//---------------------------------------------------- // The following code was generated by CUP v0.10k // Wed May 03 15:15:30 NZST 2006 //---------------------------------------------------- package grammar; /** CUP generated class containing symbol constants. */ public class sym { /* terminals */ public static final int SHORT = 34; public static final int LEFT = 47; public static final int GT = 69; public static final int IMPLEMENTS = 21; public static final int RIGHT = 48; public static final int GE = 71; public static final int LEFTSQ = 51; public static final int RIGHTSHIFTASSIGN = 66; public static final int RIGHTSHIFT = 91; public static final int INCR = 80; public static final int BARASSIGN = 62; public static final int CATCH = 7; public static final int COMMA = 54; public static final int BOOLEANLIT = 96; public static final int THROW = 40; public static final int RIGHTCURLY = 50; public static final int LT = 68; public static final int DOUBLE = 13; public static final int TRANSIENT = 42; public static final int PROTECTED = 31; public static final int TILDE = 75; public static final int PLUSASSIGN = 57; public static final int LE = 70; public static final int DECR = 81; public static final int FINAL = 16; public static final int STRINGLIT = 98; public static final int FLOAT = 18; public static final int NULLLIT = 99; public static final int PACKAGE = 29; public static final int EQ = 72; public static final int STARASSIGN = 59; public static final int CLASS = 9; public static final int SUPER = 36; public static final int ABSTRACT = 2; public static final int SLASH = 85; public static final int NATIVE = 27; public static final int UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFT = 92; public static final int PLUS = 82; public static final int LONG = 26; public static final int PERCENT = 89; public static final int WHILE = 46; public static final int EXTENDS = 15; public static final int ASSIGN = 56; public static final int INTERFACE = 25; public static final int CHAR = 8; public static final int EXCLAIM = 74; public static final int BOOLEAN = 3; public static final int CHARLIT = 97; public static final int SWITCH = 37; public static final int LEFTSHIFT = 90; public static final int DO = 12; public static final int FOR = 19; public static final int STAR = 84; public static final int VOID = 44; public static final int PUBLIC = 32; public static final int RETURN = 33; public static final int AMPERSANDASSIGN = 61; public static final int ELSE = 14; public static final int TRY = 43; public static final int INTEGERLIT = 94; public static final int BREAK = 4; public static final int PERCENTASSIGN = 64; public static final int AMPERSAND = 86; public static final int DOT = 55; public static final int INT = 24; public static final int THROWS = 41; public static final int LEFTCURLY = 49; public static final int EOF = 0; public static final int SEMICOLON = 53; public static final int UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFTASSIGN = 67; public static final int THIS = 39; public static final int DEFAULT = 11; public static final int FLOATLIT = 95; public static final int IMPORT = 22; public static final int MINUS = 83; public static final int OR = 79; public static final int IDENT = 93; public static final int error = 1; public static final int SYNCHRONIZED = 38; public static final int FINALLY = 17; public static final int CONTINUE = 10; public static final int IF = 20; public static final int RIGHTSQ = 52; public static final int INSTANCEOF = 23; public static final int COLON = 77; public static final int SLASHASSIGN = 60; public static final int LEFTSHIFTASSIGN = 65; public static final int CARET = 88; public static final int VOLATILE = 45; public static final int QUEST = 76; public static final int MINUSASSIGN = 58; public static final int CASE = 6; public static final int NEW = 28; public static final int BYTE = 5; public static final int AND = 78; public static final int BAR = 87; public static final int CARETASSIGN = 63; public static final int PRIVATE = 30; public static final int STATIC = 35; public static final int NE = 73; static final int InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt = 139; static final int Modifier = 20; static final int ArrayType = 9; static final int ForInitOpt = 135; static final int IfThenElseStatement = 69; static final int CompilationUnit = 11; static final int ClassInstanceCreationExpression = 96; static final int ConstantExpression = 129; static final int StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement = 62; static final int SynchronizedStatement = 89; static final int StaticInitializer = 41; static final int BlockStatements = 56; static final int ExplicitConstructorInvocation = 45; static final int DimsOpt = 132; static final int IfThenStatement = 68; static final int DimExprs = 99; static final int AssignmentOperator = 127; static final int ClassBodyOpt = 146; static final int IntegralType = 6; static final int $START = 0; static final int Dims = 101; static final int SwitchLabel = 76; static final int ImportDeclaration = 15; static final int ConstructorDeclaration = 42; static final int StatementExpression = 67; static final int Statement = 60; static final int SwitchBlockStatementGroups = 73; static final int VariableInitializers = 54; static final int SwitchBlockStatementGroup = 74; static