Next: An Example
Up: Bayesian Learning
Previous: Gibbs Algorithm
- results comparable to ANN and decision trees in some domains
- Each instance is described by a conjunction of attribute
values and the target value can take any value from a set
. A set of training instances are provided and a new instance is
presented and the learner is asked to predict the target value.
- is estimated by the frequency of each target value in
the training data
- cannot use frequency for unless
we have a very,very large set of training data to get a reliable
- naive Bayes assumes attribute values are conditionally
independent given the target value -
- Naive Bayes classifier: , where denotes the target value
- can be estimated by frequency
- when conditional independence assumption is satisfied the naive
Bayes classification is a MAP classification
- naive Naive Bayes entails no search!!
Patricia Riddle
Fri May 15 13:00:36 NZST 1998