Originally presented at the Royal Society of Arts, London on April 27, 1994.
The Prolog programming language offers several opportunities to tackle the fundamental problems of software engineering. By properly exploiting certain characteristics of Prolog, we can improve the clarity, robustness, and reliability of programs as well as improving communication between programmers.But clear, reliable, and maintainable programs do not write themselves, even in Prolog. Therefore, this tutorial will focus on systematic development of small Prolog programs, the role of specifications, how to build interfaces to other languages and systems, standardized programming techniques and styles, approaches to performance measurement to increase efficiency, how to effectively rewrite for efficiency, and how to produce documentation in a literate programming style.
Finally, there will be a description of a performance monitor and a tool for handling formal languages in Prolog.
Programs dealing with human-scale problems should be written in some unambiguous subset of natural language such as predicate calculus, or at the very least, Prolog rather than C or C++.
The paralyzing dictum that ``We cannot afford to re-write the code'' is likely to prove false. There are many indications that we will soon be unable to afford the maintainence of old code.
Specify => Build => Test => Tune
This model of software development assumes that you know exactly what you want to build.
In this model the entropy (amount of disorder in the software) only increases over the lifetime of the program.
When an artifact is too large and complex for a person to understand, adding features and fixing bugs consists of adding code and new pathways through existing code. The integrity of the program always suffers.
Uncertainty about the complete function of a piece of software forces the maintenance worker to frequently add, but almost never remove code.
Steps (in no particular order) are:
Organisms resist entropy by constantly re-building. Any organism that repaired itself by building new structures, without removing existing structure would die of self-poisoning. However, constant rewriting is often infeasable, since programs would more often be broken more often than working in development.
For our purposes we might use the considerably less apocalyptic metaphor of ``Spring Cleaning''. We must be willing to periodically rip up and make major changes to our software, but without concise, high-level languages such as Prolog, such upheavals are nearly impossible.
By far the best book on Prolog Programming style is The Craft of Prolog by Richard A. O'Keefe.
This book is an absolute requirement for any serious Prolog programmer. There are many important things here that no other Prolog books even mention.
Algorithm = Logic + Control
It is easy to forget about the original equation from which it derives. Namely:
Programs = Algorithms + Data Structures
With the result that our programs seem to be dominated by list-traversal predicates of the form:
map([], []). map([Item|Items], [X|Xs]) :- predicate(Item, X), map(Items, Xs).
To refocus our attention on real programs rather than just algorithms, we must substitute for Algorithm in the second equation to remind us that:
Programs = Logic + Control + Data Structures
Extensive use of the impure features is a strong indication that something is wrong with your program.
You have not defined your data structures and relations properly (very likely).
In the rare event of case #1, you must keep, cherish, and document the twenty arguments since they represent an important and probably extremely subtle characteristic of your application.
If you are complaining because you find yourself adding two arguments one minute, and later deleting another argument or moving the fifteenth argument to the third place, the problem is not that of a large arity relationship, but poor program organization. You must appreciate an argument when it means something, and recognize when they are the result of poor design. Very rarely will you fruitfully replace an argument with a global assertion, though the temptation will be strong.
Turn away from the Dark Side, Luke - Obi Wan Kenobe
display_list([]). display_list([Item|Items]) :- display_item(Item), display_list(Items). display(graphic(Object, Color)) :- set_color(Color), draw_object(Object). display(text(X, Y, Text)) :- set_color(black), name(Text, Chars), write_chars(X, Y, Chars).
He pointed out that I was only using one bit of the atoms graphic and text. In fact, if the display/1 predicate had eight clauses, for the eight different objects that ultimately had to display (transistors, wires, etc.), at least I would be using three bits.
If we want to manipulate arrays of zeros, ones, and x (don't care) values, the obvious data-structure might be a list-of-lists (we will use this later in the circuit minimization example).
[[1,0,x,1,0], [0,x,x,0,x], [1,x,x,0,x], [x,1,1,1,x], [x,1,x,x,1]]But while each of the twenty-five elements represent an information content of two-bits, Prolog uses 85 words (2720 bits on a 32-bit machine), rather than 50 bits.
If the row width is fixed (and less than 256) we can use row(1,0,x,1,0) to represent a rows and reduce this to 40 words, or 1280 bits. If the columns are fixed we can reduce the outer list overhead to 6 rather than 10, for a total of 1152 bits.
