%%%%% BibTeX bibliography database for multivariate generating functions. % BibTeX code taken directly from MathSciNet (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet) % Citation label method taken from Nicholas J. Higham % (author of Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences). % Use the first four letters of the author's last name followed by the year. % If there are two authors, use the first two letters % of each author's last name, and if three or more, the first letter % of the first three or four authors' last names. % Multiple papers in the same year by the same authors are distinguished by % extra letters 'a', 'b' etc. %%%%% Entries ================================================================= % Keep these in alphabetical order for easy searching! %-a- @book {AiYu1983, AUTHOR = {A{\u\i}zenberg, I. A. and Yuzhakov, A. P.}, TITLE = {Integral representations and residues in multidimensional complex analysis}, SERIES = {Translations of Mathematical Monographs}, VOLUME = {58}, NOTE = {Translated from the Russian by H. H. McFaden, Translation edited by Lev J. Leifman}, PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {1983}, PAGES = {x+283}, ISBN = {0-8218-4511-X}, MRCLASS = {32A25 (32A27)}, MRNUMBER = {MR735793 (85a:32006)}, } @book {AnEr2004, AUTHOR = {Andrews, George E. and Eriksson, Kimmo}, TITLE = {Integer partitions}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, YEAR = {2004}, PAGES = {x+141}, ISBN = {0-521-84118-6; 0-521-60090-1}, MRCLASS = {11P81 (00-01 00A05 00A08 05-01 05A17)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2122332 (2006b:11125)}, MRREVIEWER = {Sylvie Corteel}, } @book {AGV1985, AUTHOR = {Arnol'd, V. I. and Guse{\u\i}n-Zade, S. M. and Varchenko, A. N.}, TITLE = {Singularities of differentiable maps. {V}ol. {I}}, SERIES = {Monographs in Mathematics}, VOLUME = {82}, NOTE = {The classification of critical points, caustics and wave fronts, Translated from the Russian by Ian Porteous and Mark Reynolds}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser Boston Inc.}, ADDRESS = {Boston, MA}, YEAR = {1985}, PAGES = {xi+382}, ISBN = {0-8176-3187-9}, MRCLASS = {58C27}, MRNUMBER = {MR777682 (86f:58018)}, } @book {AGV1988, AUTHOR = {Arnol'd, V. I. and Guse{\u\i}n-Zade, S. M. and Varchenko, A. N.}, TITLE = {Singularities of differentiable maps. {V}ol. {II}}, SERIES = {Monographs in Mathematics}, VOLUME = {83}, NOTE = {Monodromy and asymptotics of integrals, Translated from the Russian by Hugh Porteous, Translation revised by the authors and James Montaldi}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser Boston Inc.}, ADDRESS = {Boston, MA}, YEAR = {1988}, PAGES = {viii+492}, ISBN = {0-8176-3185-2}, MRCLASS = {58C27 (32B30 32C40 32G11)}, MRNUMBER = {MR966191 (89g:58024)}, } %-b- @book {Bals2000, AUTHOR = {Balser, Werner}, TITLE = {Formal power series and linear systems of meromorphic ordinary differential equations}, SERIES = {Universitext}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {2000}, PAGES = {xviii+299}, ISBN = {0-387-98690-1}, MRCLASS = {34Mxx (34-02)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1722871 (2001f:34169)}, MRREVIEWER = {B. L. J. Braaksma}, } @article {BBDF2002, AUTHOR = {Banderier, Cyril and Bousquet-M{\'e}lou, Mireille and Denise, Alain and Flajolet, Philippe and Gardy, Dani{\`e}le and Gouyou-Beauchamps, Dominique}, TITLE = {Generating functions for generating trees}, NOTE = {Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics (Barcelona, 1999)}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {246}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {29--55}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05C05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1884885 (2003c:05008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Mark Curtis Wilson}, } @incollection {BFSS2000, AUTHOR = {Banderier, Cyril and Flajolet, Philippe and Schaeffer, Gilles and Soria, Mich{\`e}le}, TITLE = {Planar maps and {A}iry phenomena}, BOOKTITLE = {Automata, languages and programming (Geneva, 2000)}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.}, VOLUME = {1853}, PAGES = {388--402}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {2000}, MRCLASS = {68R05 (05C85)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1795907 (2001h:68113)}, } @article {BFSS2001, AUTHOR = {Banderier, Cyril and Flajolet, Philippe and Schaeffer, Gilles and Soria, Mich{\`e}le}, TITLE = {Random maps, coalescing saddles, singularity analysis, and {A}iry phenomena}, NOTE = {Analysis of algorithms (Krynica Morska, 2000)}, JOURNAL = {Random Structures Algorithms}, FJOURNAL = {Random Structures \& Algorithms}, VOLUME = {19}, YEAR = {2001}, NUMBER = {3-4}, PAGES = {194--246}, ISSN = {1042-9832}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (05A15 41A60 60C05 60H25 68R05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1871555 (2002k:05012)}, MRREVIEWER = {Edward A. Bender}, } @unpublished {BaPe, AUTHOR = {Baryshnikov, Yuliy and Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {Convolutions of inverse linear functions via multivariate residues}, NOTE = {preprint available at \url{http://www.math.upenn.edu/~pemantle/ papers/Preprints/hyperplanes.pdf}}, } @article {Bend1973, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A.