The Milford Track is often classified as best walk in the
world. Entry is restricted to 40 Trampers a day plus another 40
people doing the guided walk (if you are willing to cough up 1500NZ$).
The track starts at Glads house Jetty on Lake Te Anau, follows the Clinton
Valley up to MacKinnon Pass and continues the Arthur Valley down to
Sandfly Point at Milford Sound.
The short side trip from Quintin Hut to the Sutherland falls (500m) is
a must.
Overall the track is 56km long, takes 4 days, and is easy.
The third day over the pass might be hard for beginners, so start early!
The huts on the track are pure luxury and the hut wardens
extremely helpful. Overall extremly recommendable for inexperienced walkers.
View from MacKinnon pass down Arthur Valley.
Evening at Milford Sound. To the left you can see the magnificent Mitre Peak.
Mackay Falls on the way from Dumbling Hut to Sandfly Point.
The bottom step of the Sutherland Falls, which is with 502m the forth highest waterfall in the world. If you have a close look at the bottom left corner you can see me taking a cool shower.
Having a nice relaxing swim in a tarn on top of MacKinnon Pass. If you will ever come here please remember that tarns have no water circulation. So never use soap or any other detergents since their traces are visible for months and detroys other trampers experience.
View of the Sutherland Falls on the way down from MacKinnon Pass. Inbetween the mountain range in the back lies Lake Quill.
The word famous postcard view from MacKinnon pass.