In the limit as the array gets larger our structure will use 1/3 of the space required by the naive list-of-lists.
But we have not even looked at the amount of space required for each two-bit data element. We need a way to use more of the bits in each integer. Now, in this particular application, the matrices are quite sparse, with many X or ``don't care'' elements. If we want to take advantage of the sparsity, we must have a way for each element to carry its column number (since all columns will not appear in the representation), and this directly suggests how to use more of the bits in the 32-bit integers that hold our data elements.
Operationally, we encode an element by left-shifting a variable's column index sufficiently to store its value into the lower bits. For boolean values we only shift the index one bit position. Thus a 4 represents a 0 at position 2 ( (2>>1) OR 0 => 4).
X1 X2 X3 X4 -> X1 X2 X3 X4 2 0 1 2 4 7 0 0 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 13 2 2 2 2
The lesson is: Don't be afraid to twiddle bits in Prolog. (But of course, neither should you do it unnecessarily.)
We really must take advantage of the conciseness of Prolog by writing readable programs. ``Self-documenting'' programs are a myth. There is no substitute for having clear, concise prose accompany an algorithm.
This is particularly worthwhile because well-written Prolog programs can serve as formal definitions of our applications and not simply as implementions. A logically cohesive description of an application will transcend a particular implementation and will ultimately be of much greater value.
Good mathematical descriptions have lifetimes measured in centuries. As programs become more like formal specifications of the problems they address, and less like collections of imperative code to handle special cases, their potential lifetimes may approach those of mathematical theorems.
/** Incisive text in LaTex (or another suitable markup language). **/ meaningful_predicate(WellNamed, Arguments) :- well_chosen_word(Arguments, WellNamed). /** Riveting revelation about the above code... **/This is run through a filter (src2tex) to become:
Incisive text in LaTex (or another suitable markup language).
\begin{verbatim} meaningful_predicate(WellNamed, Arguments) :- well_chosen_word(Arguments, WellNamed). \end{verbatim}
Riveting revelation about the above code...
Well-constructed Prolog programs can have declarative and procedural readings which are very close to a natural language specification. Combined with the reduction in the size of source code, we have an opportunity to radically change the presentation of programs.
All programming languages have an interpretation in natural language, but if we examine the rules for good prose style, they can be considered as rules for good Prolog programming. This is true to an extent that is not true in other languages. These rules are taken from The Elements of Style with ``code'', ``clause'' and ``predicate'' substituted for ``words'', ``sentence'' and ``paragraph''.
One reason for this closeness between the values of good writing and good Prolog programming is the correspondence between clarity and efficiency that Prolog exhibits. It is more difficult to forsee improved software engineering in other languages where clarity and efficiency are more often at odds.
After maintainability, re-usability of code is an important goal of good Software Engineering. In the case studies which follow, we will pay particular attention to the two kinds of software reusability known as BLACKBOX and WHITEBOX reusability.
BLACKBOX reusability is the kind of reusability you get from a good tool. You can use it without knowing or caring about how it is implemented.
WHITEBOX reusability is the the sort that you can get from a source-code library, where a particular algorithm might be picked up in source code form.
Clearly BLACKBOX reusability comes about when the software has implemented a function of very general applicability. Good examples are, the C library, the standard SmallTalk methods, Prolog's term-expansion feature, and the UNIX LEX and YACC utilities.
WHITEBOX reusability depends crucially on the readability of code, which we believe is a particular strength of Prolog.
L'Express: A Logical version of Espresso
A popular and important algorithm for the minimization of logic functions known as Espresso has been defined almost entirely in terms of matrix operations of an algebra of five values. Espresso is well established as the industry standard of two-level logic minimization technology. This algorithm is described in detail in Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis by Brayton et al. (Kluwer Academic Press, 1984).
The space and time limitations of logic minimization problems coincide with large, but sparse, matrices. A direct implementation of this algorithm, in any language, is less than optimal if one does not take advantage of the sparsity of large logic function arrays. A sparse-matrix approach directly alleviates the space problem and may improve the time performance.
This chapter describes a ``logical'' version of Espresso. This program is not yet complete but describes the basic structure and pieces of the fundamental algorithms.
Espresso-II is a widely used algorithm for the minimization of logic circuits in VLSI design.
