Summary Sheet for Computer Science Students - Academic Information


Last Updated:  5th March 2004


General Information and Advice

Computer Science Department General Office:

For general queries about Computer Science.

  • Opposite the lifts on Level 3 of the new extension to the Science Centre (Building 303) on the corner of Princes Street and Wellesley Street.
  • Phone 373-7599 ext 85857 or 82930
  • Email:  Website:
  • The Tamaki Computer Science Department Office is in Room 321 of Building 731, phone 373-7599 ext 86627.

Information Commons (IC) Helpdesk:

The Information Commons Helpdesk can add credit to your NetAccount, printing and photocopy accounts, reset passwords, and can answer general student computing and Cecil enquiries.

Science Faculty Student Centre:

The Science Faculty Student Centre can provide general information and advice on all programmes within the Science Faculty.  Computers are available for enrolment, along with staff to assist you with any enrolment issues. 

Student Information Centre in the ClockTower Building:

The Student Information Centre provides a first point of contact for current and prospective students to the university.  The Information Centre's functions are varied and include:

  • the ID Card Centre
  • the Cashier
  • the nDeva Enrolment Helplab
  • the distribution and collection of administrative forms
  • general enquiries, basic course advice, variety of handbooks

The Student Information Centre is located in Room 112, Level 1 (Ground Floor), The ClockTower Building, 22 Princes St.


Official Information


The University of Auckland Calendar provides details of the University rules, regulations, degrees and programmes in addition to general information about University services.  Every course offered by the University of Auckland is listed here, along with the specific requirements of every degree.  Copies are available at the following locations:

  • For sale at the University Bookshop


All students in the Computer Science Department are expected to familiarize themselves with the contents of the department handbook.  It contains important information such as course descriptions, maps, staff contact details, department policy etc.


The handbook is available from the Computer Science Department office, the Student Resource Centre, the Science Faculty Student Centre or the Student Information Centre.  Website:



Changes to Your Current Enrolment (Additions, Deletions):

You can change the courses you are enrolled in by adding or deleting courses from your current enrolment.  Most changes can be made on-line using the nDeva system.  Fees are refunded for any course which is deleted.  The final day for adding or deleting courses is:

  • the first Friday of the semester for Summer School,
  • the second Friday of the semester for First Semester or Second Semester courses,
  • the fourth Friday of the first semester for double-semester courses. 

Applications for late deletions will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and must be made on the "Late Application to Delete a Course" form available from the Student Information Centre in Room 112 on Level 1 of the ClockTower Building. 

Dropping a Course (Withdrawing):

If you wish to cease attending a course after the deadline for deletion has passed, then you must apply to withdraw from a course using the "Course Alteration Form".  The last date for withdrawal is:

  • three weeks before the end of semester for First and Second Semester courses,
  • one week before the end of semester for Summer School courses.

Note that in the case of withdrawals, the course fees will not be refunded.  The course will remain on your academic record (it will show as a withdrawal) and will count as zero points, thereby affecting your GPA (grade point average). 


If you do not sit the exam and have not withdrawn from the course before the specified date, then the course will appear on your academic record as "DNS" (Did Not Sit) and will count as zero points, thereby affecting your GPA.


Enrolment Queries:

For help with planning your studies or enrolling in Computer Science courses, please contact the staff at the Computer Science Enrolment Office


For general help with your enrolment, contact:

  • The University Hotline on 0800 61 62 63,
  • Email 
  • The Science Faculty Student Centre, located on the Ground Floor of the Science Centre (Chemistry Building), 23 Symonds Street, phone 373-7599 ext 87020, email

Please note:  If you have not paid your tuition fees then you will be deleted from all your courses.  A reinstatement fee of $25 per course will be charged.  If you are deleted from your courses, you will have no access to the Library, Cecil, Computer Laboratories, and will be unable to submit any assignments for Computer Science courses (the ADB will not work).  The final deadline for fees in the first semester is Wed 24th March 2004.  All students with outstanding fees on that date will be affected.


Tests and Examinations

For general information on examinations (e.g. aegrotats & compassionate passes, special conditions, timetables, campus maps, etc), refer to the website:

Aegrotat, Compassionate and Special Pass Consideration:

If your performance in a test or exam is impaired (or if you miss the test/exam) due to temporary illness, injury or exceptional circumstances, you may be able to apply for an aegrotat, compassionate or special pass consideration (the type of consideration depends on the particular circumstances which apply).  For more detailed information, refer to the University of Auckland's 2004 Calendar, pages 33 - 36.  The following conditions apply:

  • You should be seen by a registered medical practitioner on the actual day of the examination or test (or having other supporting evidence collected on the actual day)
  • Your coursework must be well above minimum pass standard.
  • You must submit the form to the University Health & Counselling Service within 7 days of the affected examination.