final int SwitchStatement = 71; static final int ArrayAccess = 104; static final int FloatingPointType = 7; static final int ReferenceType = 8; static final int FieldAccess = 102; static final int Type = 3; static final int ConstantDeclaration = 51; static final int Modifiers = 19; static final int DimExpr = 100; static final int TypeDeclarations = 13; static final int WhileStatement = 77; static final int ConditionalOrExpression = 122; static final int InterfaceDeclaration = 46; static final int NameList = 39; static final int TryStatement = 90; static final int MultiplicativeExpression = 113; static final int ClassBodyDeclarations = 25; static final int ArgumentListOpt = 130; static final int ExtendsInterfaces = 47; static final int LabeledStatementNoShortIf = 65; static final int TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration = 17; static final int Literal = 2; static final int PackageDeclarationOpt = 142; static final int WhileStatementNoShortIf = 78; static final int NumericType = 5; static final int ExpressionStatement = 66; static final int EmptyStatement = 63; static final int PreDecrementExpression = 110; static final int StatementExpressionList = 84; static final int ImportDeclarationsOpt = 138; static final int Interfaces = 23; static final int Finally = 93; static final int Name = 10; static final int ForUpdateOpt = 136; static final int ThrowsOpt = 144; static final int ClassBodyDeclaration = 26; static final int Super = 22; static final int FormalParameterList = 36; static final int DoStatement = 79; static final int BreakStatement = 85; static final int PrimitiveType = 4; static final int LocalVariableDeclarationStatement = 58; static final int ArgumentList = 97; static final int ExtendsInterfacesOpt = 134; static final int ConditionalAndExpression = 121; static final int ArrayCreationExpression = 98; static final int FieldDeclaration = 28; static final int FormalParameterListOpt = 137; static final int EqualityExpression = 117; static final int ThrowStatement = 88; static final int PreIncrementExpression = 109; static final int RelationExpression = 116; static final int ExpressionOpt = 133; static final int Throws = 38; static final int InterfaceMemberDeclaration = 50; static final int ClassDeclaration = 21; static final int ForUpdate = 83; static final int MethodHeader = 34; static final int ForStatementNoShortIf = 81; static final int PostDecrementExpression = 107; static final int ReturnStatement = 87; static final int LeftHandSide = 126; static final int Assignment = 125; static final int Primary = 94; static final int InterfaceMemberDeclarations = 49; static final int AssignmentExpression = 124; static final int StatementNoShortIf = 61; static final int TypeDeclaration = 18; static final int ArrayInitializer = 53; static final int InclusiveOrExpression = 120; static final int VariableDeclarators = 29; static final int SingleTypeImportDeclaration = 16; static final int LocalVariableDeclaration = 59; static final int VariableDeclarator = 30; static final int Goal = 1; static final int PostIncrementExpression = 106; static final int MethodDeclarator = 35; static final int BlockStatement = 57; static final int ClassBody = 24; static final int TypeDeclarationsOpt = 145; static final int CatchClause = 92; static final int Catches = 91; static final int ContinueStatement = 86; static final int FormalParameter = 37; static final int AbstractMethodDeclaration = 52; static final int SuperOpt = 143; static final int MethodDeclaration = 33; static final int ConstructorBody = 44; static final int LabeledStatement = 64; static final int SwitchLabels = 75; static final int AdditiveExpression = 114; static final int VariableInitializer = 32; static final int ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt = 131; static final int Expression = 128; static final int ModifiersOpt = 141; static final int CastExpression = 112; static final int ConditionalExpression = 123; static final int PostfixExpression = 105; static final int UnaryExpression = 108; static final int ForStatement = 80; static final int InterfacesOpt = 140; static final int ForInit = 82; static final int ImportDeclarations = 12; static final int MethodBody = 40; static final int ConstructorDeclarator = 43; static final int ClassMemberDeclaration = 27; static final int SwitchBlock = 72; static final int MethodInvocation = 103; static final int ShiftExpression = 115; static final int InterfaceBody = 48; static final int IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf = 70; static final int UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus = 111; static final int VariableDeclaratorId = 31; static final int ExclusiveOrExpression = 119; static final int PrimaryNoNewArray = 95; static final int Block = 55; static final int PackageDeclaration = 14; static final int AndExpression = 118; public static String terminal_name( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case 34: return "SHORT"; case 47: return "LEFT"; case 69: return "GT"; case 21: return "IMPLEMENTS"; case 48: return "RIGHT"; case 71: return "GE"; case 51: return "LEFTSQ"; case 66: return "RIGHTSHIFTASSIGN"; case 91: return "RIGHTSHIFT"; case 80: return "INCR"; case 62: return "BARASSIGN"; case 7: return "CATCH"; case 54: return "COMMA"; case 96: return "BOOLEANLIT"; case 40: return "THROW"; case 50: return "RIGHTCURLY"; case 68: return "LT"; case 13: return "DOUBLE"; case 42: return "TRANSIENT"; case 31: return "PROTECTED"; case 75: return "TILDE"; case 57: return "PLUSASSIGN"; case 70: return "LE"; case 81: return "DECR"; case 16: return "FINAL"; case 98: return "STRINGLIT"; case 18: return "FLOAT"; case 99: return "NULLLIT"; case 29: return "PACKAGE"; case 72: return "EQ"; case 59: return "STARASSIGN"; case 9: return "CLASS"; case 36: return "SUPER"; case 2: return "ABSTRACT"; case 85: return "SLASH"; case 27: return "NATIVE"; case 92: return "UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFT"; case 82: return "PLUS"; case 26: return "LONG"; case 89: return "PERCENT"; case 46: return "WHILE"; case 15: return "EXTENDS"; case 56: return "ASSIGN"; case 25: return "INTERFACE"; case 8: return "CHAR"; case 74: return "EXCLAIM"; case 3: return "BOOLEAN"; case 97: return "CHARLIT"; case 37: return "SWITCH"; case 90: return "LEFTSHIFT"; case 12: return "DO"; case 19: return "FOR"; case 84: return "STAR"; case 44: return "VOID"; case 32: return "PUBLIC"; case 33: return "RETURN"; case 61: return "AMPERSANDASSIGN"; case 14: return "ELSE"; case 43: return "TRY"; case 94: return "INTEGERLIT"; case 4: return "BREAK"; case 64: return "PERCENTASSIGN"; case 86: return "AMPERSAND"; case 55: return "DOT"; case 24: return "INT"; case 41: return "THROWS"; case 49: return "LEFTCURLY"; case 0: return "EOF"; case 53: return "SEMICOLON"; case 67: return "UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFTASSIGN"; case 39: return "THIS"; case 11: return "DEFAULT"; case 95: return "FLOATLIT"; case 22: return "IMPORT"; case 83: return "MINUS"; case 79: return "OR"; case 93: return "IDENT"; case 1: return "error"; case 38: return "SYNCHRONIZED"; case 17: return "FINALLY"; case 10: return "CONTINUE"; case 20: return "IF"; case 52: return "RIGHTSQ"; case 23: return "INSTANCEOF"; case 77: return "COLON"; case 60: return "SLASHASSIGN"; case 65: return "LEFTSHIFTASSIGN"; case 88: return "CARET"; case 45: return "VOLATILE"; case 76: return "QUEST"; case 58: return "MINUSASSIGN"; case 6: return "CASE"; case 28: return "NEW"; case 5: return "BYTE"; case 78: return "AND"; case 87: return "BAR"; case 63: return "CARETASSIGN"; case 30: return "PRIVATE"; case 35: return "STATIC"; case 73: return "NE"; default: return "unknown terminal" + id; } } public static String non_terminal_name( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case 139: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt"; case 20: return "Modifier"; case 9: return "ArrayType"; case 135: return "ForInitOpt"; case 69: return "IfThenElseStatement"; case 11: return "CompilationUnit"; case 96: return "ClassInstanceCreationExpression"; case 129: return "ConstantExpression"; case 62: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement"; case 89: return "SynchronizedStatement"; case 41: return "StaticInitializer"; case 56: return "BlockStatements"; case 45: return "ExplicitConstructorInvocation"; case 132: return "DimsOpt"; case 68: return "IfThenStatement"; case 99: return "DimExprs"; case 127: return "AssignmentOperator"; case 146: return "ClassBodyOpt"; case 6: return "IntegralType"; case 0: return "$START"; case 101: return "Dims"; case 76: return "SwitchLabel"; case 15: return "ImportDeclaration"; case 42: return "ConstructorDeclaration"; case 67: return "StatementExpression"; case 60: return "Statement"; case 73: return "SwitchBlockStatementGroups"; case 54: return "VariableInitializers"; case 74: return "SwitchBlockStatementGroup"; case 71: return "SwitchStatement"; case 104: return "ArrayAccess"; case 7: return "FloatingPointType"; case 8: return "ReferenceType"; case 102: return "FieldAccess"; case 3: return "Type"; case 51: return "ConstantDeclaration"; case 19: return "Modifiers"; case 100: return "DimExpr"; case 13: return "TypeDeclarations"; case 77: return "WhileStatement"; case 122: return "ConditionalOrExpression"; case 46: return "InterfaceDeclaration"; case 39: return "NameList"; case 90: return "TryStatement"; case 113: return "MultiplicativeExpression"; case 25: return "ClassBodyDeclarations"; case 130: return "ArgumentListOpt"; case 47: return "ExtendsInterfaces"; case 65: return "LabeledStatementNoShortIf"; case 17: return "TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration"; case 2: return "Literal"; case 142: return "PackageDeclarationOpt"; case 78: return "WhileStatementNoShortIf"; case 5: return "NumericType"; case 66: return "ExpressionStatement"; case 63: return "EmptyStatement"; case 110: return "PreDecrementExpression"; case 84: return "StatementExpressionList"; case 138: return "ImportDeclarationsOpt"; case 23: return "Interfaces"; case 93: return "Finally"; case 10: return "Name"; case 136: return "ForUpdateOpt"; case 144: return "ThrowsOpt"; case 26: return "ClassBodyDeclaration"; case 22: return "Super"; case 36: return "FormalParameterList"; case 79: return "DoStatement"; case 85: return "BreakStatement"; case 4: return "PrimitiveType"; case 58: return "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement"; case 97: return "ArgumentList"; case 134: return "ExtendsInterfacesOpt"; case 121: return "ConditionalAndExpression"; case 98: return "ArrayCreationExpression"; case 28: return "FieldDeclaration"; case 137: return "FormalParameterListOpt"; case 117: return "EqualityExpression"; case 