The N-column matrix of boolean values (including don't cares) represents the function of N variables for which our combinatorial circuit must produce a true output. Each column translates directly into a network of inverters and AND gates with the number of inputs equal to the number of elements with 0 and 1 values. Each row corresponds to the input of an OR-gate in the final circuit.
Espresso uses a set of powerful heuristics to reduce these matrices to find the minimal circuit design for that function.
Briefly, there are three steps in each iteration of the minimization process, but a non-changing cost after any step directs the algorithm to enter the LAST_GASP phase which may move the current solution out of a local minimum.
The main, three-step, reduction algorithm is then re-tried until no minimization is possible in either the inner or by trying LAST_GASP.
Procedure ESPRESSO-II (F, D) /* Given F, a cover of {f,d,r} = (on-set, don't-care, off-set) /* and D a cover of d, minimizes Phi(F)=(NPT,NLI,NLO) /* where NPT is the number of cubes, NLI is the number of /* input literals and NLO is the number of output literals. /* Returns a minimized cover F and its cost Phi. Begin F <= UNWRAP(F) R <= COMPLEMENT(F, D) Phi1 <= Phi2 <= Phi3 <= Phi4 <= COST(F) /* Initialize Cost LOOP1: (Phi,F) <= EXPAND(F,R) /* F is prime and SCC-minimal if (First-Pass) /* Move essential primes (Phi,F,D,E) <= ESSENTIAL_PRIMES(F,D)/* into don't care set if (Phi == Phi1) goto OUT /* Check termination criterion Phi1 <= Phi$ (Phi, F) <= IRREDUNDANT_COVER(F,D) /* F is minimal cover if(Phi == Phi2) goto OUT /* of prime implicants Phi2 <= Phi LOOP2: (Phi,F) <= REDUCE(F,D) /* Each cube of F replaced by if (Phi == Phi3) goto OUT /* smallest cube containing Phi3 <= Phi /* its ``essential'' vertices. goto LOOP1 OUT: if (Phi == Phi4) goto QUIT (Phi', F) <= LAST_GASP(F, D, R) /* If no further improvement if (Phi == Phi') goto QUIT /* terminate Phi1 <= Phi2 <= Phi3 <= Phi4 <= Phi' goto LOOP2 QUIT: F <= union(F,E) /* Put essential primes E back D <= D - E /* into cover and out of D (Phi, F) <= MAKE_SPARSE(F,D,R) /* Concentrate on literals return(Phi, F) End
Global data and seven Go-tos may leave us wondering about correctness and termination. We can hide the (now local) state with DCGs.
costs(Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, Phi4)-pla(F,R,D,E)Where each Phi is a cost(#ProductTerms, #Inputs, #Outputs) term and the call to lexpress/2 is simply:
lexpress(_-pla(F,_,D,_)), costs(_,_,_,Phi(min))-pla(Fm,_,_,_) lexpress --> unwrap, complement, init_cost, expand, essential_primes, iterate, add_to_care, sub_from_dont_care, make_sparse. iterate --> irredundant, ( cost_changed(1) -> reduction ; out). reduction --> reduce, ( cost_changed(2) -> expansion ; out). expansion --> expand, ( cost_changed(3) -> iterate ; out). out --> ( cost_changed(4) -> last_gasp ; {true}). last_gasp -> reduce2, ( cost_changed(4) -> init_cost, iterate ; {true}).Note: The actual code is smaller and clearer than the pseudo-code, but we're not happy with the use of if-then-else.
lexpress --> unwrap, complement, init_cost, expand, essential_primes, iterate, add_to_care, sub_from_dont_care, make_sparse. iterate --> irredundant, ( decrease(irredundant) -> reduce, ( decrease(reduce) -> expand, ( decrease(expand) -> iterate ; out ) ; out ) ; out ). out --> ( decrease(global) -> reduce2, ( decrease(global) -> init_cost, iterate ; {true} ) ; {true} ).This more clearly shows the three-step inner loop and the two-step outer loop, but the if-then-elses are worse than ever.
decrease(reduce, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(N,R,E,G)-P) :- newcost(P,I,N). decrease(expand, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,N,E,G)-P) :- newcost(P,R,N). decrease(irredundant, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,R,N,G)-P) :- newcost(P,E,N). decrease(global, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,R,E,N)-P) :- newcost(P,G,N). sum_costs(pla(F,_,_,_), Old, cost(NP, NI, NO)) :- sum_costs(PLA, 0, NP, 0, NI, 0, NO), cost(NP, NI, NO) @< Old. sum_costs([], P, P, In, In, Out, Out). sum_costs([c(Input,Output)|Cs],P0,P,In0,In,Out0,Out) :- P1 is P0 + 1, length(Input, LI), In1 is LI + In0, length(Output,LO), Out1 is LO + 0ut0, sum_costs(Cs, P1, P, In1, In, Out1, Out).