The application form is available from Student Health (City campus: Level 3 of the Student Commons - Tamaki Campus: Building 701.5).

Exam - When and Where:

You can find your personal examination timetable by logging on to  The room allocations for exams will be posted on various noticeboards (e.g. in the Chemistry Building foyer, on the window of the ground floor of the Maths & Physics Building, the Student Cafeteria Window, the Student Information Centre, the Library foyer) at approximately 5:30 pm the day before the exam.  At Tamaki campus, the room allocations will be posted on the noticeboard in the foyer of the Student Resource Centre, Building 710.1. 

Examination Results: 

Results can be obtained on-line as they become available from

Past Semesters’ Tests and Exams: 

Selected tests and exams from previous semesters are available for some courses.  For Computer Science papers, these can sometimes be accessed online using the "Tests and Exams" button on the right hand side of your course page.  Exam papers for the last few years are also available from the library's exam database:

Sitting Examinations Under Special Conditions: 

If you have a temporary or permanent disability which affects your ability to sit examinations under normal conditions, you may apply to sit examinations under special conditions which take account of the disability Apply to Student Health and Counselling

  • Level 3 of the Student Commons Building, 2 Alfred Street.  Phone 373-7599 ext 87681
  • or for Tamaki Campus, Building 701.5.  Phone 373-7599 ext 86677

If Student Health recommends special conditions, the recommendation form should then be taken to the Examinations Office

  • Room 134 in the ClockTower building, phone 373-7599 ext 87558
  • or for Tamaki Campus, Room 203 Building 721, phone 373-7599 ext 85208

It is recommended that you take a copy of the form before submitting it to the Examinations Office.  If you are sitting your term test under special conditions then you must contact the course supervisor as arrangements are made directly with the department.

Test - When and Where: 

The time and location of your test is generally announced during lectures.  Also refer to your course information sheet and the course website.  If you have a clash with another test, please advise the course supervisor as soon as possible.



Computer Laboratories

Computer Science Laboratory Access

All Computer Science labs are located in the Maths/Physics/Computer Science building (Building 303) in the Science Centre, on the corner of Wellesley St and Princes St.  For a map of the laboratory locations, refer to:


The tutorial laboratories are reserved for organised tutorials in particular courses.  Students may not use these laboratories outside of tutorials:

  • Basement Tutorial Lab (BTL - Room B75)
  • First Floor Tutorial Lab (FTL – Room 175)
  • Old Tutorial Lab (OTL – Room 131) - also known as Computer Tutorial Lab (CTL) - in old part of building on Level 1 (off the side of  OCL)

There are two laboratories which have Computer Science Lab Demonstrators available to help, and they are both located on the first floor:

  • The Stage I laboratory (OCL – Room 130)
  • The Stage II and III laboratory (FCL -  Room 191)

There are also two laboratories where students can work, but there are no CS Lab Demonstrators available in these labs:

  • The Basement Computer Lab (BCL - Room B91)
  • The Ground Floor Computer Lab (GCL - Room G91)

At Tamaki campus, the undergraduate computer laboratories are in Room 710.3, and on the Ground Floor of Buildings 721 and 723.

Computer Science Laboratory Opening Hours:

During the semester, the First Floor Computer Lab and the Old Computer Lab will be open:

  • Mon, Thu  9:00am - 10:45pm
  • Tue, Wed, Fri  8:00am - 10:45pm
  • Sat, Sun 9:00am - 8:45pm

During the breaks, these hours are reduced, and the opening hours will be advertised on notices around the department as well as being posted at:

Note: If the labs are not busy, the Old Computer Lab is sometimes closed and all students should work in the First Floor Computer Lab.


During the semester, the following Tamaki Labs will be open:

  • 710:  Monday – Friday 8:30am – 10:30pm, Weekends 9am – 5pm
  • 721:  Monday – Friday 8am – 5:30pm
  • 723:  Monday – Friday 8am – 5:30pm

For the opening hours of the Tamaki labs during the breaks, refer to:

Lab Demonstrators (How to get help from):

You can call the lab demonstrator by logging into the WebBooker system (Click on the “WebBooker” link from your Personal Portal page or type in the URL: then click on the “Call Demonstrator” button.  To be fair to everyone, demonstrators will answer your request for help on a “first come, first served” basis.  Please note that it is not the demonstrator’s job to help you write your assignment, nor should they debug your programs.  They provide security and some assistance learning the course material where possible.