}, TITLE = {Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration}, JOURNAL = {J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {15}, YEAR = {1973}, PAGES = {91--111}, MRCLASS = {60F05 (05A15 60C05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR0375433 (51 \#11626)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Carlitz}, } @article {Bend1974, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A.}, TITLE = {Asymptotic methods in enumeration}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Rev.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {16}, YEAR = {1974}, PAGES = {485--515}, ISSN = {1095-7200}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR0376369 (51 \#12545)}, MRREVIEWER = {Bernard Harris}, } @article {Bend1976, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A.}, TITLE = {Errata: ``{A}symptotic methods in enumeration'' ({SIAM} {R}ev. {\bf 16} (1974), 485--515)}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Rev.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {1976}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {292}, ISSN = {1095-7200}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR0437344 (55 \#10276)}, } @article {BCM1997, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Canfield, E. Rodney and McKay, Brendan D.}, TITLE = {The asymptotic number of labeled graphs with {$n$} vertices, {$q$} edges, and no isolated vertices}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {80}, YEAR = {1997}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {124--150}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05C30}, MRNUMBER = {MR1472108 (98i:05098)}, MRREVIEWER = {E. M. Palmer}, } @article {BLPW2003, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Lawler, Gregory F. and Pemantle, Robin and Wilf, Herbert S.}, TITLE = {Irreducible compositions and the first return to the origin of a random walk}, JOURNAL = {S\'em. Lothar. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire}, VOLUME = {50}, YEAR = {2003/04}, PAGES = {Art. B50h, 13 pp. (electronic)}, MRCLASS = {60C05 (60G50)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2118046 (2005m:60008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Heinrich Niederhausen}, } @article {BeRi1983, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Richmond, L. Bruce}, TITLE = {Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration. {II}. {M}ultivariate generating functions}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {34}, YEAR = {1983}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {255--265}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (60F05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR700034 (85k:05009)}, MRREVIEWER = {E. Rodney Canfield}, } @article {BeRi1996, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Richmond, L. Bruce}, TITLE = {Admissible functions and asymptotics for labelled structures by number of components}, JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {1996}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {Research Paper 34, approx.\ 23 pp.\ (electronic)}, ISSN = {1077-8926}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1418482 (98a:05012)}, MRREVIEWER = {Michael Drmota}, } @article {BeRi1999, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Richmond, L. Bruce}, TITLE = {Multivariate asymptotics for products of large powers with applications to {L}agrange inversion}, JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, VOLUME = {6}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {Research Paper 8, 21 pp. (electronic)}, ISSN = {1077-8926}, MRCLASS = {41A60 (05A16)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1670294 (99j:41050)}, } @article {BRW1983, AUTHOR = {Bender, Edward A. and Richmond, L. Bruce and Williamson, S. G.}, TITLE = {Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration. {III}. {M}atrix recursions}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {35}, YEAR = {1983}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {263--278}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (60F05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR721368 (85k:05010)}, MRREVIEWER = {E. Rodney Canfield}, } @article {BeMc1993, AUTHOR = {Bertozzi, Andrea and McKenna, James}, TITLE = {Multidimensional residues, generating functions, and their application to queueing networks}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Rev.