lexpress --> unwrap, complement, init_cost, expand, essential_primes, iterate, add_to_care, sub_from_dont_care, make_sparse. iterate(done) --> []. iterate(Step) --> step(Step), change_cost(Step, Next), iterate(Next). step(reduce) --> reduce. step(expand) --> expand. step(irredundant) --> irredundant. step(iterate) --> init_cost, irredundant. step(reduce2) --> reduce2. change_cost(reduce, expand) --> decrease(reduce), !. change_cost(expand, irredundant) --> decrease(expand), !. change_cost(irredundant,reduce) --> decrease(irredundant), !. change_cost(iterate, reduce) --> decrease(global), !. change_cost(reduce2, iterate) --> decrease(global), !. change_cost(reduce2, done) --> [], !. change_cost( _, reduce2) --> [].The termination of iterate//1 is now a little clearer, but we've gotten rid of the if-then-elses only to have a bunch of cuts (This is an obvious result when you consider how an if-then-else acts behaves like a local cut).
lexpress --> unwrap, complement, expand, essential_primes, init_cost, iterate, dd_to_care, sub_from_dont_care, make_sparse. iterate(done) --> []. iterate(Step) --> step(Step, Continue, Stop), check_cost(Step, CostChange), next_step(CostChange, Continue, Stop, Next), iterate(Next). % step(CurrentStep, ContinueStep, StopStep) --> current_step. step(irredundant, reduce, reduce2) --> irredundant. step(reduce, expand, reduce2) --> reduce. step(expand, irredundant, reduce2) --> expand. step(reduce2, iterate, done) --> reduce2. step(iterate, reduce, done) --> init_cost, irredundant. check_cost(Step, CostChange) :- cost_value(Step, Previous, cost(NP, NI, NO), PLA), { sum_costs(PLA, cost(0, 0, 0), NewCost), compare(CostChange, Previous, NewCost) }. next_step(=, Stop, _, Stop) --> []. next_step(<, _, Cont, Cont) --> []. next_step(>, _, Cont, Cont) --> [].The five-step process (three inner and two outer) is represented as a state table, clearly showing the continuation and termination states. No cuts or if-then-elses!
% cost_value(+Step, -Previous, -New, -PLA, +DataIn, -DataOut) cost_value(reduce, I, N, P, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(N,R,E,G)-P). cost_value(expand, R, N, P, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,N,E,G)-P). cost_value(irredundant,E, N, P, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,R,N,G)-P). cost_value(iterate, G, N, P, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,R,E,N)-P). cost_value(reduce2, G, N, P, costs(I,R,E,G)-P,costs(I,R,E,N)-P). sum_costs([], Cost, Cost). sum_costs([c(Input,Output)|Cs], cost(P0,In0,Out0), Cost). length(Input, LI), length(Output,LO), P1 is P0 + 1, In1 is LI + In0, Out1 is LO + 0ut0, sum_costs(Cs, cost(P1,In1,Out1), Cost).
The predicate add_to_care//0 computes the union of the logic function cover and the essential prime factors. What sounds like a complex and subtle computation turns out to be append/3 in the representation we have chosen.
add_to_care(C-pla(F0,R,D,E),C-pla(F,R,D,E)) :- append(F0, E, F).
And the cost initializer seen before is easily defined in terms of the sum_costs/7 predicate we have just seen.
init_cost(_-PLA, costs(C,C,C,C)-PLA) :- sum_costs(PLA, 0, NP, 0, NI, 0, NO), C = cost(NP, NI, NO).
More generally, Espresso computations involve things like measuring the Hamming distance between two rows (``cubes'' in boolean N-space), and computing intersections.
Cube Consensus
consensus(C, D, Consensus) :- distance(C, D, In, Out), consensus1(In, Out, C, D, Consensus). consensus1(0, 0, C, D, Consensus) :- cube_intersect(C, D, Consensus). consensus1(1, 0, C, D, Consensus) :- raised_intersection(C, D, Consensus). consensus1(0, 1, C, D, Consensus) :- lower_outputs(C, D, Consensus).
