Computer Science

Tests and Exams:
Semester 1, City Campus

This 2015 material - 2016 on Canvas

A pass in both coursework and the exam is required to pass this paper. This means if you get less than 50% in the assignments you may fail the paper regardless of your examination mark.

Test - 15%

The test (50 mins actual test time) will be on Thursday 23 April (that's week 6, which this year is after the break) from 6pm-7.30pm.

Room allocations will be by surname (family name). Please report to the room corresponding to your surname - we have only just enough seats to fit the enrollment.

Be ready to enter the room at 6pm, but wait until you are asked to enter. Staff will be preparing the room from just before 6pm and will let you know when it's ready and then call you in. Closed-book testing protocol: turn off phones and leave your things at the front of the room except for pens, pencils, a ruler and your student ID; find a seat; leave the test booklet face down until instructed.

Please report to the appropriate room based on your surname:

  • Conference Centre Lecture Theatre/423-342: Aaa-Fit
  • Eng3407/403-407: Fre-Koo
  • MLT2/303-102: Kot-Pas
  • PLT2/303-G02: Pau-Tay
  • SLT1/303-G01: Te -Zzz

Format: Short answers and some longer responses (similar format to last year).

Model Answers: For 2015.

Previous tests: Note that we continue to update the course from year to year, so the test content will be a little different to previous years. Nonetheless, particularly the most recent years give a good indication of both content and format. Model Answers for 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007

Cheating Policy

Be sure that you do not contravene the department Academic honesty policy.

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