Next: Gibbs Algorithm
Up: Bayesian Learning
Previous: Minimum Description Length
- What is the most probable classification of the new instance
given the training data?
- Could just apply the MAP hypothesis, but can do better!!!
- Intuitions: Assume three hypothesis whose
posterior probabilities are .4,.3 and .3 respectively. Thus is
the MAP hypothesis. Suppose we have a new instance which is
classified positive by and negative by and .
Taking all hypothesis into account, the probability that is
positive is .4 and the probability it is negative is .6. The most
probable classification (negative) is different than the
classification given by the MAP hypothesis!!!
- We want to combine the predictions of all hypotheses weighted by
their posterior probabilities.
- where
is from the set of classifications
- Bayes Optimal Classification:
- No other learner using the same hypothesis space and same prior
knowledge can outperform this method on average. It maximizes the
probability that the new instance is classified correctly.
Patricia Riddle
Fri May 15 13:00:36 NZST 1998