Here we justify the use of if-then-else because in simple arithmetic tests, the creation of choice points can be completely avoided.
An example of the most fundamental of the low-level operations is the computation of the Shannon co-factor of a matrix, relative to a particular positive or negative variable.
The computation of the co-factor corresponds to the following definition from [Brayton84] (They used 3 and 4 for the 0s and 1s in the output terms).
co_cover([],_,[]). co_cover([C|Cs],P,[X|Xs]) :- cofactor(C,P,X), !, co_cover(Cs,P,Xs). co_cover([_|Cs],P,Xs) :- co_cover(Cs,P,Xs). cofactor([],_,[]). cofactor([C|Cs],P,Xs) :- ( C =:= P -> Xs = Cs ; C>>1 > P>>1 -> Xs = [C|Cs] ; C>>1 < P>>1 -> Xs = [C|X1s], cofactor(Cs,P,X1s) ).
Our ``cover'' for a function is the entire matrix, where each row is a ``cube'' in the space of the boolean variables. We frequently need to compute both positive and negative Shannon co-factors of the entire matrix.
cofactors(Cover,Var,C1,C0) :- V1 is Var<<1 / 1, V0 is Var<<1 / 0, co_cover(Cover,V1,C1), co_cover(Cover,V0,C0).And a more general version of the cofactor routine is provided to accept arbitrary cubes, rather than a single variable.
gen_cofactor([],_,[]) :- !. gen_cofactor(_,[],[]) :- !. gen_cofactor([C|Cs],[F|Fs],Xs) :- ( C>>1 > F>>1 -> evaluate(default,F,X), gen_cofactor(Cs,F,X1s) ; C>>1 < F>>1 -> Xs = [C|X1s], gen_cofactor(Cs,F,X1s) ; evaluate(C,F,X) -> Xs = [X|X1s], gen_cofactor(Cs,F,X1s) ; gen_cofactor(Cs,Fs,Xs) ).The purpose of this is not to dazzle you with terminology and algorithms from the world of logic minimization, but to show how we can create an (efficient) implementation which is still very close to a mathematical description of the problem. Once you understand the matrix encoding, there is very little implementation detail to stand in the way of understanding the algorithm.
This implementation of Expresso is described in less than 1000 lines of Prolog code, compared with 11,000 lines of C code.
Wouldn't it be great if we could read and write logical forms of all formal languages as easily as we can read/1 and write/1 Prolog clauses.
Furthermore, suppose we could avoid writing the readers and writers for all the (formal) languages in the world and good get both input and output functionality from a single, declarative representation of each language's grammar.
MULTI/PLEX is a combination of two general-purpose tools which, when combined, result in a language-independent translation system. The first tool is a long-overdue version of the UNIX lex [Lesk75] program for Prolog. It is tempting, though misleading, to describe the second tool as the Prolog counterpart of YACC [Johnson78] program. The obvious objection that Prolog has little need for a parser generator is answered by pointing out a few additional features. From a single BNF-style specification of a language, MULTI creates both a parser and a pretty-printer. Furthermore, parser/generators can be constructed from the textual user specifications at run time, avoiding intermediate compilation steps.
By combining these tools in the program MULTI/PLEX, a language-independent translator is created which is driven only by the information in the user-provided language specification files. The three goals of this work can be summed up as:
Prolog can be at its best when used to manipulate formal languages, but with so many languages around, we will be spending a lot of time writing parsers and pretty-printers.
We begin by describing a complete application, consisting of only 12 lines of code, which uses the MULTI/PLEX module as a black box. This program constructs and then executes a translator for a pair of formal languages. The specifications (grammars) for these languages must construct identical parse-trees for this naive form of MULTI/PLEX to work correctly. The input to this program consists of high-level specifications which define the lexical and syntactical structure of the languages involved.
The seven phases of MULTI/PLEX
:- use_module(multi). % includes plex main(InFile, OutFile) :- name_relation(InFile, Spec, Lexer, Parser, _), consult(Spec), % CREATES PARSER AND TOKENIZER see(Input), get_file(Chars), call(Lexer, Chars, Tokens), call(Parser, Data, Tokens, []), %%%% RECONCILE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PARSE-TREES name_relation(OutFile, OutSpec, _, _, Printer), consult(OutSpec), % THIS CREATES THE PRINTER call(Printer, Data, OutChars, []), write_list(OutChars, 0).
