/************************************************************************************ e3.iferror Scope of local declarations in if statements. Should generate an error message to say Identifier opd undeclared at literal( 4, 1 ) { out opd }; Check program.print to ensure reprints properly. ************************************************************************************/ define i = 3; if i == 0 then path opd[ 4 ]; literal( 4, 0 ){ out opd }; { in opd }output( "i = 0", 10, 50 * 0, 16, 4 ); elif i == 1 then path opd[ 4 ]; literal( 4, 1 ){ out opd }; { in opd }output( "i = 1", 10, 50 * 1, 16, 4 ); elif i == 2 then path opd[ 4 ]; literal( 4, 1 ){ out opd }; { in opd }output( "i = 2", 10, 50 * 2, 16, 4 ); end literal( 4, 1 ){ out opd }; { in opd }output( "global", 10, 50 * 3, 16, 4 );