Computer Science

Tests and Exams

Final Exam - 11th November 2006:

  • The final exam is worth 65% of your final mark.
  • The provisional time for your exam is 2:15 pm on Saturday, 11th November, 2006.
    It is a 2 hour exam. Please check nDeva for any updates to this exam date and time.
  • Examination room lists will be posted online and on Campus noticeboards by 5.00pm the day before your examination.
  • The exam is closed book, and calculators are not permitted.

Exams from Previous Years

Test - Tuesday 22 August 2006

  • The test is worth 20% of your final mark.
  • Questions
  • Marked test scripts will be returned to you during your lab session in the week beginning September 11.
  • Please show the lab tutor your Student Id card when collecting your test script

Tests from Previous Semesters

Slightly different material may be covered each semester and in a different order. These tests are meant only as a guideline to help you study. You may find questions about topics we have not have covered this semester. If in doubt please ask one of us.

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