It is quite easy to write tokenizers in Prolog by following O'Keefe's recipe for defining simple finite-automata [OKeefe90]. However, this technique has two drawbacks. One, it is a repetitive task which must be re-verified (at least partially) for each new tokenizer that is created. Two, many of the predicates require cuts to remove unnecessary choice points or have lengthy if-then-else chains to distinguish characters.
If we were to write 128 clauses for every transition, deterministically indexing on the entire ASCII character set, we would avoid the creation of choice points and eliminate the need for cuts or if-then-else constructs. Unfortunately, manually writing 128 clauses for each character class is tedious to the point of being impractical.
A PLEX specification defines patterns, goals to call when the pattern has been recognized and a term representing the object to be passed back. If the atom text appears in a goal, it will be replaced by the list of characters matching the pattern (like yytext in LEX).
lang lexicon "[ tn]+" is []; "begin" is begin ; "end" is end ; "." is '.'; ";" is ';'; "*" is '*'; "+" is '+'; "-" is '-'; "[0-9]+" is integer(N) if name(N,text); "[0-9]+.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?" is float(F) if name(F,text); "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*" is identifier(N) if name(N,text).
I did not want to solve the ``Tower of Babel'' problem by defining a new language, so I used Prolog term_expansion/2 to define a dialect of Prolog for lexical and BNF specifications. Although I use a few operator definitions, I strongly advice novice programmers to guard againts Operatitis, the disease of defining operators to make Prolog programs more like natural language. Adding operators for cosmetic reasons will make your code less readable by Prolog programmers.
term_expansion(lexicon(Lang,Rules),Module:Clauses):- ( plex:plex(Lang, Rules, Lexer) -> true ; user:message_hook('Lexicon error'(Lang), _, _) ), Clauses = [(:-no_style_check(discontiguous))|Lexer], strings:concat_atom([Lang,'_parse'], Module), Compile = Module:Clauses. term_expansion((A::=B), Clauses) :- ( multi:multiplex_expansion(A, B, Clauses) -> true ; user:message_hook('Syntax error in BNF'(Lang),_,_) ),
Code to call rule compiler and establish goals to be called in the acceptor state.
setup_rules(X is Result if Goal, In, Out) :- rule(Classes,[end(Goal,Result)], X, []), append(Classes, Out, In). setup_rules(X is Result, In, Out) :- rule(Classes,[end(true,Result)], X, []), append(Classes, Out, In). setup_rules((R;Rs)) --> setup_rules(R), setup_rules(Rs).
"[0-9]+" is integer(N) if name(N,text);
is turned into:
and when converted to primitive classes this will be:
class("0123456789",one, [class("0123456789",*, [end(name(N,text), integer(N))]) ])
Current(C,[C2|Cs],[C|T],Text,Token,Rest) :- % On Set Next(C2, Cs, T, Text, Token, Rest). Current(C, Cs, Accum, Text, Token, Rest) :- % Off Set Next(C, Cs, Accum, Text, Token, Rest). Accept(C, Cs, [], Text, Token, [C|Cs]) :- Goal.
It is interesting to see this obvious
and natural application of a state-transition design
after struggling at length with a very different application
and finally arriving at a simple state-transition model.
Next time, perhaps we should start by writing down the
state-transition model for the program rather than ``random''
xyz_file := [ library, Name ], cells, update(type,library), update(name,Name). cell := [ Type, '(' ], arguments(Params), down(Name), update(parameters,Params), [ begin, Name ], newline, indent, statements, undent, [ end ], optional([Name]), [';'], newline, up. statements := value_attribute, newline, statements. statements := cell, newline, statements. statements := [].
value_attribute := [ Name, '=' ], value(V), [ ';' ], newline, update(Name, V). value(Vs) := [ '(' ], arguments(Vs). value(V) := [ V ]. arguments([]) := [ ')' ]. arguments(V) := [ V, ')']. arguments([V|Vs]) := [ V ], more_values(Vs).End of Case Study #2
An interesting thing about the two (fairly large) software projects examined is that there is no apparent connection between them. This is good, since it makes it more likely that they can be combined into a larger program.
The data-structures that these two programs must share appear in the L'EXPRESS source code and the language specifications which are independent of the MULTI/PLEX code.