Other Available Computers

In addition to the Computer Science laboratories, there are a number of computers available at the Kate Edger Information Commons (11 Symonds St).  The Kate Edger Information Commons is open from 7am to midnight weekdays, and from 7am to 10pm during the weekend. 



Learning assistance

DELNA (Diagnostic English Language Needs Assessment):

DELNA is a diagnostic procedure designed to help new undergraduates determine where they may need help with their academic English.  Note that the DELNA assessment will not cost you anything and will not appear on your academic record, but it may help increase your chance of success.  Once DELNA has assessed a student's vocabulary, reading, writing and listening skills, the student can then be directed to the appropriate help on campus (e.g. ELSAC).

English Language Self Access Centre (ELSAC): 

The ELSAC offers a self-study facility within a computerised language learning environment so that you can improve your English in your own time. Staff are available to assist students at all times.

  • Over 1000 learning resources, including CD-ROM's, Videos and DVDs, dictionaries, etc. 
  • Workshops to help you with your writing, improve speaking skills, understand lectures, etc.
  • Advisory session with a teacher who will help you with your language learning.

The ELSAC is open 7 days per week and is free to all enrolled students.

Student Learning Centre:

The SLC is there to help you develop your academic potential.  They offer:

  • workshops in a wide range of topics such as time management, note-taking skills, basic maths, computer skills, test preparation, essay writing, memory skills, etc.
  • one-to-one tutoring assistance for students who encounter difficulties in their studies.
  • specific programmes such as Te Puni Wananga (for Maori students support), Fale Pasifika (for Pacific Islands students support), Business Communication Skills, Language Groups, Mathematics and Statistics, Postgraduate, PhD Network
  • assessment and support to students with specific learning disabilities (e.g. in reading, spelling, writing and mathematics).

To use SLC services, you need to register ($10 fee) with the Centre for the current academic year.

  • Level 3 of the Kate Edger Information Commons, 11 Symonds St, Phone 373-7599 ext 88850,
  • or at Tamaki Campus, Room 710.110, Student Resource Centre, phone 373-7599 ext 86665. 



Academic Resources

Assignment submission for Computer Science courses:

Check your assignment sheet for instructions on what is to be submitted and how it is to be submitted.  Please ensure that all your files are correctly named and are of the correct type.  If your assignment is to be submitted electronically via the assignment drop-box, select “WebDropBox” from your Personal Portal page.

Book Shops for all Textbooks:

All textbooks for University courses can be obtained from UBS or from Volume I.  They maintain a list of all required texts.

  • The University Bookshop is located on Level 0 of the Student Commons Building.  Phone 306-2700.  Email:  Website:
  • Volume I Bookshop is located at 33 Symonds Street.  Phone 366-4550.  Email: Website:

Email (Webmail):

All University of Auckland students have a University email account.  Staff send important notices to your University email account, not your home email address.  You must read your University email at least once a day.  When contacting staff by email, please use your University account so that your message is given a high priority

Help with your course: 

Contact your lecturer or tutor during office hours or make an appointment.  Refer to the "People" page of the course's website for contact details.   The class forum is another way you can obtain help with course-related queries.  The forum address is:

Internet Quota and Print Quota - how to top up:

You can add more credit to your Internet or Print quota at the IC HelpDesk on Level 2 of the Kate Edger Information Commons , 11 Symonds Street or the Student Enquiry and Information Centre at Tamaki Campus (Building 710.1)


The library search facility can be accessed from any location at  In addition to books, the library has extensive electronic resources.  Details of the resources available can be accessed via the website:  The university has multiple libraries spread over the four campus sites: City, Grafton, North Shore and Tamaki.  For the location and opening hours of the various libraries, refer to:    Your University Student ID card is your library card, your photocopy card and your print card.   You need to present your Student ID card whenever you wish to borrow books or other library materials.