88: return "ThrowStatement"; case 109: return "PreIncrementExpression"; case 116: return "RelationExpression"; case 133: return "ExpressionOpt"; case 38: return "Throws"; case 50: return "InterfaceMemberDeclaration"; case 21: return "ClassDeclaration"; case 83: return "ForUpdate"; case 34: return "MethodHeader"; case 81: return "ForStatementNoShortIf"; case 107: return "PostDecrementExpression"; case 87: return "ReturnStatement"; case 126: return "LeftHandSide"; case 125: return "Assignment"; case 94: return "Primary"; case 49: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarations"; case 124: return "AssignmentExpression"; case 61: return "StatementNoShortIf"; case 18: return "TypeDeclaration"; case 53: return "ArrayInitializer"; case 120: return "InclusiveOrExpression"; case 29: return "VariableDeclarators"; case 16: return "SingleTypeImportDeclaration"; case 59: return "LocalVariableDeclaration"; case 30: return "VariableDeclarator"; case 1: return "Goal"; case 106: return "PostIncrementExpression"; case 35: return "MethodDeclarator"; case 57: return "BlockStatement"; case 24: return "ClassBody"; case 145: return "TypeDeclarationsOpt"; case 92: return "CatchClause"; case 91: return "Catches"; case 86: return "ContinueStatement"; case 37: return "FormalParameter"; case 52: return "AbstractMethodDeclaration"; case 143: return "SuperOpt"; case 33: return "MethodDeclaration"; case 44: return "ConstructorBody"; case 64: return "LabeledStatement"; case 75: return "SwitchLabels"; case 114: return "AdditiveExpression"; case 32: return "VariableInitializer"; case 131: return "ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt"; case 128: return "Expression"; case 141: return "ModifiersOpt"; case 112: return "CastExpression"; case 123: return "ConditionalExpression"; case 105: return "PostfixExpression"; case 108: return "UnaryExpression"; case 80: return "ForStatement"; case 140: return "InterfacesOpt"; case 82: return "ForInit"; case 12: return "ImportDeclarations"; case 40: return "MethodBody"; case 43: return "ConstructorDeclarator"; case 27: return "ClassMemberDeclaration"; case 72: return "SwitchBlock"; case 103: return "MethodInvocation"; case 115: return "ShiftExpression"; case 48: return "InterfaceBody"; case 70: return "IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf"; case 111: return "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus"; case 31: return "VariableDeclaratorId"; case 119: return "ExclusiveOrExpression"; case 95: return "PrimaryNoNewArray"; case 55: return "Block"; case 14: return "PackageDeclaration"; case 118: return "AndExpression"; default: return "unknown non_terminal" + id; } } public static String rule_name( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case 330: return "ClassBodyOpt ::= ClassBody "; case 329: return "ClassBodyOpt ::= "; case 328: return "TypeDeclarationsOpt ::= TypeDeclarations "; case 327: return "TypeDeclarationsOpt ::= "; case 326: return "ThrowsOpt ::= Throws "; case 325: return "ThrowsOpt ::= "; case 324: return "SuperOpt ::= Super "; case 323: return "SuperOpt ::= "; case 322: return "PackageDeclarationOpt ::= PackageDeclaration "; case 321: return "PackageDeclarationOpt ::= "; case 320: return "ModifiersOpt ::= Modifiers "; case 319: return "ModifiersOpt ::= "; case 318: return "InterfacesOpt ::= Interfaces "; case 317: return "InterfacesOpt ::= "; case 316: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt ::= InterfaceMemberDeclarations "; case 315: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt ::= "; case 314: return "ImportDeclarationsOpt ::= ImportDeclarations "; case 313: return "ImportDeclarationsOpt ::= "; case 312: return "FormalParameterListOpt ::= FormalParameterList "; case 311: return "FormalParameterListOpt ::= "; case 310: return "ForUpdateOpt ::= ForUpdate "; case 309: return "ForUpdateOpt ::= "; case 308: return "ForInitOpt ::= ForInit "; case 307: return "ForInitOpt ::= "; case 306: return "ExtendsInterfacesOpt ::= ExtendsInterfaces "; case 305: return "ExtendsInterfacesOpt ::= "; case 304: return "ExpressionOpt ::= Expression "; case 303: return "ExpressionOpt ::= "; case 302: return "DimsOpt ::= Dims "; case 301: return "DimsOpt ::= "; case 300: return "ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt ::= ClassBodyDeclarations "; case 299: return "ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt ::= "; case 298: return "ArgumentListOpt ::= ArgumentList "; case 297: return "ArgumentListOpt ::= "; case 296: return "ConstantExpression ::= Expression "; case 295: return "Expression ::= AssignmentExpression "; case 294: return "AssignmentOperator ::= CARETASSIGN "; case 293: return "AssignmentOperator ::= BARASSIGN "; case 292: return "AssignmentOperator ::= AMPERSANDASSIGN "; case 291: return "AssignmentOperator ::= UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFTASSIGN "; case 290: return "AssignmentOperator ::= RIGHTSHIFTASSIGN "; case 289: return "AssignmentOperator ::= LEFTSHIFTASSIGN "; case 288: return "AssignmentOperator ::= MINUSASSIGN "; case 287: return "AssignmentOperator ::= PLUSASSIGN "; case 286: return "AssignmentOperator ::= PERCENTASSIGN "; case 285: return "AssignmentOperator ::= SLASHASSIGN "; case 284: return "AssignmentOperator ::= STARASSIGN "; case 283: return "AssignmentOperator ::= ASSIGN "; case 282: return "LeftHandSide ::= ArrayAccess "; case 281: return "LeftHandSide ::= FieldAccess "; case 280: return "LeftHandSide ::= Name "; case 279: return "Assignment ::= LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression "; case 278: return "AssignmentExpression ::= Assignment "; case 277: return "AssignmentExpression ::= ConditionalExpression "; case 276: return "ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression QUEST Expression COLON ConditionalExpression "; case 275: return "ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression "; case 274: return "ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression OR ConditionalAndExpression "; case 273: return "ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression "; case 272: return "ConditionalAndExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression AND InclusiveOrExpression "; case 271: return "ConditionalAndExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression "; case 270: return "InclusiveOrExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression BAR ExclusiveOrExpression "; case 269: return "InclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression "; case 268: return "ExclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression CARET AndExpression "; case 267: return "ExclusiveOrExpression ::= AndExpression "; case 266: return "AndExpression ::= AndExpression AMPERSAND EqualityExpression "; case 265: return "AndExpression ::= EqualityExpression "; case 264: return "EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression NE RelationExpression "; case 263: return "EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression EQ RelationExpression "; case 262: return "EqualityExpression ::= RelationExpression "; case 261: return "RelationExpression ::= RelationExpression INSTANCEOF ReferenceType "; case 260: return "RelationExpression ::= RelationExpression GE ShiftExpression "; case 259: return "RelationExpression ::= RelationExpression LE ShiftExpression "; case 258: return "RelationExpression ::= RelationExpression GT ShiftExpression "; case 257: return "RelationExpression ::= RelationExpression LT ShiftExpression "; case 256: return "RelationExpression ::= ShiftExpression "; case 255: return "ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression UNSIGNEDRIGHTSHIFT AdditiveExpression "; case 254: return "ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression RIGHTSHIFT AdditiveExpression "; case 253: return "ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression LEFTSHIFT AdditiveExpression "; case 252: return "ShiftExpression ::= AdditiveExpression "; case 251: return "AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression MINUS MultiplicativeExpression "; case 250: return "AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression PLUS MultiplicativeExpression "; case 249: return "AdditiveExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression "; case 248: return "MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression PERCENT UnaryExpression "; case 247: return "MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression SLASH UnaryExpression "; case 246: return "MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression STAR UnaryExpression "; case 245: return "MultiplicativeExpression ::= UnaryExpression "; case 244: return "CastExpression ::= LEFT Name Dims RIGHT UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus "; case 243: return "CastExpression ::= LEFT Expression RIGHT UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus "; case 242: return "CastExpression ::= LEFT PrimitiveType DimsOpt RIGHT UnaryExpression "; case 241: return "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= CastExpression "; case 240: return "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= EXCLAIM UnaryExpression "; case 239: return "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= TILDE UnaryExpression "; case 238: return "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= PostfixExpression "; case 237: return "PreDecrementExpression ::= DECR UnaryExpression "; case 236: return "PreIncrementExpression ::= INCR UnaryExpression "; case 235: return "UnaryExpression ::= UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus "; case 234: return "UnaryExpression ::= MINUS UnaryExpression "; case 233: return "UnaryExpression ::= PLUS UnaryExpression "; case 232: return "UnaryExpression ::= PreDecrementExpression "; case 231: return "UnaryExpression ::= PreIncrementExpression "; case 230: return "PostDecrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression DECR "; case 229: return "PostIncrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression INCR "; case 228: return "PostfixExpression ::= PostDecrementExpression "; case 227: return "PostfixExpression ::= PostIncrementExpression "; case 226: return "PostfixExpression ::= Name "; case 225: return "PostfixExpression ::= Primary "; case 224: return "ArrayAccess ::= PrimaryNoNewArray LEFTSQ Expression RIGHTSQ "; case 223: return "ArrayAccess ::= Name LEFTSQ Expression RIGHTSQ "; case 222: return "MethodInvocation ::= SUPER DOT IDENT LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT "; case 221: return "MethodInvocation ::= Primary DOT IDENT LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT "; case 220: return "MethodInvocation ::= Name LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT "; case 219: return "FieldAccess ::= SUPER DOT IDENT "; case 218: return "FieldAccess ::= Primary DOT IDENT "; case 217: return "Dims ::= Dims LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 216: return "Dims ::= LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 215: return "DimExpr ::= LEFTSQ Expression RIGHTSQ "; case 214: return "DimExprs ::= DimExprs DimExpr "; case 213: return "DimExprs ::= DimExpr "; case 212: return "ArrayCreationExpression ::= NEW Name Dims ArrayInitializer "; case 211: return "ArrayCreationExpression ::= NEW Name DimExprs DimsOpt "; case 210: return "ArrayCreationExpression ::= NEW PrimitiveType DimExprs DimsOpt "; case 209: return "ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList COMMA Expression "; case 208: return "ArgumentList ::= Expression "; case 207: return "ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary DOT NEW IDENT LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT ClassBodyOpt "; case 206: return "ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= NEW Name LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT ClassBodyOpt "; case 205: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= ArrayAccess "; case 204: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= MethodInvocation "; case 203: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= FieldAccess "; case 202: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpression "; case 201: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= LEFT Expression RIGHT "; case 200: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name DOT THIS "; case 199: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= THIS "; case 198: return "PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Literal "; case 197: return "Primary ::= ArrayCreationExpression "; case 196: return "Primary ::= PrimaryNoNewArray "; case 195: return "Finally ::= FINALLY Block "; case 194: return "CatchClause ::= CATCH LEFT FormalParameter RIGHT Block "; case 193: return "Catches ::= Catches CatchClause "; case 192: return "Catches ::= CatchClause "; case 191: return "TryStatement ::= TRY Block Catches Finally "; case 190: return "TryStatement ::= TRY Block Finally "; case 189: return "TryStatement ::= TRY Block Catches "; case 188: return "SynchronizedStatement ::= SYNCHRONIZED LEFT Expression RIGHT Block "; case 187: return "ThrowStatement ::= THROW Expression SEMICOLON "; case 186: return "ReturnStatement ::= RETURN SEMICOLON "; case 185: return "ReturnStatement ::= RETURN Expression SEMICOLON "; case 184: return "ContinueStatement ::= CONTINUE SEMICOLON "; case 183: return "ContinueStatement ::= CONTINUE IDENT SEMICOLON "; case 182: return "BreakStatement ::= BREAK SEMICOLON "; case 181: return "BreakStatement ::= BREAK IDENT SEMICOLON "; case 180: return "StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpressionList COMMA StatementExpression "; case 179: return "StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpression "; case 178: return "ForUpdate ::= StatementExpressionList "; case 177: return "ForInit ::= LocalVariableDeclaration "; case 176: return "ForInit ::= StatementExpressionList "; case 175: return "ForStatementNoShortIf ::= FOR LEFT ForInitOpt SEMICOLON ExpressionOpt SEMICOLON ForUpdateOpt RIGHT StatementNoShortIf "; case 174: return "ForStatement ::= FOR LEFT ForInitOpt SEMICOLON ExpressionOpt SEMICOLON ForUpdateOpt RIGHT Statement "; case 173: return "DoStatement ::= DO Statement WHILE LEFT Expression RIGHT SEMICOLON "; case 172: return "WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= WHILE LEFT Expression RIGHT StatementNoShortIf "; case 171: return "WhileStatement ::= WHILE LEFT Expression RIGHT Statement "; case 170: return "SwitchLabel ::= DEFAULT COLON "; case 169: return "SwitchLabel ::= CASE ConstantExpression COLON "; case 168: return "SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabels SwitchLabel "; case 167: return "SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabel "; case 166: return "SwitchBlockStatementGroup ::= SwitchLabels BlockStatements "; case 165: return "SwitchBlockStatementGroups ::= SwitchBlockStatementGroups SwitchBlockStatementGroup "; case 164: return "SwitchBlockStatementGroups ::= SwitchBlockStatementGroup "; case 163: return "SwitchBlock ::= LEFTCURLY SwitchBlockStatementGroups SwitchLabels RIGHTCURLY "; case 162: return "SwitchBlock ::= LEFTCURLY SwitchLabels RIGHTCURLY "; case 161: return "SwitchBlock ::= LEFTCURLY SwitchBlockStatementGroups RIGHTCURLY "; case 160: return "SwitchBlock ::= LEFTCURLY RIGHTCURLY "; case 159: return "SwitchStatement ::= SWITCH LEFT Expression RIGHT SwitchBlock "; case 158: return "IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::= IF LEFT Expression RIGHT StatementNoShortIf ELSE StatementNoShortIf "; case 157: return "IfThenElseStatement ::= IF LEFT Expression RIGHT StatementNoShortIf ELSE Statement "; case 156: return "IfThenStatement ::= IF LEFT Expression RIGHT Statement "; case 155: return "StatementExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpression "; case 154: return "StatementExpression ::= MethodInvocation "; case 153: return "StatementExpression ::= PostDecrementExpression "; case 152: return "StatementExpression ::= PostIncrementExpression "; case 151: return "StatementExpression ::= PreDecrementExpression "; case 150: return "StatementExpression ::= PreIncrementExpression "; case 149: return "StatementExpression ::= Assignment "; case 148: return "ExpressionStatement ::= StatementExpression SEMICOLON "; case 147: return "LabeledStatementNoShortIf ::= IDENT COLON StatementNoShortIf "; case 146: return "LabeledStatement ::= IDENT COLON Statement "; case 145: return "EmptyStatement ::= SEMICOLON "; case 144: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= TryStatement "; case 143: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= ThrowStatement "; case 142: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= SynchronizedStatement "; case 141: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= ReturnStatement "; case 140: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= ContinueStatement "; case 139: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= BreakStatement "; case 138: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= DoStatement "; case 137: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= SwitchStatement "; case 136: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= ExpressionStatement "; case 135: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= EmptyStatement "; case 134: return "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement ::= Block "; case 133: return "StatementNoShortIf ::= ForStatementNoShortIf "; case 132: return "StatementNoShortIf ::= WhileStatementNoShortIf "; case 131: return "StatementNoShortIf ::= IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf "; case 130: return "StatementNoShortIf ::= LabeledStatementNoShortIf "; case 129: return "StatementNoShortIf ::= StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement "; case 128: return "Statement ::= ForStatement "; case 127: return "Statement ::= WhileStatement "; case 126: return "Statement ::= IfThenElseStatement "; case 125: return "Statement ::= IfThenStatement "; case 124: return "Statement ::= LabeledStatement "; case 123: return "Statement ::= StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement "; case 122: return "LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Modifiers Type VariableDeclarators "; case 121: return "LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Type VariableDeclarators "; case 120: return "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement ::= LocalVariableDeclaration SEMICOLON "; case 119: return "BlockStatement ::= ClassDeclaration "; case 118: return "BlockStatement ::= Statement "; case 117: return "BlockStatement ::= LocalVariableDeclarationStatement "; case 116: return "BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements BlockStatement "; case 115: return "BlockStatements ::= BlockStatement "; case 114: return "Block ::= LEFTCURLY BlockStatements RIGHTCURLY "; case 113: return "Block ::= LEFTCURLY RIGHTCURLY "; case 112: return "VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializers COMMA VariableInitializer "; case 111: return "VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializer "; case 110: return "ArrayInitializer ::= LEFTCURLY VariableInitializers COMMA RIGHTCURLY "; case 109: return "ArrayInitializer ::= LEFTCURLY VariableInitializers RIGHTCURLY "; case 108: return "ArrayInitializer ::= LEFTCURLY RIGHTCURLY "; case 107: return "AbstractMethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader SEMICOLON "; case 106: return "ConstantDeclaration ::= FieldDeclaration "; case 105: return "InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= AbstractMethodDeclaration "; case 104: return "InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= ConstantDeclaration "; case 103: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclarations InterfaceMemberDeclaration "; case 102: return "InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclaration "; case 101: return "InterfaceBody ::= LEFTCURLY InterfaceMemberDeclarationsOpt RIGHTCURLY "; case 100: return "ExtendsInterfaces ::= EXTENDS NameList "; case 99: return "InterfaceDeclaration ::= ModifiersOpt INTERFACE IDENT ExtendsInterfacesOpt InterfaceBody "; case 98: return "ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary SUPER LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT SEMICOLON "; case 97: return "ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= SUPER LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT SEMICOLON "; case 96: return "ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= THIS LEFT ArgumentListOpt RIGHT SEMICOLON "; case 95: return "ConstructorBody ::= LEFTCURLY ExplicitConstructorInvocation BlockStatements RIGHTCURLY "; case 94: return "ConstructorBody ::= LEFTCURLY BlockStatements RIGHTCURLY "; case 93: return "ConstructorBody ::= LEFTCURLY ExplicitConstructorInvocation RIGHTCURLY "; case 92: return "ConstructorBody ::= LEFTCURLY RIGHTCURLY "; case 91: return "ConstructorDeclarator ::= IDENT LEFT FormalParameterListOpt RIGHT "; case 90: return "ConstructorDeclaration ::= ModifiersOpt ConstructorDeclarator ThrowsOpt ConstructorBody "; case 89: return "StaticInitializer ::= STATIC Block "; case 88: return "MethodBody ::= SEMICOLON "; case 87: return "MethodBody ::= Block "; case 86: return "NameList ::= NameList COMMA Name "; case 85: return "NameList ::= Name "; case 84: return "Throws ::= THROWS NameList "; case 83: return "FormalParameter ::= ModifiersOpt Type VariableDeclaratorId "; case 82: return "FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList COMMA FormalParameter "; case 81: return "FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameter "; case 80: return "MethodDeclarator ::= MethodDeclarator LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 79: return "MethodDeclarator ::= IDENT LEFT FormalParameterListOpt RIGHT "; case 78: return "MethodHeader ::= ModifiersOpt VOID MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt "; case 77: return "MethodHeader ::= ModifiersOpt Type MethodDeclarator ThrowsOpt "; case 76: return "MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodBody "; case 75: return "VariableInitializer ::= ArrayInitializer "; case 74: return "VariableInitializer ::= Expression "; case 73: return "VariableDeclaratorId ::= VariableDeclaratorId LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 72: return "VariableDeclaratorId ::= IDENT "; case 71: return "VariableDeclarator ::= VariableDeclaratorId ASSIGN VariableInitializer "; case 70: return "VariableDeclarator ::= VariableDeclaratorId "; case 69: return "VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarators COMMA VariableDeclarator "; case 68: return "VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarator "; case 67: return "FieldDeclaration ::= ModifiersOpt Type VariableDeclarators SEMICOLON "; case 66: return "ClassMemberDeclaration ::= InterfaceDeclaration "; case 65: return "ClassMemberDeclaration ::= ClassDeclaration "; case 64: return "ClassMemberDeclaration ::= MethodDeclaration "; case 63: return "ClassMemberDeclaration ::= FieldDeclaration "; case 62: return "ClassBodyDeclaration ::= Block "; case 61: return "ClassBodyDeclaration ::= ConstructorDeclaration "; case 60: return "ClassBodyDeclaration ::= StaticInitializer "; case 59: return "ClassBodyDeclaration ::= ClassMemberDeclaration "; case 58: return "ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclarations ClassBodyDeclaration "; case 57: return "ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclaration "; case 56: return "ClassBody ::= LEFTCURLY ClassBodyDeclarationsOpt RIGHTCURLY "; case 55: return "Interfaces ::= IMPLEMENTS NameList "; case 54: return "Super ::= EXTENDS Name "; case 53: return "ClassDeclaration ::= ModifiersOpt CLASS IDENT SuperOpt InterfacesOpt ClassBody "; case 52: return "Modifier ::= VOLATILE "; case 51: return "Modifier ::= TRANSIENT "; case 50: return "Modifier ::= SYNCHRONIZED "; case 49: return "Modifier ::= NATIVE "; case 48: return "Modifier ::= FINAL "; case 47: return "Modifier ::= ABSTRACT "; case 46: return "Modifier ::= STATIC "; case 45: return "Modifier ::= PRIVATE "; case 44: return "Modifier ::= PROTECTED "; case 43: return "Modifier ::= PUBLIC "; case 42: return "Modifiers ::= Modifiers Modifier "; case 41: return "Modifiers ::= Modifier "; case 40: return "TypeDeclaration ::= SEMICOLON "; case 39: return "TypeDeclaration ::= InterfaceDeclaration "; case 38: return "TypeDeclaration ::= ClassDeclaration "; case 37: return "TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration ::= IMPORT Name DOT STAR SEMICOLON "; case 36: return "SingleTypeImportDeclaration ::= IMPORT Name SEMICOLON "; case 35: return "ImportDeclaration ::= TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration "; case 34: return "ImportDeclaration ::= SingleTypeImportDeclaration "; case 33: return "PackageDeclaration ::= PACKAGE Name SEMICOLON "; case 32: return "TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclarations TypeDeclaration "; case 31: return "TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclaration "; case 30: return "ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclarations ImportDeclaration "; case 29: return "ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclaration "; case 28: return "CompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclarationOpt ImportDeclarationsOpt TypeDeclarationsOpt "; case 27: return "Name ::= Name DOT IDENT "; case 26: return "Name ::= IDENT "; case 25: return "ArrayType ::= ArrayType LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 24: return "ArrayType ::= Name LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 23: return "ArrayType ::= PrimitiveType LEFTSQ RIGHTSQ "; case 22: return "ReferenceType ::= ArrayType "; case 21: return "ReferenceType ::= Name "; case 20: return "FloatingPointType ::= DOUBLE "; case 19: return "FloatingPointType ::= FLOAT "; case 18: return "IntegralType ::= CHAR "; case 17: return "IntegralType ::= LONG "; case 16: return "IntegralType ::= INT "; case 15: return "IntegralType ::= SHORT "; case 14: return "IntegralType ::= BYTE "; case 13: return "NumericType ::= FloatingPointType "; case 12: return "NumericType ::= IntegralType "; case 11: return "PrimitiveType ::= BOOLEAN "; case 10: return "PrimitiveType ::= NumericType "; case 9: return "Type ::= ReferenceType "; case 8: return "Type ::= PrimitiveType "; case 7: return "Literal ::= NULLLIT "; case 6: return "Literal ::= STRINGLIT "; case 5: return "Literal ::= CHARLIT "; case 4: return "Literal ::= BOOLEANLIT "; case 3: return "Literal ::= FLOATLIT "; case 2: return "Literal ::= INTEGERLIT "; case 1: return "Goal ::= CompilationUnit "; case 0: return "$START ::= Goal EOF "; default: return "unknown rule" + id; } } }