/************************************************************************************ g1.pipe Pipelining of invocations. Input two four digit hexadecimal numbers in the input text fields, and type return for each one. Should display the or of the digits in the output text field. Check values a0c0 and 0b00 generate output abc0. Check program.print to ensure reprints properly. ************************************************************************************/ component { in opd0[ n ], opd1[ n ] } orBits( n ) { out result[ n ] } begin for i from 0 upto n do { in opd1[ i ] opd0[ i ] } or( 2 ) { out result[ i ] }; end end define base = 16, n = 16; path opd1[ n ], opd2[ n ]; input( "opd1", 10, 50, base, n ) { out opd1 }; input( "opd2", 10, 100, base, n ) { out opd2 }; { in opd1, opd2 }orBits( n ).output( "or", 10, 150, base, n );