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Review. A Publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {35}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {239--268}, ISSN = {0036-1445}, CODEN = {SIREAD}, MRCLASS = {32A27 (60K25 90B22)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1220881 (95c:32005)}, } @book {BNH1986, AUTHOR = {Bleistein, Norman and Handelsman, Richard A.}, TITLE = {Asymptotic expansions of integrals}, EDITION = {Second}, PUBLISHER = {Dover Publications Inc.}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1986}, PAGES = {xvi+425}, ISBN = {0-486-65082-0}, MRCLASS = {41A60}, MRNUMBER = {MR863284 (89d:41049)}, } @article {BoPe1998, AUTHOR = {Bousquet-M{\'e}lou, Mireille and Petkov{\v{s}}ek, Marko}, TITLE = {Linear recurrences with constant coefficients: the multivariate case}, NOTE = {Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics (Toronto, ON, 1998)}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {225}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {51--75}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A15}, MRNUMBER = {MR1798324 (2002a:05005)}, MRREVIEWER = {Vladimir M. Blinovski{\u\i}}, } @article {BoSc2002, AUTHOR = {Bousquet-M{\'e}lou, Mireille and Schaeffer, Gilles}, TITLE = {Walks on the slit plane}, JOURNAL = {Probab. Theory Related Fields}, FJOURNAL = {Probability Theory and Related Fields}, VOLUME = {124}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {305--344}, ISSN = {0178-8051}, CODEN = {PTRFEU}, MRCLASS = {60C05 (60G50)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1939650 (2003h:60013)}, MRREVIEWER = {Martin V. Hildebrand}, } @book {BrKn1986, AUTHOR = {Brieskorn, Egbert and Kn{\"o}rrer, Horst}, TITLE = {Plane algebraic curves}, NOTE = {Translated from the German by John Stillwell}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Basel}, YEAR = {1986}, PAGES = {vi+721}, ISBN = {3-7643-1769-8}, MRCLASS = {14-01 (14H20 14Hxx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR886476 (88a:14001)}, } @article {Brig1950, AUTHOR = {Brigham, Nelson A.}, TITLE = {A general asymptotic formula for partition functions}, JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {1950}, PAGES = {182--191}, ISSN = {0002-9939}, MRCLASS = {10.0X}, MRNUMBER = {MR0034409 (11,582b)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Mirsky}, } %-c- @book {CaFo1969, AUTHOR = {Cartier, P. and Foata, D.}, TITLE = {Probl\`emes combinatoires de commutation et r\'earrangements}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, No. 85}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {1969}, PAGES = {iv+88}, MRCLASS = {05.04}, MRNUMBER = {MR0239978 (39 \#1332)}, MRREVIEWER = {J. B. Roberts}, } @article {CGMO1995, AUTHOR = {Chung, Fan and Graham, Ron and Morrison, John and Odlyzko, Andrew}, TITLE = {Pebbling a chessboard}, JOURNAL = {Amer. Math. Monthly}, FJOURNAL = {The American Mathematical Monthly}, VOLUME = {102}, YEAR = {1995}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {113--123}, ISSN = {0002-9890}, CODEN = {AMMYAE}, MRCLASS = {05A99}, MRNUMBER = {MR1315591 (95k:05015)}, MRREVIEWER = {Edward A. Bender}, } @article {CMS2005, AUTHOR = {Chyzak, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Mishna, Marni and Salvy, Bruno}, TITLE = {Effective scalar products of {D}-finite symmetric functions}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {112}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--43}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05E05 (13N10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2167474 (2006d:05181)}, MRREVIEWER = {Grant Walker}, } @article {ChSa1998, AUTHOR = {Chyzak, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Salvy, Bruno}, TITLE = {Non-commutative elimination in {O}re algebras proves multivariate identities}, JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation}, VOLUME = {26}, YEAR = {1998}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {187--227}, ISSN = {0747-7171}, MRCLASS = {68Q40 (05A19)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1635242 (99g:68103)}, MRREVIEWER = {A. N. Philippou}, } @article {CEP1996, AUTHOR = {Cohn, Henry and Elkies, Noam and Propp, James}, TITLE = {Local statistics for random domino tilings of the {A}ztec diamond}, JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, FJOURNAL = {Duke Mathematical Journal}, VOLUME = {85}, YEAR = {1996}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {117--166}, ISSN = {0012-7094}, CODEN = {DUMJAO}, MRCLASS = {52C20 (11L07 82B26)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1412441 (97k:52026)}, MRREVIEWER = {Igor Rivin}, } @unpublished {CoPe, AUTHOR = {Cohn, Harry and Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {A determination of the boundary of the fixation region for some domino tiling ensembles}, NOTE = {in preparation}, } @book {Comt1974, AUTHOR = {Comtet, Louis}, TITLE = {Advanced combinatorics}, EDITION = {enlarged}, NOTE = {The art of finite and infinite expansions}, PUBLISHER = {D. Reidel Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Dordrecht}, YEAR = {1974}, PAGES = {xi+343}, ISBN = {90-277-0441-4}, MRCLASS = {05-02}, MRNUMBER = {MR0460128 (57 \#124)}, } @inproceedings {CMS1998, AUTHOR = {Corsani, Cristiano and Merlini, Donatella and Sprugnoli, Renzo}, TITLE = {Left-inversion of combinatorial sums}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Noisy-le-Grand, 1995)}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {180}, YEAR = {1998}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {107--122}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A19 (05A15 05A40)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1603705 (99c:05017)}, MRREVIEWER = {Alessandro Di Bucchianico}, } @incollection {CLP2004, AUTHOR = {Corteel, Sylvie and Louchard, Guy and Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {Common intervals of permutations}, BOOKTITLE = {Mathematics and computer science. III}, SERIES = {Trends Math.}, PAGES = {3--14}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser}, ADDRESS = {Basel}, YEAR = {2004}, MRCLASS = {60C05 (05A05 05A16 05D40)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2090490 (2005j:60017)}, MRREVIEWER = {Hsien-Kuei Hwang}, } @book {CLO2005, AUTHOR = {Cox, David A. and Little, John and O'Shea, Donal}, TITLE = {Using algebraic geometry}, SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics}, VOLUME = {185}, EDITION = {Second}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {2005}, PAGES = {xii+572}, ISBN = {0-387-20706-6}, MRCLASS = {13Pxx (13-01 14-01 14Qxx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2122859 (2005i:13037)}, } %-d- @article {DeSt2003, AUTHOR = {De Loera, Jes{\'u}s A. and Sturmfels, Bernd}, TITLE = {Algebraic unimodular counting}, NOTE = {Algebraic and geometric methods in discrete optimization}, JOURNAL = {Math. Program.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Programming. A Publication of the Mathematical Programming Society}, VOLUME = {96}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {2, Ser. B}, PAGES = {183--203}, ISSN = {0025-5610}, MRCLASS = {90C10 (90C27 90C57)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1993046 (2004e:90066)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ethan D. Bolker}, } @article {DeSh2001, AUTHOR = {Deutsch, Emeric and Shapiro, Louis}, TITLE = {A survey of the {F}ine numbers}, NOTE = {Selected papers in honor of Helge Tverberg}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {241}, YEAR = {2001}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {241--265}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05A19 11B75 11B83)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1861421 (2002k:05010)}, MRREVIEWER = {Volker Strehl}, } @book {DeLo1993, AUTHOR = {DeVore, Ronald A. and Lorentz, George G.}, TITLE = {Constructive approximation}, SERIES = {Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences]}, VOLUME = {303}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {x+449}, ISBN = {3-540-50627-6}, MRCLASS = {41-02 (41A10 41A15 41A35 41A36 42A10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1261635 (95f:41001)}, MRREVIEWER = {V. Totik}, } @article {Drmo1994, AUTHOR = {Drmota, Michael}, TITLE = {A bivariate asymptotic expansion of coefficients of powers of generating functions}, JOURNAL = {European J. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {European Journal of Combinatorics}, VOLUME = {15}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {139--152}, ISSN = {0195-6698}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (05A15)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1261060 (94k:05014)}, MRREVIEWER = {J. W. Moon}, } @book {Durr1996, AUTHOR = {Durrett, Richard}, TITLE = {Probability: theory and examples}, EDITION = {Second}, PUBLISHER = {Duxbury Press}, ADDRESS = {Belmont, CA}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {xiii+503}, ISBN = {0-534-24318-5}, MRCLASS = {60-01}, MRNUMBER = {MR1609153 (98m:60001)}, } @book {Durr2004, AUTHOR = {Durrett, Richard}, TITLE = {Probability: theory and examples}, EDITION = {Third}, PUBLISHER = {Duxbury Press}, ADDRESS = {Belmont, CA}, YEAR = {2004}, PAGES = {497}, ISBN = {0-534-42441-4}, MRCLASS = {}, MRNUMBER = {}, } %-e- %-f- @book {FIM1999, AUTHOR = {Fayolle, Guy and Iasnogorodski, Roudolf and Malyshev, Vadim}, TITLE = {Random walks in the quarter-plane}, SERIES = {Applications of Mathematics (New York)}, VOLUME = {40}, NOTE = {Algebraic methods, boundary value problems and applications}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {xvi+156}, ISBN = {3-540-65047-4}, MRCLASS = {60-02 (30E25 45E10 60G50 60K25)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1691900 (2000g:60002)}, MRREVIEWER = {Kyle Siegrist}, } @article {Fish1961, AUTHOR = {Fisher, Michael E.