Missed Lectures: 

If you miss a lecture, you should catch up as soon as possible by obtaining notes for the missed lecture.  Any spare lecture handouts are usually put opposite the Student Resource Centre.  Lecture notes for some courses are also available on the web:

On-line Forums:

The class forum is a very useful resource for Computer Science students, especially in the evenings and weekends when the tutors and lecturers are not available.  You can use the forum to discuss course-related topics.  Website:

On-line References for Computer Science Students:

Reference material for the programming languages/platforms most often used by Computer Science students is available at the website:

Personal Portal:

Contains links to useful pages like the WebDropbox, Webmail, WebBooker and access to your G-drive via the web.  It also displays a list of all the courses you are currently enrolled in, and your remaining Internet and print quota (if logged into NetLogin).  Website:


There are several photocopiers available for use by students.  Libraries on all campuses have photocopiers.  The main photocopying areas on the City Campus are on Level 1 of the General Library (5 Alfred St) and on all Levels of the Kate Edger Information Commons (11 Symonds St).  Full colour laser photocopiers are situated on Level 1 of the General Library and in the Architecture and Fine Arts Libraries.  Your Student ID card is your photocopy card.  The cost of black and white photocopying is 10 cents per A4 copy and 20 cents per A3 copy.  The cost of colour photocopying is $1.00 per A4 copy and $2.00 per A3 copy.  To add credit to your photocopy account, use the autoloader machines next to the photocopiers. If you have any problems with discounts, cards, copiers, or autoloaders please contact the Photocopy Supervisor in the Photocopy Office on Level 1 of the General Library, phone 373-7599 ext. 88105 or email:  For more information, refer to:

Short Loan Collection:

On Level 1 of the Kate Edger Information Commons, 11 Symonds St, there is a Short Loan Collection, where you may borrow high demand material such as prescribed and recommended texts for a limited period of time.  Website:

Student Resource Centre: 

The SRC can give advice, sell diskettes, course books, and the Computer Science Software CD.  Check the pigeon-holes through the double doors opposite the SRC for spare Computer Science lecture handouts.

  • Room B01 in the basement of the Science Centre (Building 303),
  • Email  Phone 373-7599, ext 85510. 

Tamaki Student Enquiry and Information Centre (Student Resource Centre):

The student enquiry / reception counter and resource centre for Tamaki students is located in Building 710.1 and is open 9am – 4pm weekdays.  Telephone 373-7599 Ext 85230, or Ext 85251.  The Centre:

  • displays timetables for lectures, tutorials, tests, and examinations
  • holds lecture handouts
  • can add credit to your Internet quota or Print quota.
  • sells course materials.



Non-Academic Information


Last Updated:  3rd March 2004



AUSA ( Auckland University Students' Association):

AUSA is located on Level 2 of the Student Commons building, 4 Alfred Street, phone 309-0789.  Email:  Website:


A good way to relax and make new friends is to join a club.  There are a number of clubs (affiliated to the AUSA) which may be of interest to you.  For details of the various clubs you can join, contact:

Recreation Centre:

A wide range of activities are offered to students at the Recreation Centre at both the City campus (17 Symonds St) and Tamaki campus (200 Morrin Road).   Facilities include a health and fitness studio, aerobics and dance studios, climbing wall, squash, badminton and basketball courts.

Tamaki Student Enquiry and Information Centre (Student Resource Centre):

The student enquiry / reception counter and resource centre for Tamaki students is located in Building 710.1 and is open 9am – 4pm weekdays.  Telephone 373-7599 Ext 85230 or 85251  The Centre:

  • issues parking permits and bus passes for students
  • houses the student lounge, study rooms, parent space.


UNIGUIDE is a programme aimed at helping new students settle into University life.  It is a buddy/guide programme delivered by senior students to new students. 




Campus Pharmacy Auckland is located on Level 1 of the Student Commons Building, 2 Alfred St.   Prescriptions, photo finishing, phone cards, postal agency.  Phone 377-1991 or 373-7599 ext 87935.


The University Counselling service is free and confidential.  It is staffed by registered psychologists and counsellors.  Where possible, culturally or gender appropriate counsellors are available if required.  The service provides one-to-one counselling on a wide range of issues including stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and the impact of personal difficulties on academic performance.


Geddes Dental Group provides comprehensive oral health care.  The dental service is part of the University Health Centre on Level 3 of the Student Commons Building, 2 Alfred St, Phone 373-7960


Comprehensive medical service is available at the University Health Service.  The service is free to students with a Community Services Card, or $15 to students without a card.

Rest Spaces:

The university has a number of rooms available if you are ill or have a disability and need to lie down somewhere.   In Building 303 of the Science Centre, this is Room 718 on the seventh floor.  To obtain entry to this room, check at the Statistics office on the second floor (Room 202 or 203), or at the Mathematics office on the third floor (Room 303).