Learn to think about the components of large applications as tools and think of existing tools as potential components of a large application. We can compose elements like this to get extremely powerful programs with excellent maintainability (Both L'Express and MULTI/PLEX exist as a stand-alone programs and as library modules).
Compose Programs for functionality
De-Compose for Maintenance it (Re-Writing)
runtime_entry(start) :- unix(argv(CmdLine)), assert(type(fd)), /* default */ options(CmdLine, File), multplex_input(File, PLA0), type(Type), compute_other(Type, PLA0, PLA1), lexpress(_-PLA1, costs(_,_,_,Cost)-PLAMin), format(user_error,"Final PLA cost:~q~n",[Cost]), change_suffix(File, '.po', OutFile), multiplex_output(OutFile, PLAMin). options([], _). options([Op|Ops], File) :- option(Op, Ops, Rest), !, option(Rest, File). options([File|Ops], File) :- option(Ops, _). option('-Decho', T, T) :- assert(echo). option('-eness', T, T) :- assert(ness). option('-t', [Type|T], T) :- retract(type(_)), assert(type(Type)).
runtime_entry(start) :- unix(argv(CmdLine)), options(CmdLine, File, fd, InType), multplex_input(File, PLA0), compute_other(InType, PLA0, PLA1), lexpress(_-PLA1, costs(_,_,_,Cost)-PLAMin), format(user_error,"Final PLA cost:~q~n",[Cost]), change_suffix(File, '.po', OutFile), multiplex_output(OutFile, PLAMin). options([], _) --> []. options([Op|Ops], File) --> option(Op, Ops, Rest), !, option(Rest, File). options([File|Ops], File) --> option(Ops, File). option('-Decho', R, R) --> {assert(echo)}. option('-eness', R, R) --> {assert(ness)}. option('-t', [Type|R],R, _, Type).
The best performance monitors are those that are built into Prolog Systems. However, here is another way to measure the system resources used by a particular call.
:- op(900, fx, '$'). $ G :- init_measure(G), ( G ; finish_measure(G), fail ), backtrack_measure(G), finish_measure(G). backtrack_measure(_). backtract_measure(G) :- init_measure(G), fail.
init_measure(G) :- initial_values(G, Values), findall(stat(Type,Value), (statistic_type(Type,_), get_statistics(Type, Value)), Before), assert(measurement(G, Values, Before). initial_values(G, Values) :- retract(measurement(G, Values,_), !. initial_values(G, Values) :- findall(stat(Type,0), statistic_type(Type,_), Values). finish_measure(G) :- findall(stat(Type,Value), (statistic_type(Type,_), get_statistics(Type, Value)), After), retract(measurement(G, SoFar, Before). combine_statistics(Before, After, SoFar, Total), assert(measurement(G, Total, After)).
combine_statistics([], [], [], []). combine_statistics([A|As],[B|Bs],[P|Ps],[T|Ts]) :- combine_statistic(A, B, P, T), combine_statistics(As, Bs, Ps, Ts). combine_statistic(stat(T,Before), stat(T,After), stat(T,Prev), stat(T, Total)) :- statistic_type(T, Op), combine(Op, Before, After, Prev, Total). combine(add, Before, After, Prev, Total) :- Total is Prev + (After - Before). combine(max, _, After, Prev, Total) :- compare(Op, After, Prev), maximum(Op, After, Prev, Total). maximum(<, A, B, B). maximum(=, A, _, A). maximum(>, A, _, A).
statistic_type(runtime, add). statistic_type(global_stack, max). statistic_type(memory, max). statistic_type(local_stack, max). statistic_type(trail, max). statistic_type(garbage_collection, add). get_statistic(runtime, Value) :- statistics(runtime, [_,Value]), !. get_statistic(_, Value) :- statistics(runtime, [Value|_]).
program :- $ work(X), write(X), nl, $ work(Y), write(Y), nl.