}, TITLE = {Statistical mechanics of dimers on a plane lattice}, JOURNAL = {Phys. Rev. (2)}, VOLUME = {124}, YEAR = {1961}, PAGES = {1664--1672}, MRCLASS = {82.62}, MRNUMBER = {MR0136399 (24 \#B2437)}, MRREVIEWER = {S. Fujita}, } @article {FGS2004, AUTHOR = {Flajolet, Philippe and Gerhold, Stefan and Salvy, Bruno}, TITLE = {On the non-holonomic character of logarithms, powers, and the {$n$}th prime function}, JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2004/06}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {Article 2, 16 pp. (electronic)}, ISSN = {1077-8926}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (33E30 33F10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2195433 (2006h:05013)}, MRREVIEWER = {Martin Klazar}, } @article {FlOd1990, AUTHOR = {Flajolet, Philippe and Odlyzko, Andrew}, TITLE = {Singularity analysis of generating functions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {216--240}, ISSN = {0895-4801}, CODEN = {SJDMEC}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (30E20 40E05 41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1039294 (90m:05012)}, MRREVIEWER = {E. Rodney Canfield}, } @unpublished {FlSe, AUTHOR = {Flajolet, Phillipe and Sedgewick, Robert}, TITLE = {Analytic combinatorics}, NOTE = {in preparation, preprint available at \url{http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/book061023.pdf}}, } @article {FlSo1993, AUTHOR = {Flajolet, Philippe and Soria, Mich{\`e}le}, TITLE = {General combinatorial schemas: {G}aussian limit distributions and exponential tails}, NOTE = {Combinatorics and algorithms (Jerusalem, 1988)}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {114}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {159--180}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (60F05 60F10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1217750 (94e:05021)}, MRREVIEWER = {Edward A. Bender}, } @article {FlHa1984, AUTHOR = {Flatto, L. and Hahn, S.}, TITLE = {Two parallel queues created by arrivals with two demands. {I}}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {44}, YEAR = {1984}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1041--1053}, ISSN = {0036-1399}, CODEN = {SMJMAP}, MRCLASS = {60K25}, MRNUMBER = {MR759714 (86e:60079a)}, MRREVIEWER = {Georgia-Ann Klutke}, } @article {FlMc1977, AUTHOR = {Flatto, L. and McKean, H. P.}, TITLE = {Two queues in parallel}, JOURNAL = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {30}, YEAR = {1977}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {255--263}, ISSN = {0010-3640}, MRCLASS = {60K25}, MRNUMBER = {MR0464426 (57 \#4356)}, MRREVIEWER = {N. U. Prabhu}, } @article {FHS2004, AUTHOR = {Flaxman, Abraham and Harrow, Aram W. and Sorkin, Gregory B.}, TITLE = {Strings with maximally many distinct subsequences and substrings}, JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Combin.}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2004}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {Research Paper 8, 10 pp. (electronic)}, ISSN = {1077-8926}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05A16 05D40)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2034422 (2004k:05016)}, MRREVIEWER = {Wen Li Chen}, } @article {Furs1967, AUTHOR = {Furstenberg, Harry}, TITLE = {Algebraic functions over finite fields}, JOURNAL = {J. Algebra}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Algebra}, VOLUME = {7}, YEAR = {1967}, PAGES = {271--277}, ISSN = {0021-8693}, MRCLASS = {12.78}, MRNUMBER = {MR0215820 (35 \#6655)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. J. Ratliff, Jr.}, } %-g- @article {GaRi1992, AUTHOR = {Gao, Zhicheng and Richmond, L. Bruce}, TITLE = {Central and local limit theorems applied to asymptotic enumeration. {IV}. {M}ultivariate generating functions}, NOTE = {Asymptotic methods in analysis and combinatorics}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {41}, YEAR = {1992}, NUMBER = {1-2}, PAGES = {177--186}, ISSN = {0377-0427}, CODEN = {JCAMDI}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (60C05 60F05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1181718 (94b:05017)}, MRREVIEWER = {E. Rodney Canfield}, } @article {GaWo2000, AUTHOR = {Gao, Zhicheng and Wormald, Nicholas C.}, TITLE = {The distribution of the maximum vertex degree in random planar maps}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {89}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {201--230}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05C80 (05C30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1741015 (2000m:05211)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Bruce Richmond}, } @article {GaWo1999, AUTHOR = {Gao, Zhicheng and Wormald, Nicholas C.