaches to finding nearest neighbours efficiently
- Analysis of the surfels technique