Identifying Constant Columns
An important operation in L'Express is the identification of the constant columns of a matrix. That is, any number which appears in all rows of the matrix.
constant_columns( [[4, 9, 23, 55, 63, 107, 239], [5, 9, 31, 55, 60, 73, 82, 99, 107], [9, 23, 55, 107, 128, 512], [6, 9, 13, 17, 22, 55, 63, 107 ]], CC). CC = [ 9, 55, 107 ]
constant1(M,Cols) :- findall(Col, constant(M,Col), Cols). constant([], _). constant([R|Rs], C) :- member(C, R), constant(Rs, C). member(H,[H|_]). member(H,[_|T]) :- member(H,T).
constant2([R|Rs], Cols) :- findall(X, (member(X, R), column(Rs, X)), Cols). column([], _). column([R|Rs], I) :- item(I, R), column(Rs, I). item(I, [H|T]) :- ( I =:= H -> true ; I > H -> item(I, T) ).
constant3([R|Rs], Cols) :- constant3(R, Rs, Cols). constant3([], _, []). constant3([I|Is], Cs, Cols) :- column(Cs, I), !, Cols = [I|Xs], constant3(Is, Cs, Xs). constant3([_|Is], Cs, Cols) :- constant3(Is, Cs, Cols). column([], _). column([R|Rs], I) :- item(I, R), column(Rs, I). item(I, [H|T]) :- ( I =:= H -> true ; I > H -> item(I, T) ).
constant4([R|Rs], Cols) :- constant4(Rs, R, Cols). constant4([], Cols, Cols). constant4([C|Cs], Ref, Cols) :- intersect4(C, Ref, Result), constant4(Cs, Result, Cols). intersect4(_, [], []) :- !. intersect4([], _, []). intersect4([C|Cs], [P|Ps], Xs) :- !, (C =:= P -> Xs = [C|X1s], intersect4(Cs,Ps,X1s) ; C > P -> intersect4([C|Cs], Ps, Xs) ; intersect4(Cs,[P|Ps], Xs) ).
constant5([R|Rs], Cols) :- constant5(Rs, R, Cols). constant5([], Cols, Cols). constant5([C|Cs], Ref, Cols) :- intersect5(C, Ref, Result), constant5(Cs, Result, Cols). intersect5([C|Cs], [P|Ps], Xs) :- !, (C =:= P -> Xs = [C|X1s], intersect5(Cs,Ps,X1s) ; C > P -> intersect5([C|Cs], Ps, Xs) ; intersect5(Cs,[P|Ps], Xs) ). intersect5(_, [], []) :- !. intersect5([], _, []).
constant6([R|Rs], Cols) :- constant6(Rs, R, Cols). constant6([], Cols, Cols). constant6([C|Cs], Ref, Cols) :- intersect6(C, Ref, Result), constant6(Cs, Result, Cols). intersect6([], _, []). intersect6([C|Cs], Ref, Result) :- intersect6(Ref, C, Cs, Result). intersect6([], _, _, []). intersect6([P|Ps], C, Cs, Xs) :- (C =:= P -> Xs = [C|X1s], intersect6(Cs,Ps,X1s) ; C > P -> intersect6(Ps, C, Cs, Xs) ; intersect6(Cs,[P|Ps], Xs) ).
In scenerio 1, there are only a few constant columns near the left side of the matrix.
constant1 687 constant2 216 constant2a 170 constant3 218 constant3a 172 constant4 105 constant5 108 constant6 126
But in scenerio 2, the rightmost column in the matrix is constant, eliminating the gains of our ``clever'' algorithms.
constant1 704 constant2 1030 constant2a 782 constant3 1032 constant3a 784 constant4 1427 constant5 1397 constant6 1672Constant1 is much too expensive in scenario 1, so this is probably unacceptable, but constant2 is only twice as expensive as the best version and it is second best in scenario 2.
item(I, [H|T]) :- ( I =:= H -> true ; I > H -> item(I, T) ).
New version of item/2 using compare/3 and indexing.
item(I, [H|T]) :- compare(Op, I, H), item(Op, I, T). item(=, _, _). item(>, I, T) :- item(I,T).
constant2([R|Rs], Cols) :- findall(X, (member(X, R), column(Rs, X)), Cols). column([], _). column([R|Rs], I) :- item(I, R), column(Rs, I). item(I, [H|T]) :- compare(Op, I, H), item(Op, I, T). item(=, _, _). item(>, I, T) :- item(I,T).
SICStus PoorMan (1000x) constant1 687 290 constant2a 170 83 constant3a 172 75 constant4 105 47 constant5 108 45 constant6 126 39
SICStus PoorMan (1000x) constant1 704 257 constant2a 782 371 constant3a 784 362 constant4 1427 542 constant5 1397 492 constant6 1672 520