}, TITLE = {The size of the largest components in random planar maps}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. 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B49h, 15 pp. (electronic)}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05A05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2050271 (2005a:05011)}, MRREVIEWER = {Renzo Sprugnoli}, } %-n- @inproceedings {Nkwa2003, AUTHOR = {Nkwanta, Asamoah}, TITLE = {A {R}iordan matrix approach to unifying a selected class of combinatorial arrays}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing}, JOURNAL = {Congr. Numer.}, FJOURNAL = {Congressus Numerantium. A Conference Journal on Numerical Themes}, VOLUME = {160}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {33--45}, ISSN = {0384-9864}, MRCLASS = {05A15}, MRNUMBER = {MR2049101 (2005b:05015)}, MRREVIEWER = {Renzo Sprugnoli}, } %-o- @incollection {Odly1995, AUTHOR = {Odlyzko, A. 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Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science}, VOLUME = {98}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {255--263}, ISSN = {0166-218X}, CODEN = {DAMADU}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (82C41)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1733675 (2000j:05006)}, MRREVIEWER = {Renzo Sprugnoli}, } @incollection {Pema2000, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {Generating functions with high-order poles are nearly polynomial}, BOOKTITLE = {Mathematics and computer science (Versailles, 2000)}, SERIES = {Trends Math.}, PAGES = {305--321}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser}, ADDRESS = {Basel}, YEAR = {2000}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (32A20)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1798308 (2002k:05011)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Bruce Richmond}, } @unpublished {Pema, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {Asymptotics of multivariate generating functions}, NOTE = {lecture notes, available at \url{http://www.math.upenn.edu/~pemantle/Asymptotics.html}}, } @article {PeWi2002, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {Asymptotics of multivariate sequences. {I}. {S}mooth points of the singular variety}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {97}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {129--161}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (33C99 41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1879131 (2003a:05015)}, MRREVIEWER = {Edward A. Bender}, } @article {PeWi2004, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {Asymptotics of multivariate sequences. {II}. {M}ultiple points of the singular variety}, JOURNAL = {Combin. Probab. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Combinatorics, Probability and Computing}, VOLUME = {13}, YEAR = {2004}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {735--761}, ISSN = {0963-5483}, MRCLASS = {05A16 (32S70 41A60)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2095981 (2005i:05008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Edward A. Bender}, } @unpublished {PeWia, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {Twenty combinatorial examples of asymptotics derived from multivariate generating functions}, NOTE = {submitted, preprint available at \url{http://arxiv.org/pdf/math.CO/0512548} }, } @unpublished {PeWib, AUTHOR = {Pemantle, Robin and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {Asymptotic expansions of {F}ourier-{L}aplace integrals}, NOTE = {in preparation}, } @article {PeSp2005, AUTHOR = {Petersen, T. Kyle and Speyer, David}, TITLE = {An arctic circle theorem for {G}roves}, JOURNAL = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A}, VOLUME = {111}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {137--164}, ISSN = {0097-3165}, CODEN = {JCBTA7}, MRCLASS = {05B45 (05Axx)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2144860}, } @article {Pipp2001, AUTHOR = {Pippenger, Nicholas}, TITLE = {Enumeration of equicolorable trees}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {2001}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {93--115 (electronic)}, ISSN = {0895-4801}, MRCLASS = {05C30 (05A15 05A16 05C05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1814540 (2001j:05073)}, MRREVIEWER = {J. W. Moon}, } @article {Poly1969, AUTHOR = {P{\'o}lya, G.