The University has 4 creches and a Kohanga Reo.  Phone 373-7599 ext 85121 (Early Childhood Centre at 3 Alten Road), ext 88377 (Early Childhood Centre at 26 Symonds St), ext 87755 (Infant and Toddler Centre at 28 Park Avenue), ext 86729 (Early Childhood Centre at 28 Park Avenue), or ext. 86534 (Hineteiwaiwa Te Kohanga Reo, Marae Complex, 23a Alten Road).

Disabilities Services:

A wide range of services and resources are available to students with disabilities.  The goal of Disabilities Services is "to enable and encourage students with disabilities to access University study and to reach their academic potential."  If you have a disability, you can discuss your requirements with the coordinators.

International Students:

The staff of the International Office can advise International Students on all matters relating to application, admission, fees, immigration, arrival services and orientation. The International Office also offers ongoing support and after arrival advice.

The International Students handbook contains a wealth of useful information for international students. 

The Computer Science Liaison Officer for International Students is Mr. Robert Sheehan. 

Maori and Pacific Students:

You may like to contact the Computer Science Department's Maori and Pacifica tutor.  The Maori and Pacifica tutor can provide special tutoring and mentoring as well as general information on the resources and financial support available to Maori and Pacific students.

  • Email:

Other people you may like to contact for advice and assistance are:

  • Maori Equity Advisor, Margaret Taurere, Room 115 of the Maori Studies Department, 16 Wynyard Street.  Phone 373-7599 ext 87311.  Email:
  • Pacific Equity Advisor, Aaron Marsters, EO Office, Room 112 in the ClockTower building.  Phone: 373-7599 ext 87844.  Email
  • Website:


is a place for students with children to study, relax, play, change nappies, feed, or do whatever they need to between lectures.  Parentspace has a selection of toys and books, as well as tea and coffee-making facilities and couches.  For those last-minute assignments, Parentspace also has a computer (remember to bring a disk to save to). 

  • Parentspace is at the back of the AUSA house at 4 Alfred Street. 
  • At Tamaki Campus, Parentspace is at the Student Study Centre.

Parentspace is also home to the Student Parent Resource Officer (SPRO).  The SPRO works with the University and the AUSA to help ensure your needs as a parent are met by the University. For priority car park permits or other assistance, contact the SPRO.  Baby changing tables are located in the main women's toilets under the Quad area (by the lockers) and in the AUSA staff toilet at 4 Alfred Street.





See previous entry under Healthcare

Emergency Security Telephones:

Emergency security telephones are located at strategic locations throughout the Campus (for example, outside Building 303 by the bicycle stands, and also in the lifts). These telephones are linked to the Security Control Room and are to be used in the event that you feel threatened, anxious or sense your safety or that of another person could be at risk.  Know the location of these telephones and use them if necessary.  Note you can use the emergency telephone in the lift is you get accidentally locked in the building.

  • These emergency telephones are activated simply by pressing the contact button once and the Control Room officer will answer.

Harassment and Discrimination:

If you encounter problems with the behaviour of staff or fellow students, e.g. behaviour that is unwanted, unacceptable or offensive, you may seek confidential assistance from the Resolve network or the University Mediator.  University policy is that harassment on any grounds - whether sexual, racial, religious, academic, or intellectual - is totally unacceptable. The Mediator's Office co-ordinates the University's anti-harassment and discrimination procedure.  The office also works to prevent disputes through education and provides a disputes mediation service to staff and students. 

Need to talk to someone? Contact the CompSci Student Support Group:

If you need someone to talk to, you are very welcome to email or contact any of the following Computer Science staff members:


Phone 373-5999 ext 85000 (or ext 85225 for Tamaki campus) for all security concerns.  In an emergency, dial 111.

Student Advocacy Network (AUSA WAVE):

The Student Advocacy Network’s aim is to offer prompt, confidential and quality support to all students who have academic grievances or any other concerns about University life or services. They can help with flatting and landlord problems, issues with other students, hassles with life in general. Advocates can also assist with legal problems or questions. 

Student Information Call Centre:

Telephone 0800 61 62 63 to speak with a student advisor. You can also contact the Call Centre at any time by Fax: 0800 61 62 64, or by e-mail,

Welfare (AUSA WAVE):

If you are stressed, hungry or have financial problems, AUSA WAVE WELFARE will try to help you by putting you into contact with the appropriate people and resources. 

