This is an introductory course into
Multimedia Imaging at 3rd year university level (about 30 to 36 lectures, 50 min each).
The course, or parts of it, have been taught between 2002 and 2010 at universities or institutes in Auckland (New Zealand), Wuhan (China), Cordoba (Argentina),
Mexico-City and Guanajuato (Mexico), and Goettingen and Freiburg (Germany).
Lectures should be accompanied by tutorials (e.g., in the second and third week of the course, and possibly a few more). Participation
at tutorials is optional; they are designed for providing support for assignments.
Each pdf of the lecture notes below is typically for 50 to 100 min teaching time, called `one subject'.
The lecture notes cover the taught subjects; additional reading is optional.
From left to right: wireless video for Zorb, automated measurement of the pupil of a human eye, environmental surveillance (footprint recognition of rat species), driver assistance (stereo vision and motion analysis), panoramic imaging (Basset Point, Devenport)
(1) Images, cameras, retrieval, and stereo viewing (9 lectures)
- Intro into this course
Example of a 2008 exam script
Example of a 2007 exam script;
this also contains questions on face modelling and animation (questions 36 - 50), and those subjects are
not part of the lectures below.
- Digital Pictures with lab project 02
Example of a 2005 solution to this lab project in Java
Example of a 2005 solution to this lab project in C++
Example of a 2005 solution to this lab project in C#
Note that you can use these for LEARNING, but not for COPYING.
- Digital Cameras with lab project 03
A color chart (from
- Color Spaces with lab project 04
Material for optional TUTORIALS by Tobi Vaudrey
Handout OpenCV
Tutorial 1: Basic image analysis
Tutorial 2: Sequence analysis and optical flow
- Image and Video Retrieval with lab project 07
zip-archive of 220 textures (jpg) (72.3 MB)
zip-archive of 219 tracks of small animals (jpg,bmp,tif) (34.5 MB)
- Stereo Viewing
(with contributions by Boris Starosta) with lab project 60
An example of a 3D camera, by Max Pow
An anaglyph panorama by Karsten Scheibe, 2002
(only at very low resolution; full resolution file is several Gigabyte)
Three stereo pairs (10.2MB, zip) provided by Boris Starosta
(possible input for lab project, but note the Copyright)
Seven stereo pairs (7.9MB, zip) captured freehand, without using a tripod
- The .enpeda.. project with lab project 61
.enpeda.. on Campbell Live in February 2008, see text and clip
Possible test data for 6th possible lab project:
historic pairs (232KB, zip),
six frames of the "Squirrel Sequence" (924KB, zip), and
a synthetic sequence (82MB, zip, 16bit images).
(2) Steps into image analysis (10 lectures)
- Multi-Level Picture Adjacency with lab project 13
Test pictures for component counts (12.6MB, zip):
Siemens star and some more.
- Component Labeling with lab project 14
- Border Tracing and Area with lab project 15
- Length and Curvature with lab project 16
- Euclidean Distance Transform by Gisela Klette, with lab project 30
- Reverse EDT; Medial Axis by Gisela Klette, with lab project 44
(3) Picture processing, Fourier transform, image and video compression (10 lectures)
- Effects of Picture Operators with lab project 34
(with contributions by Clemens Rabe)
Red Sea (a)
and Red Sea (b) (3MB each, bmp), examples of false coloring
CIE color diagram (bmp format, 3.9MB) for pseudo-coloring
Chest X-ray (1.9MB, bmp) for pseudo-coloring
SAR image of Scott Base, Antarctica (3.5MB, bmp) for pseudo-coloring
- Edge Detection with lab project 08
EdgeSequence1 (9.8MB, avi) and
EdgeSequence4 (8.2MB, avi), with
readme file (60KB, pdf); by Ali Al-Sarraf
(showing max and min Kovesi-Owens, Sobel, and Canny edge operators)
- Local Operators with lab project 09
- Fourier Filtering with lab project 10
- Fax; JPEG Baseline with lab project 11
Two sets of pictures for Huffman coding (648KB, zip)
- JPEG Example; MPEG with lab project 12
(4) Combining computer vision with computer graphics (3 lectures and one tutorial)
- Triangulation with lab project 05
- Example: 3D Model of a Castle with lab project 47 (with contributions by Karsten Scheibe)
- Surface Rendering with lab project 06
The exam counts 70% of the total mark. Students have to pass both,
assignments and exam.
Exam preparation: examples of questions
Each student has to do 3 assignments (called "small lab projects" at the end of each subject)
of her/his own choice. No joint submissions allowed. (Note: those lab projects are listed as tasks xx.01,
and tasks xx.02, xx.03, etc. are NOT part of the assignment; questions xx.02 etc. are just
suggested exercises or readings.)
A solution contains source code for testing, examples, and explaining text in pdf format.
All files should be zipped into one archive named by UPI and number of assignment
(for example, if for the lab project listed at the end of subject 04).
Each solution will be marked between 0 to 100 marks.
This allows to obtain 300 marks
in total; obtained marks count 30% of the total mark of the course.
Copyright for material (above) on this website (if not otherwise specified): Reinhard Klette
Useful links:
Pictures in Java
Intro into OpenCV by Gady Agam
see recommended readings at the bottom of
the multimedia imaging page,
which are labeled by (BMI).
There are free downloads available of systems/programs for image editing, image processing, image
analysis and so forth.
Two links for a start: GIMP and
See also the software-link on
The Computer Vision Homepage and OpenCV (as introduced above).