}, TITLE = {On the number of certain lattice polygons}, JOURNAL = {J. Combinatorial Theory}, VOLUME = {6}, YEAR = {1969}, PAGES = {102--105}, MRCLASS = {05.10}, MRNUMBER = {MR0236031 (38 \#4329)}, MRREVIEWER = {A. L. Whiteman}, } @unpublished {LPSS, AUTHOR = {Lladser, Manuel E. and Poto{\v{c}}nik, Primo{\v{z}} and {\v{S}}iagiov{\'a}, Jana and {\v{S}}ir{\'a}{\v{n}}, Jozef and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {The diameter of random {C}ayley digraphs of given degree}, NOTE = {Submitted to Random Structures and Algorithms, 2006}, } %-q- %-r- @unpublished {RaWi, AUTHOR = {Raichev, Alexanader and Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {A new diagonal method for aymptotics of multivariate sequences}, NOTE = {in preparation}, } @unpublished {ReTa, AUTHOR = {R{\'e}gnier, M. and Tahi, F.}, TITLE = {Generating functions in computational biology}, NOTE = {preprint available at \url{http://algo.inria.fr/regnier/publis/ReTa04.ps}}, } @book {Rior1968, AUTHOR = {Riordan, John}, TITLE = {Combinatorial identities}, PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons Inc.}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1968}, PAGES = {xiii+256}, MRCLASS = {05.00}, MRNUMBER = {MR0231725 (38 \#53)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Carlitz}, } @article {Roge1978, AUTHOR = {Rogers, D. G.}, TITLE = {Pascal triangles, {C}atalan numbers and renewal arrays}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {22}, YEAR = {1978}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {301--310}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A15}, MRNUMBER = {MR522725 (80g:05008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Louis Shapiro}, } %-s- @article {SGWW1991, AUTHOR = {Shapiro, Louis W. and Getu, Seyoum and Woan, Wen Jin and Woodson, Leon C.}, TITLE = {The {R}iordan group}, NOTE = {Combinatorics and theoretical computer science (Washington, DC, 1989)}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Applied Mathematics. Combinatorial Algorithms, Optimization and Computer Science}, VOLUME = {34}, YEAR = {1991}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {229--239}, ISSN = {0166-218X}, CODEN = {DAMADU}, MRCLASS = {05C40 (05A10 05A15 05A19)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1137996 (92j:05117)}, MRREVIEWER = {Daniel Ashlock}, } @article {Spru1994, AUTHOR = {Sprugnoli, Renzo}, TITLE = {Riordan arrays and combinatorial sums}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {132}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {267--290}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A19 (05A15)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1297386 (96b:05018)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ira Gessel}, } @article {Spru1995, AUTHOR = {Sprugnoli, Renzo}, TITLE = {Riordan arrays and the {A}bel-{G}ould identity}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Discrete Mathematics}, VOLUME = {142}, YEAR = {1995}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {213--233}, ISSN = {0012-365X}, CODEN = {DSMHA4}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05A19)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1341448 (96f:05014)}, MRREVIEWER = {G. L. Alexanderson}, } @book {Stan1997, AUTHOR = {Stanley, Richard P.}, TITLE = {Enumerative combinatorics. {V}ol. 1}, SERIES = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, VOLUME = {49}, NOTE = {With a foreword by Gian-Carlo Rota, Corrected reprint of the 1986 original}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {xii+325}, ISBN = {0-521-55309-1; 0-521-66351-2}, MRCLASS = {05-02 (05A15 06-02 11-02)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1442260 (98a:05001)}, MRREVIEWER = {Wayne M. Dymacek}, } @book {Stan1999, AUTHOR = {Stanley, Richard P.}, TITLE = {Enumerative combinatorics. {V}ol. 2}, SERIES = {Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics}, VOLUME = {62}, NOTE = {With a foreword by Gian-Carlo Rota and appendix 1 by Sergey Fomin}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {xii+581}, ISBN = {0-521-56069-1; 0-521-78987-7}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05-02 05E05 05E10 68R05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1676282 (2000k:05026)}, MRREVIEWER = {Ira Gessel}, } @book {Stei1993, AUTHOR = {Stein, Elias M.}, TITLE = {Harmonic analysis: real-variable methods, orthogonality, and oscillatory integrals}, SERIES = {Princeton Mathematical Series}, VOLUME = {43}, NOTE = {With the assistance of Timothy S. Murphy, Monographs in Harmonic Analysis, III}, PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Press}, ADDRESS = {Princeton, NJ}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {xiv+695}, ISBN = {0-691-03216-5}, MRCLASS = {42-02 (35Sxx 43-02 47G30)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1232192 (95c:42002)}, MRREVIEWER = {Michael Cowling}, } @article {Stur2005, AUTHOR = {Sturmfels, Bernd}, TITLE = {What is \dots a {G}r\"obner basis?}, JOURNAL = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.