Next: Maximum Likelihood for Predicting
Up: Bayesian Learning
Previous: MAP Hypotheses and Consistent
- Bayesian justification for many ANN and other curve fitting methods
- Probability density: (necessary for continuous target)
- the random noise variable, , is generated by a Normal
probability distribution (i.e., smooth bell-shaped distribution that
can be completely characterized by its mean, , and standard
deviation, )
- , where random noise is drawn independently
from a Normal distribution with 0 mean
- maximum likelihood hypothesis might not be MAP hypothesis, but
if one assume uniform prior probabilities over the hypothesis then it
- Does noise have normal distribution - noise generated by
the sum of very many independent identically distributed random
variables will be Normally distributed regardless of the distributions
of the individual variables
- in reality different components to noise probably don't have
identical distributions
- above analysis only allows noise in the target - for instance
when predicting weight based on height and age analysis assumes noise
in the measurement of weight but perfect measurements of height and
age - analysis is significantly more complicated if this simplifying
assumption is removed
Patricia Riddle
Fri May 15 13:00:36 NZST 1998