WAVE is located in AUSA House, 4 Alfred Street.  Phone 309 0789

Email:  Website:



Other Resources

Bus Ticket Agency:

Located in the quad (close to the corner of Alfred  St and Princes St), the bus ticket agency can give you discount rates on bus, ferry, and train rides.


You can hire a locker from the Computer Science Department Office on Level 3 of the new extension to the Science Centre (Building 303).  The charge for hiring a locker is $20 per semester for Semester 1 or Semester 2, and $10 for Summer School.  You must supply your own padlock.  The Computer Science lockers are located on the first floor of the Science Centre (Building 303) just beside the computer labs.

Lost Property:

Always write your name and phone number on property that you may accidentally leave behind (e.g. disks, glasses cases, notebooks, textbooks, calculators, etc.) so that we can contact you if you leave them behind.  Never leave property unattended in the library or computer labs. 


If you lose anything in the Computer Science building, first return to where you think you lost it and ask the lecturer, tutor, lab demonstrator if it has been handed in.  At the end of each day, lost property is taken to the

  • Student Resource Centre in the basement Building 303.

Lost property is also taken to:

  • City Campus - AUSA lost property office in Alfred Street, phone 309-0789
  • Tamaki Campus - AUSA in Building 710, Room 120, phone 373-7599 ext 86674. 


Campus maps (City/Grafton/Tamaki) are available at

Postal Agency: 

This is located in the Campus Pharmacy on Level 1 of the Student Commons Building.  Phone 377-1991 or phone 373-7599 ext 87935.

Tamaki Shuttle Bus:

If you are enrolled in a paper at Tamaki campus, you are eligible to use the free Tamaki shuttle bus to travel between campuses.  A list of eligible students is loaded into the database on the Bustrac monitoring units used on the buses.  Students need to swipe their Student ID cards through the monitoring units as they get on the bus. The buses operate from outside the General Library (5 Alfred St) on the City Campus, and from outside Building 723 on Tamaki Campus. 

Tamaki Campus:

  • The first bus leaves the Tamaki Campus at 7.25am. 
  • After that, buses leave Tamaki Campus at 35 minutes past the hour
  • The last bus leaves the Tamaki Campus at 6:35pm. 

City Campus

  • The first bus leaves the City Campus at 8:05am
  • After that, buses leave the City Campus at 5 minutes past the hour
  • The last bus leaves the City Campus at 6:05pm


When a test is conducted at the Tamaki campus, additional buses are arranged by your lecturer to return to the City campus after the test concludes.  Ask your lecturer for more information.

During the examination period, a limited bus service is available for students.  The full timetables are published at the bus stops and on the Tamaki Campus website: 


Financial and Jobs

Careers and Employment Office:

CEO provides a wide range of information, advice and workshops on career opportunities, job hunting, CV writing, interview preparation, etc. 

  • Room 224 of The ClockTower Building, phone 373-7599 ext 88727.
  • Email:  Website:

Scholarships and Financial Support:

The Scholarships and Financial Support staff are available to advise students on scholarships and funding opportunities, student loans and allowances, and money management. 

  • Room 123 on Level 1 of the ClockTower building, 22 Princes St.  Phone 373-7599 ext 87494. 


There are many scholarships available specifically for Maori or Pacific students.  If you want to know more about scholarships and awards available to Maori students, contact the Maori Equity Advisor, Margaret Taurere on 373-7599 ext 87311, email  Margaret is in Room 115 of the Maori Studies Department, 16 Wynyard Street.  If you want to know more about scholarships and awards available to Pacific students, contact the Pacific Equity Advisor, Aaron Marsters in the EO Office, Room 112 in the ClockTower building, phone 373-7599 ext 87844, Email

Student Job Search

If you need a part-time job, visit Student Job Search.  SJS is located on the second floor of the Student Union building. 

  • Phone  309-7800.  Fax  302-0181.  Website:

Student Loans and Allowances:

StudyLink, a service of the Ministry of Social Development, has the responsibility of processing Student Loans and Allowances.  They provide information about Student Loans, Student Allowances and the Unemployment Benefit Student Hardship.


For specific advice on the eligibility of your individual study circumstances for a Student Loan, you can contact the Tuition Fees Office

  • Room 108, The ClockTower Building, 22 Princes St. 
  • Phone 373-7599 ext 84422.  Email 


For specific advice on the eligibility of an individual programme or any concerns about Student Allowances, contact the Scholarships and Financial Support Office


For comments or corrections to this document, please email the CS Student Support Group