}, FJOURNAL = {Notices of the American Mathematical Society}, VOLUME = {52}, YEAR = {2005}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {1199--1200}, ISSN = {0002-9920}, CODEN = {AMNOAN}, MRCLASS = {13P10}, MRNUMBER = {MR2186903}, } %-t- @article {Tsik1991, AUTHOR = {Tsikh, A. K.}, TITLE = {Conditions for absolute convergence of series of {T}aylor coefficients of meromorphic functions of two variables}, JOURNAL = {Mat. Sb.}, FJOURNAL = {Matematicheski\u\i\ Sbornik}, VOLUME = {182}, YEAR = {1991}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {1588--1612}, ISSN = {0368-8666}, MRCLASS = {32A20 (32A05)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1137864 (92h:32003)}, MRREVIEWER = {Alexander Russakovski{\u\i}}, } %-u- %-v- @unpublished {vdPe, AUTHOR = {van der Hoeven, Joris and Pemantle, Robin}, TITLE = {Automatic computation of asymptotics of coefficients of bivariate rational generating functions}, NOTE = {in preparation}, } %-w- @book {Waso1965, AUTHOR = {Wasow, Wolfgang}, TITLE = {Asymptotic expansions for ordinary differential equations}, SERIES = {Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XIV}, PUBLISHER = {Interscience Publishers John Wiley \& Sons, Inc., New York-London-Sydney}, YEAR = {1965}, PAGES = {ix+362}, MRCLASS = {34.50}, MRNUMBER = {MR0203188 (34 \#3041)}, MRREVIEWER = {N. D. Kazarinoff}, } @incollection {Wate1995, AUTHOR = {Waterman, Michael S.}, TITLE = {Applications of combinatorics to molecular biology}, BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of combinatorics, Vol.\ 1,\ 2}, PAGES = {1983--2001}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam}, YEAR = {1995}, MRCLASS = {92C40 (05A20 92D20)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1373695 (97e:92003)}, MRREVIEWER = {James L. Cornette}, } @book {Wilf2006, AUTHOR = {Wilf, Herbert S.}, TITLE = {generatingfunctionology}, EDITION = {Third}, PUBLISHER = {A K Peters Ltd.}, ADDRESS = {Wellesley, MA}, YEAR = {2006}, PAGES = {x+245}, ISBN = {978-1-56881-279-3; 1-56881-279-5}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05-02 33D15 33F10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2172781}, NOTE = {available at \url{http://www.math.upenn.edu/%7Ewilf/DownldGF.html}}, ANNOTE = {An excellent introduction to generating functions.} } @book {Wilf1994, AUTHOR = {Wilf, Herbert S.}, TITLE = {generatingfunctionology}, EDITION = {Second}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press Inc.}, ADDRESS = {Boston, MA}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {x+228}, ISBN = {0-12-751956-4}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05-02)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1277813 (95a:05002)}, } @book {Wilf1990, AUTHOR = {Wilf, Herbert S.}, TITLE = {generatingfunctionology}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press Inc.}, ADDRESS = {Boston, MA}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {viii+184}, ISBN = {0-12-751955-6}, MRCLASS = {05A15 (05A16)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1034250 (91g:05008)}, MRREVIEWER = {Philip Hanlon}, } @incollection {Wils2005, AUTHOR = {Wilson, Mark C.}, TITLE = {Asymptotics for generalized {R}iordan arrays}, BOOKTITLE = {2005 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms}, SERIES = {Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AD}, PAGES = {323--333 (electronic)}, PUBLISHER = {Assoc. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy}, YEAR = {2005}, MRCLASS = {68W40 (05A15 15A57)}, MRNUMBER = {MR2193129}, } @article {Wojd2006, AUTHOR = {Wojdylo, John}, TITLE = {Computing the coefficients in {L}aplace's method}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Rev.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {48}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {76--96 (electronic)}, ISSN = {0036-1445}, MRCLASS = {41A60}, MRNUMBER = {MR2219312}, } @book {Wong2001, AUTHOR = {Wong, R.}, TITLE = {Asymptotic approximations of integrals}, SERIES = {Classics in Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {34}, NOTE = {Corrected reprint of the 1989 original}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, YEAR = {2001}, PAGES = {xviii+543}, ISBN = {0-89871-497-4}, MRCLASS = {41A60 (44A15 46F10)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1851050 (2002f:41023)}, } @unpublished {Worm, AUTHOR = {Wormald, Nicholas C.}, TITLE = {Tournaments with many {H}amilton cycles}, NOTE = {in preparation}, } %-x- %-y- %-z- @article {Zeil1990, AUTHOR = {Zeilberger, Doron}, TITLE = {A holonomic systems approach to special functions identities}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {32}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {321--368}, ISSN = {0377-0427}, CODEN = {JCAMDI}, MRCLASS = {33C20 (05A10 33D20 68Q40)}, MRNUMBER = {MR1090884 (92b:33014)}, MRREVIEWER = {R. A. Askey}, }