Computer Science

Algorithms and Data Structures: COMPSCI 220 Semester 2, City Campus


For viewing

Here is a short list of recommended reading for students interested in algorithm analysis at this level (all books are in the university library).

  • G. Rawlins: Compared to what? An introduction to the analysis of algorithms.
  • D. Harel: Algorithmics, the spirit of computing.

An entertaining essay by Bernard Chazelle on the increasing importance of algorithms in modern science.

There are many websites with animations of (especially sorting) algorithms, mostly in the form of Java applets. We don't recommend any particular one, but a quick search should find you one. If you feel it would be useful to have a visual interpretation of what is happening during the execution of the algorithm, try one out. There are some very nice animations of sorting algorithms using folk dances.

Algorithm Implementations Source Code

The Java Graph Library for the 2nd edition of the textbook is found here and as a .zip file. And those interested in other programming languages:


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